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Discussion The Mystery of the Misty Forest


Master of the Elements
I expect that more and more people will have significant buffers of available provinces in the end game on a going forward basis.
I expect to get my buffer back too. I will make a point to not use any in the next event and not clear any others in between. Then I will be back on an even keel.

My only point was a more general one about scouting times inevitably increasing forever, but the quests that ask for those provinces or relics are getting more and more numerous. I really hope that they're giving some serious thought to how the quest list can change. In one way they have done something right in making an event which doesn't rely on big shanty towns being built, doesn't create a demand for spoilers, and yet can occupy a bit more time than the quest lists of old - I just don't think it's being executed quite right still.


Absolutely useless and dreadful Q&A, they did not answer any serious questions (about tournaments), just greeted people and read only positive comments, according to Elvenar devs, everyone loves current event :rolleyes:. I mean, why even bother to sit there for 30 min and insult our intelligence with those answers...


Absolutely useless and dreadful Q&A, they did not answer any serious questions (about tournaments), just greeted people and read only positive comments, according to Elvenar devs, everyone loves current event :rolleyes:. I mean, why even bother to sit there for 30 min and insult our intelligence with those answers...

It has been mentioned before, but the Q&A is really not a Q&A. It's an orchestrated propaganda moment, basically it's like a long commercial for Inno.


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Please bear in mind that a Q&A about the Misty Forest event, will be based on the event, rather than anything else game related.


Well, they did answer questions about search for FSs on the app and oversupply of scrolls (apparently they're aware of that problem lol), those are not event related questions. So why didn't they answer any tournament questions?


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Yeah we all know everyone's aware of the Scrolls problem. They would be asked to keep to the subject.
They are aware that the community has been asking about the Scrolls situation for about a year now, so I would guess they would try and mention this out of the hundrerds of questions they get.
The two devlopers that were in the Q&A are involved in the events (nothing to do with the Tournament), which is why they were doing this about the event and asking for feedback and ideas from players to make improvements.


So, does it mean that after a year of us asking about tournaments situation, they will finally reply jibba-jabba on the issue in one of their cringeworthy Q&As? Well I for one am not going to stick around to witness it. I have no respect for the company that doesn't know how to do business.


It looks like the devs are struggling with ideas for quests. The majority of the quests for this event seem to be to collect relics, gain supplies and gain goods with a few other ones thrown in here and there.


Master of the Elements
It looks like the devs are struggling with ideas for quests. The majority of the quests for this event seem to be to collect relics, gain supplies and gain goods with a few other ones thrown in here and there.
I agree. I think I said somewhere why I think they've done it (i.e. quests that take time that don't lead to sprawling shanty towns), but they have to find a way to make it more interesting. On a couple of occasions there are literally back to back quests just asking for more goods.

I never much liked the whole pre-planning, building hundreds of little manus type events, but on reflection it was more entertaining then just cycling through the same four or five quests for a couple of weeks, either completing them straight away or just waiting for the next tournament or goods collection. The worst part is that absolutely no thought needs to go into it... so really they might as well not even be there.


I agree with Lelanya on this one, I think that quests are fine now, as fine as you can expect from unimaginative team, that don't have a passion for their own game. It's the constant nerfing of prizes
that really bothers me. Now we know for sure that different teams work on different parts of the game, do these teams communicate with each other at all? It feels like all they have is a managerial direction "nerf everything you can", but apart from that no real discussion of how things will change for us, players, after those changes.


I don't think the endless demand for encounters and relics has delighted players since the beginning of the game - how many of them have the required number of conquered provinces?


I very rarely do not have provinces to solve, unless I have just arrived in a few chapter and pushed myself to get there. If I unadvisedly did such a thing to get a better grand prize, right around when the required provinces to open a new chapter jumped by another 10, I might be a bit short. But hey, better get scouting, I suppose.
There is neighbourly help, tournament and Magic Academy for alternative sources of relics and spells, and also Spire for spells. Every feature in the game has its uses, we just need to be strategic.

Sir Derf

Well, now that I've started actually playing in the forest, I think I see why no one has posted map-clearing stats. Keeping track of relevent information takes too much time. I started keeping track of which light source I used, what I uncovered, how much I abandoned, etc. That fell to the wayside pretty quickly.

My observation, so far I've used my initial supplies and made a single bundle purchase, and I've found 17 cats and I think 6 chests. It's hard to judge since it is so early, and the initial supply of light sources skews my payment/reward ratio... I think I'm within believable bounds on cats/currency compared to earlier events...

Sir Derf

Also, I did notice a lost square on my map. A trio of obstacles in a triangle against the bottom of the map surrounded a dark and unobtainable square. Who knows what could have been there? A free lantern? 20 cats? Nothing?


This event is all about cats, chests, skulls, cauldrons etc The daily prize list is more or less irrelevant. The chance of getting one is so random and so small that it just isn't worth saving up to attack certain days. Just attacked 2 specific days with over 1000 thingys to buy light sources each, and got nowhere. So now I'm ignoring the daily prizes - which generally aren't that great anyway, and just spend as I obtain to get the minor prizes on the mist forest map.


Master of the Elements
Well, now that I've started actually playing in the forest, I think I see why no one has posted map-clearing stats. Keeping track of relevent information takes too much time.
Also, one reason that people aren't coming up with data is they may not have actually started playing it. So far (on Live) I had a little tickle at it one day and won the mini scarecrow, because I think that's quite cute, but otherwise I've realised there isn't a single daily prize that I want. I will end up sinking all my currency into the day with Dr Freakenspleen... and that's only because I already have that building so I will collect a few spares so that I can demolish it at will for a Fellowship Adventure.


I'm not even bothering now to gain the items needed. When I get them from normal game playing then I have a go. It's been as dismal as the forest itself. I could cope with the final prize of a ferris wheel if there were decent incentives along the way but most of the squares have turned up blank.