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Discussion The Mystery of the Misty Forest


The WORST prize interface to date, I thought the last defunct iteration was bad but this one is a joke!!!!
I've been playing for 4+ years and this will be the first time in longer than I can remember that I will not be able to accumulate enough tokens to fully evolve the Grand Prize,
I fully understand how the interface works and in my view it is badly designed with very little thought given to how we as players can achieve the ultimate goal without doling out diamonds....I might just take my ball (and money) and go play elsewhere


I have so far in every single event waited for a good or at least useful daily prize to spend my currency. This time there is not a single one of the smallest use to me so I am using light sources as they come.

I calculate with 20 cats per big pack of light sources. I have so far gotten 7 hats, which means I only need 3 or 4 more big packs out of the remaining daily quests and freebies.

But I am biased on Cats only, I don´t bother with any of the chests, of course the ones that get accidentally uncovered will be automatically collected when the screen moves on, so I did end up getting i think something like 5 daily prizes so far and of course some of the other prizes, which there seem to be mostly KP in various amounts and an occasional troop instant or coin rain for me, but I may be off there, as I said I hardly pay attention... to anything but Cats.


It's just not very fun to play. The prizes aren't that great but it's just not fun. Perhaps not make any more like this one? Just giving my feedback.


I’ve got to the point where only one event quest a day is open to me so that’s slowed me down, and I only got evolved to level 5 so far. Not sure I’m gonna get all the hats so hope that I’ll be able to craft hats in the MA if I miss some!


Master of the Elements
I'm sure this has been said many times already, but here's another one...

I finished last week's tournament on Friday morning, then shortly after I got a quest asking for "solve 6 encounters of 6 tournament encounters". With no provinces available and three and a half days until the scout finishes, that's not necessarily a great quest combination.

It doesn't actually matter because there's loads of time to complete the quests and they're so mind-numbing that having a four day break is no problem for me, but do the devs actually intend for people to have this much downtime during an event?
So just to continue my (light-hearted) whingeing about quests... Once I was finally able to get through a bunch more quests after last week's tournament started, I then got right back to where I was. On Thursday morning the Spire and tournament was done and I immediately got another "complete 8 encounters" quest. I completed that with the new province, which finally finished scouting, only to then get a "gain 12 relics" quest. I just left it be and gradually picked them up. It was eventually done and literally the very next quest asked me to gain 12 more relics. This time I sped things up by finding a couple of relics recipes to craft, but that took a couple of days anyway. As soon as that one was completed the next quest is "complete 10 spire or province encounters". So by this point I am just laughing. I'm done with the Spire for this week. My next province will finish scouting in another day if I want to use that, but I'm pretty much waiting until Sunday to be able to complete another quest now.

I'm not saying I'm in a particular hurry... This type of quest cycling is just dull though.


Inno really buggered up the reward chests... They make it harder to find, costlier to get to, and then reduced the chance of actually getting it. They fill the chest with garbage like troop instants and spells. I can train those troops myself. I can make those spells myself. Nothing. NOTHING, in those chests are worth it. The new buildings are largely useless. Aesthetically dull and low on utility. Somewhere, in the bowels of Inno they have misplaced generosity and goodwill with greed and grubbiness.

This whole event is utter garbage.

I don't think anyone appreciates this kind of INNOvation. No amount of new-fangled excitement can be justified with this horrible treatment from the company.

I want each of my actions to count towards progression. This is a basic concept of compensation. Do something, get something. Who in the development team thought it'd be fun to make players light squares aimlessly? I hate lighting up squares that do nothing.

Please, real life is difficult enough. Why make a game stressful?


Absolutely awful event, the worst ever. It's over complicated and with very poor rewards, if you manage to get any at all that is.

Inno, what with this and the recent tournaments fiasco, I sincerely think you’ve lost you way.
Stuck in a Misty Forest without any candles are we?


I’ve got to the point where only one event quest a day is open to me so that’s slowed me down, and I only got evolved to level 5 so far. Not sure I’m gonna get all the hats so hope that I’ll be able to craft hats in the MA if I miss some!
I'm the same! I've done the quests fast with only 6 left till 75 and they're delaying me! why don't they keep the quests coming so you can keep going as much as you can. At this rate its going to take a few days to get enough ingredients to get lights and by then it'll be over. I also agree the daily prizes come up so little compared to the last event. I'm missing out on loads of dailies anyway because i'm stopped from progressing in quests.


this event is soooooooooo rubbish!!!!!!! i thought the events had already got bad enough but this one takes the cake!
I've found myself just abandoning it as there is nothing but instants to be gained from it


I have rather different feedback on the Misty Forest Event from the general consensus here, but this is for a few quite personal reasons, so I don't expect to find much agreement. Still, I have never yet provided any Event Feedback, and I may as well start now - if only because the Servers are so unreliable tonight (frequently down, and if not, I'm seeing 'Stream Error' every few minutes, or even back-to-back), so I'm at a bit of a nocturnal loose end.

Firstly : I am perhaps in a minority in that I am not yet tired of seeing Evolving Buildings as Grand Prizes in Events, and I have, in fact, always preferred them to the larger footprint of Sets - which I often feel 'obliged' to place if their output is good enough (even with additional Set parts, if I can win them), even though this compromises my self-limited space. Another reason why I prefer Evolving Buildings is the fact that their generally smaller-than-Sets footprint means that those which are outstanding are cheaper to upgrade in terms of RRs than most Sets. It is also much easier to place several 4 x 4 Evolving Buildings in a row than it is to try to fit odd-shaped Sets around other Buildings; as a person who really does not enjoy the obligatory rearrangement of buildings due to size/shape Chapter-based changes, this is a third advantage. For these same reasons, and if the choice is between nothing but Evolving Buildings or Sets in terms of Grand Prizes, I would prefer Evolving Buildings to continue to be offered. Of course, if a new and better alternative is offered, I am not so fond of Evolving Buildings that I would wish them to be retained instead.

Secondly : I am probably in an even smaller minority in that I have played a very similar version of the Misty Forest Maze game in other online games for long enough (the idea has been around for at least four years) that I understand well how to use the Lights, which prizes are worth revealing with Lights, etc. For this reason - and with apologies to Fate, whom I am not trying to tempt! - I anticipate earning enough Cats to fully evolve the Witch's Hut, and if I should fall short, I am fortunate to be in a supportive Fellowship which usually does well in FAs, so there is that option (although I am in the majority which believes that it should never be actually necessary to obtain missing Artifacts by this route; if an Event requires Artifacts, or anything else, then it should be possible for all players to obtain all such items from the Event itself, not by another and unrelated method).

Thirdly, and due to a combination of (a) pre-knowing how the Misty Forest Maze works; (b) having the good fortune to be online often enough to complete all Event Quests in good time and also to collect a reasonable number of City-scattered Event Currency; (c) determined self-rationing of attempts at the Forest Maze to only those days with the four or five statistically best Daily Prizes available; and (d) last but not at all least, having good fortune with RNG (for once! I usually fail badly there...), I have actually managed to win, so far, 6 x Daily Prizes which I very much wanted, including 2 x double identical Buildings (intentionally), as well as a decent number of KPs and a few handy Troop Instants, which I find quite useful now that the Tournaments require even more Troops than the Spire (and, for me, all of the Barracks Ranged types, which Troop Instants can provide). Once again with a plea to Fate not to stomp on my success so far, I hope to win perhaps one or the other of the final two Buildings I have in my sights, since I still have some Lights, plus enough Event Currency left (and still yet to earn) to be able to buy another 2+ large packs of Lights.

None of the above is intended to annoy or to 'gloat at' those players who do not have the unfair and arbitrary advantages of (a) long practice with Misty Forest Maze-type games, (b) more time online than most can devote, and/or (c) random luck in the RNG rolls which award the Daily Prizes, and as well as some 'filler' prizes which I find useful, I have also won more 'fillers' which I do not find of use, especially small Coin and Supplies Instants and Runes for AWs which I will never place. I am simply giving honest Feedback from my own perspective, and if I could share the luck around, I certainly would. As a side-note, I am not a fan of the use of RNG in the awarding of any Event Prizes, in any game, but I am certain that InnoGames will continue to use the RNG system, even though I am just as certain that offering 100% chances to obtain each Daily Prize at a fixed Event Currency price would make the majority of the playerbase generally happier and more Event-positive. I assume that the RNG system raises a lot of revenue, because it is genuinely thrilling or pleasing only for those who like to gamble, which is not a common trait in players of a slow strategy game.

Finally, I know that I will be in the large majority when I say that I very much appreciate the artwork of this Event, and I particularly like the Witch's Hut, which not only looks lovely and acceptably 'complete' at all of its stages of Evolution (as is rare for Evolving Buildings), but which is the most attractive Evolving Building - and one of the most attractive Buildings of any kind in the game, in my view - which we have yet seen. The other new Buildings on offer as Daily Prizes are also conspicuously excellent in their artwork, and I would like to join those who have already congratulated the game's graphic artists. However, and precisely because the artwork is so good this time, I do have one complaint about the Event, which is the fact that I have not felt able to try to win any of the newly designed Event buildings, due to (a) the mainly very low chances of winning any Daily Prizes (the lowest chances, overall, of any Event in the past 2½ years), and (b) the fact that the returning older Buildings are all superior in statistics, some of them very much so, to any of the newly designed Buildings. This is a great shame, and I do think it is long past time for the artists' consistently excellent work to be matched by stats which make the new Buildings - which they so carefully design - mathematically worth placing in one's always-limited City space.

Overall, and with the provisos that the chances of winning Daily Prizes are far too low, the 'filler' prizes are too much on the low-value side in return for the (considerable) effort of winning them, and the system of awarding Daily Prizes by RNG at all should, I believe, be replaced by 'buying' them at fixed, pre-stated Event Currency prices, I would prefer to see this type of Event over any other type of Event which has yet appeared in the game.

I am aware that this type of Event has been ported across from FoE (as is much of Elvenar, and as more probably will be), but still, I am grateful to the developers and designers for introducing something which I personally find much more enjoyable than the 'Three Chests' system. I have nothing good to say about the notorious 'shuffleboard' system, although I am sure my view on this will have no influence on whether it reappears or not.

As ever, apologies for the very long post... if anyone has actually managed to wade through it and get this far! :)
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82 hours scout time! I thought I had to wait forever at 19hrs so puts it into perspective lol.
And it doesn't count toward a new expansion. There is no reason whasoever why we cannot expand up into the blank areas of the map when we achieve a certain level. 82 hours scout time for 8 relics which are expensive to obtain does nothing but destroy the incentive to strive forwards.


And it doesn't count toward a new expansion. There is no reason whasoever why we cannot expand up into the blank areas of the map when we achieve a certain level. 82 hours scout time for 8 relics which are expensive to obtain does nothing but destroy the incentive to strive forwards.

The new chapter just added another province expansion, if that is what you mean?

But I don´t see the problem, even if you don´t get more exansions. Sending out scouts is just another resource production like all the others. You send the scout and you get resources back after a while, they don´t even decay. You have all the relics and KP and encounters sitting there until you need them, then you use them. The costs are rather close to nothing (bit of gold), the production time is long, sure but we hardly need zillions of them. The "activation cost" is somewhat higher, but it mostly depends on how your city is setup. Post fighting and catering are options and either way the costs are far lower than tourney encounters if one plays tourneys a bit more seriously. Where´s the problem?


Yay event is finished, I just got my which hat number 9! Guess I´ll be opening a couple skulls for troop instants from now on? haven´t even thought of it yet...


Hm or maybe a second building? I´ll still get the 2 hats from the FA, maybe that´s worth something? Anyone got any thoughts?


Personally, I was targeting the particular buildings that I had won from past events (so I could upgrade them). I did not try at all for the hats. I was able to save up lighting packs and got everything that I cared for. The rest is gravy, for me. But I think I will continue to go for buildings as I can, to wrap up the rest of the event.

Note: I save my RR spells for structures that are not duplicated (after 4-5 years of play).


Inno really buggered up the reward chests... They make it harder to find, costlier to get to, and then reduced the chance of actually getting it. They fill the chest with garbage like troop instants and spells. I can train those troops myself. I can make those spells myself. Nothing. NOTHING, in those chests are worth it. The new buildings are largely useless. Aesthetically dull and low on utility. Somewhere, in the bowels of Inno they have misplaced generosity and goodwill with greed and grubbiness.

This whole event is utter garbage.

I don't think anyone appreciates this kind of INNOvation. No amount of new-fangled excitement can be justified with this horrible treatment from the company.

I want each of my actions to count towards progression. This is a basic concept of compensation. Do something, get something. Who in the development team thought it'd be fun to make players light squares aimlessly? I hate lighting up squares that do nothing.

Please, real life is difficult enough. Why make a game stressful?
I have 4 hats but no spells and no troop instants. Just a few coin refills, some KP the witch hut and another building.


The new chapter just added another province expansion, if that is what you mean?

But I don´t see the problem, even if you don´t get more exansions. Sending out scouts is just another resource production like all the others. You send the scout and you get resources back after a while, they don´t even decay. You have all the relics and KP and encounters sitting there until you need them, then you use them. The costs are rather close to nothing (bit of gold), the production time is long, sure but we hardly need zillions of them. The "activation cost" is somewhat higher, but it mostly depends on how your city is setup. Post fighting and catering are options and either way the costs are far lower than tourney encounters if one plays tourneys a bit more seriously. Where´s the problem?

The problem is decreasing motivation to progress. Eventually, you will not be able to open a new expansion after completing a certain number of provinces beause there is a limit. You have to buy them with diamonds. The new chapter will offer 3 more which is good and I have no problem working for them. The other problem is that there is a lot of space on the map that could be innovatively developed but it isn't. I accept that at some stage there will be no room left but for now I see a lot of wasted opportunity. On a positive note, perhaps the developers have something in store for down the track. For now, in F world I am only scouting to get relics and provinces for quests and storage. It all feels a bit depressing atm to be honest because this quest has been a total dog's breakfast. As another player pointed out, many are here to get away from the stress of real life. If they log onto a game that isn't fun, they will leave. First rule of business is to keep the customers happy. Many people are not happy, not just me.


Just to be clear. I enjoy a challenge and I don't mind working hard or playing aggressively. But this is a magical 'space' and so everything should be possible, and right now it isn't. I just feel the developers are not being very innovative or imaginative.