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Beta Fellowship Adventures


That’s pretty comprehensive thanks, I’ll save it as a reminder for the team when we do the next FA :)

The only additions/clarifications I might suggest are:
(1) doing NH on everybody showing on your World Map, not just those who’ve NHd you
(2) once you get notified that the FA will start soon, stop collecting coins from your residences so you get a large amount when you collect after the FA begins
(3) change the name of your village asking for NH to be directed at MH first.

3? the main hall can hold a max of 20 helps, a big culture surplus by using PP far surpasses the 5% of coin capacity per help, the culture bonus can go north of 300% or more and lasts 48h per PP on each culture building adding a 5% bonus each time meaning far more coins in the run of the adventure, also adds more supplies so when you teleport out all your manu's except the T1 boost you can use the massive excess of coins and supplies in the trader to keep them coming, a high level BTG helps massively in this case.

Never understood why the odd player or two in my fellowship asks for direct help on the Main Hall rather than upping the culture bonus on every residence for every collect meaning a lot more coins.
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Never understood why the odd player or two in my fellowship asks for direct help on the Main Hall rather than upping the culture bonus on every residence for every collect meaning a lot more coins.
Actually, all my big WS and residences are also teleported for FA time, if there are one or two residences left, it doesn't help much. So that big culture bonus doesn't give me more coins and tools, that's why I prefer MH help, which still has a little benefit


3? the main hall can hold a max of 20 helps, a big culture surplus by using PP far surpasses the 5% of coin capacity per help, the culture bonus can go north of 300% or more and lasts 48h per PP on each culture building adding a 5% bonus each time meaning far more coins in the run of the adventure, also adds more supplies so when you teleport out all your manu's except the T1 boost you can use the massive excess of coins and supplies in the trader to keep them coming, a high level BTG helps massively in this case.

Never understood why the odd player or two in my fellowship asks for direct help on the Main Hall rather than upping the culture bonus on every residence for every collect meaning a lot more coins.
True, but I up my own culture using the culture spells that I always have over 1000 of since I only use them during the FA, and when the MH has been fully helped culture is the next choice on my village name ‍:)


Actually, all my big WS and residences are also teleported for FA time, if there are one or two residences left, it doesn't help much. So that big culture bonus doesn't give me more coins and tools, that's why I prefer MH help, which still has a little benefit
I used to teleport my residences for the FA too, but since the high demands on coins I’ve started teleporting my big workshops and non-basic good manufactories instead :)


Beta is getting a FA, starting on 20th July



Another round of FA has been announced on Beta today and it seems it will start during their current event, lol
The mods have made it clear though that it won't happen on live servers, it's just so they can check it all works well before they head off for the holidays.
Ofc this means that we will probably have an FA after the current winter event. And there I was naively hoping that they have finally reduced it to a reasonable 1 FA every 3 events.... sigh...


I liked your comment not because I actually like the message but we're a bit thin on options to acknowledge that we've read your comment and appreciate that you posted it which means the only ways are to like it or post a reply which will send a notification to everyone who's interacted on this thread.
I should probably go find some punctuation :-D


I liked your comment not because I actually like the message but we're a bit thin on options to acknowledge that we've read your comment and appreciate that you posted it which means the only ways are to like it or post a reply which will send a notification to everyone who's interacted on this thread.
I should probably go find some punctuation :-D
I do like to see some punctuation being sprinkled here and there :)


Fellowship Adventures has been slated to commence for live servers on Thursday, January 11th
So this means that beta FA has completed? Thursday 11/01 is the real thing?

I haven't seen any 'locked' symbol on my city map yet. o_O

I'm guessing then that the announcement has gone out on discord. Bah, humbug!


So this means that beta FA has completed? Thursday 11/01 is the real thing?

I haven't seen any 'locked' symbol on my city map yet. o_O

I'm guessing then that the announcement has gone out on discord. Bah, humbug!
FA. Discord. Makes sense ;-)


I haven't seen any 'locked' symbol on my city map yet. o_O

I'm guessing then that the announcement has gone out on discord. Bah, humbug!
I'm gonna guess we won't see the lock symbol until 2 days before actual start and as for the announcement, I noticed it was in the news after I had posted the start date here....it seems whatever news we receive under the horn no longer gets a pop up notifying us that there is new news

p.s. iDavis has the start date posted on their page, that is where I got it from