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Beta Fellowship Adventures


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Do you know what date it will start on live?
This is just me surmising (and certainly not official) but I would say around the 11th April going by previous Adventure Starts....


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Hopefully not! The current Event isn't due to finish until the morning of the 2nd April (CEST) so I can't imagine them being evil enough to begin the Adventure a couple of days afterwards.... BUT, I do recall them doing that in recent History! AND it's been known to begin on a Friday before. That being said, under "normal" circumstances we have around a week between Events and Adventures, so that's my reasoning for the 11th!

Fingers crossed!


I've decided to opt out of future FAs. They're just not worth the stress and disruption to my cities. I hope I can persuade the other members of my fellowships to do the same, so I don't feel guilty about not helping. But guilt or not I'm not taking part any more.


I'll chuck them a couple of badges each day, but my city is now dedicated to my new Guest Race, so they may just have to whistle Dixie. :)
Unless... one of your mages, who just happens also to be a bit of an FA enthusiast, has had the good fortune to recently finished chapter 17, is about to finish all necessary upgrades and city re-arranging and will have all the space in the world by the time FA hits us. Just a theory... ;)


Funny thing is, half the badges, ok I did not count, is about doing well in tourney and spire. Anyone can get badges and contribute, even without going extreme and demolishing cities. I may not personally know a certain mage and her zealots, but Sir Skyrider, I think you are in for a ride. :)


Funny thing is, half the badges, ok I did not count, is about doing well in tourney and spire. Anyone can get badges and contribute, even without going extreme and demolishing cities. I may not personally know a certain mage and her zealots, but Sir Skyrider, I think you are in for a ride. :)
A very good point @BlueBlou. :)

It's usually the nasty badges such as Blacksmiths and Arcane Residue that create the most angst.

I will try to avoid the insane 'ride' by moving myself to the back of the queue. :p



As yet unmentioned is the, um, lack of any real information. We are seeing a lot of this tactic on Beta over the last two years.  Someone likes to drop an incomplete Announcement on the Beta staff at the end of the business week (probably after drinking strawberry beer in the cantina all afternoon). So at first we were getting Sorcerer's Trial Artifacts, but then those were deleted, as was the original wording, "content of the Tome of Wisdom ". And yes no information on what type of FA (hey y'all, could be version C or D), or whether this is a tactless early April Fool's joke , seeing as the Phoenix event is running until the 11th. :rolleyes:

Don't worry, I and others have requested clarification.
Inno doesn’t do April fool’s jokes.

Please don’t give them credit or an excuse.

The lack of information is intentional.

Furthermore, they never waited to edit my posts. Infer the delay is their way of saying something against the forum rules to the rest of us trying to play the right way.

They couldn’t wait to push discord but can’t make a simple announcement.

Conclusion: if they didn’t mess up, the forum posts would be non existent. As a result, they drop the ball to create feedback then target the messenger (s).

Finally, Inno had no trouble getting the 100% and 200% diamonds discount. Trust me, those were complete, thorough, and timely.

Thanks for all you do Lelanya!


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Hopefully not! The current Event isn't due to finish until the morning of the 2nd April (CEST) so I can't imagine them being evil enough to begin the Adventure a couple of days afterwards.... BUT, I do recall them doing that in recent History! AND it's been known to begin on a Friday before. That being said, under "normal" circumstances we have around a week between Events and Adventures, so that's my reasoning for the 11th!

Fingers crossed!

Remember when I said I couldn't imagine them being evil..... it didn't age well :oops:

It seems the 4th April is the launch date for the next Adventure!

Kind Regards (don't hurt me)
