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Beta Fellowship Adventures


The Forum Mother's Mother
Elvenar Team
For all things related to Fellowship Adventures on our Beta server.


New Values January 2021 - vision vapor now 9 not 10. Goods amounts for bracelets also reduced by about 15% or so.
Enchantments can now be used or disenchanted.




Stage 1

1 x Ancient Knowledge 10
Carting Library
10 x Booster 10 minutes

Stage 2
2 x Ancient Knowledge 20
Watchful Winter Owl Artifact
15 x Booster 30 minutes

Stage 3
Ferris Wheel Galore
Watchful Winter Owl Artifact
25 x Booster 45 minutes


More info here: https://tinyurl.com/yxsvyebf

Stage one is identical to last time:
The Complete Stage Map and Spreadsheet will probably be unchanged too.



Master of the Elements
Following recent patterns it's probably unlikely it will be the 25th because they don't like it ending at the weekend. If I was a betting man I would guess that it's going to start on Thursday 21st.


On German server we already got the announcement. It said the fellowship adventure starts on Tuesday the 19th. Considering it usually starts the same on all live servers, I expect FA here at the same day.

Hmm, this technically isn’t “news from beta”. Hopefully I won’t get into trouble with Silmaril. ;-)


Mother of the Forum!
Elvenar Team
On German server we already got the announcement. It said the fellowship adventure starts on Tuesday the 19th. Considering it usually starts the same on all live servers, I expect FA here at the same day.

Hmm, this technically isn’t “news from beta”. Hopefully I won’t get into trouble with Silmaril. ;-)

Im telling!!! :p


On German server we already got the announcement. It said the fellowship adventure starts on Tuesday the 19th. Considering it usually starts the same on all live servers, I expect FA here at the same day.

Hmm, this technically isn’t “news from beta”. Hopefully I won’t get into trouble with Silmaril. ;-)

I would n´t bet on it. 5 days notice? sound more like an accident. Since noone else has received the notice I doubt it was intentional, but who knows... Maybe the date is correct and only the notification is an accident?
19th would be the earliest possible, 1 week after beta, and since we haven´t had an event in a long time, they may want to push for that.


So it's been confirmed that the FA is to start on Tuesday. But it says there will be new adventure items and quests. But, other than a few tweaks, there's not been anything new in beta. I take it they've used the same wording as last time without thinking.


So it's been confirmed that the FA is to start on Tuesday. But it says there will be new adventure items and quests. But, other than a few tweaks, there's not been anything new in beta. I take it they've used the same wording as last time without thinking.


Beta server has been showing Maintenance all day long!
I finally got in by using this link:
(as opposed to the zz1 bookmarked link we usually use)

There is a **Fellowship Adventures **starting on Friday on Beta World - I will post a Note with all the information as soon as we know more!!
It looks like it may be the same as the last one - to be confirmed once it starts on Friday.
Here is a link to the last one, for you to look at for now: https://tinyurl.com/yxsvyebf



Here are the prizes for the FA

Stage 1

  • 1 x Ancient Knowledge 15
  • Carting Library
  • 10 x Boosters 10 minutes
Stage 2
  • 3 x Ancient Knowledge 20
  • Carnival Artifact
  • 15 x Boosters 30 minutes
Stage 3
  • Ferris Wheel Galore
  • Carnival Artifact
  • 25 x Boosters 45 minutes
You are welcome to share this link to our FA Notes with friends and Fellowship:
Stage One has been verified and Stage Two will be added tomorrow.


The format is virtually identical to the one in January, except that Bracelets are about 10% cheaper:
