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Beta Fellowship Adventures


I think it's the same as before isn't it? They've even used the same silly wording which doesn't give the start time. They just say "Thursday CET", but they give an ending time, which is 6pm in the UK, the same as previous ones.
Oh, ok, I read it in a hurry and must have read it wrong, I thought 19h CET was the start time. Looks like I was dreaming after all, lol :D


Is that an actual staring time that I see? Am I dreaming? :D And It's an evening one, which is much better than the morning one (well at least for those of us in the UK, CET and EET time )

it´s funny I made the exactly same mistake for some reason, lucky my wife isn´t as dense as I am and set me straight again lol.


it´s funny I made the exactly same mistake for some reason, lucky my wife isn´t as dense as I am and set me straight again lol.
Haha, I guess we saw what we wanted to see :D Plus I thought they were giving us a later start time bc of the late announcement...


Haha, I guess we saw what we wanted to see :D Plus I thought they were giving us a later start time bc of the late announcement...

It´s all psychology I am sure :)


Master of the Elements
Lol we just finished ours last week it feels like...
Yeah there's quite a big time gap between Beta and Live right now. On Live we still have nearly 15 days of the event left to go, so the FA is possibly still at least 3 weeks away.


Looking at the start date, maybe Inno are taking the players for Fools, pushing events so fast with no gaps for general gameplay.
There haven´t been gaps for years now, unless they ran into trouble on a beta event and needed more time to fix it...


A new Fellowship Adventures starts in the Live Worlds on Thursday.

Note that the version in Live may not be exactly the same as the one we had in Beta.
Read all about it here: https://tinyurl.com/f5whb3v6
Spreadsheet included, for those who still use them.
Good luck!!



@Jackluyt when you say that it may not be the same, is that comment just there as a disclaimer or do you have reason to think it will be different?
It's speculation as I am to lazy to look up the gamefiles but most likely there is a different version in the live version than beta used.


@Jackluyt when you say that it may not be the same, is that comment just there as a disclaimer or do you have reason to think it will be different?

I always add that comment when posting in the EN Forum to avoid breaking the posting rules.
I have no reason to think it will be different - though of course one never knows...


A new round of Fellowship Adventures starts on Tuesday 27th July 2021 in Beta server.
I will post more details just as soon as we have them.



@Jackluyt : Firstly, and although I think I've said this once before, my ongoing thanks to you for your tireless work in keeping us all updated on the goings-on in Beta, and especially for your work on pre-announcing Events and FAs and putting together your Event Notes. It really is much appreciated!

Secondly, though: how many days is this FA starting after the end of the Event, on Beta? They seem to be coming faster and faster, so I'm wondering if it's even worth removing my Event temporary Workshops and T1 Manus, or whether I may as well just leave them in place...! :/


@Jackluyt :
Secondly, though: how many days is this FA starting after the end of the Event, on Beta? They seem to be coming faster and faster, so I'm wondering if it's even worth removing my Event temporary Workshops and T1 Manus, or whether I may as well just leave them in place...! :/

Probably a week - ten days, judging by previous events. There is no fixed pattern; it depends on the designers. Ot may also be in fluenced by fitting events in, between seasonal events on their yearly calendar.