Good idea! After all, the more T1 the better, for the Bracelet Badges - sometimes I've only needed 100 units of Planks, or even fewer, to complete a Bracelet, and meeting those tiny needs with a whole three (or even nine!) hours' worth of a large T1 Manu verges upon being actively painful... and of course Workshops may as well produce as many Supplies as they can, too, if they're going to sit there taking up a 2x2 pitch in my City!If you leave them, consider taking the time to upgrade them to Level 4-5, the top achievable before they change footprint.
And many thanks, Jack, for the extra info on the FA's (probable) timing - while things can change between Beta and Live, of course, it's always helpful to know the general pattern during the Beta stages, and sometimes it can be difficult to find that info when there are quite a few Beta discussion threads.