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Beta Fellowship Adventures


Anyone know of a method or a good way to get more Bracelet and Coin badges? They seem to be the worst badges to get now!


I only know about using time instants to speed up goods production, and coin instants to gain more coins. (When your MH store of coins is full, use the wholesaler to trade coins for goods.)


What is the bracelet requirement for chapter 17?
Just curious.....
Chapter 16 is 72000. There's no T1 manu upgrade in chapter 17 so I'm wondering if the badge requirement is the same.

Sir Derf

Anyone know of a method or a good way to get more Bracelet and Coin badges? They seem to be the worst badges to get now!
Um... collect more T1 and Coins?

  • Build more Boosted T1 Manus
  • Collect Relics for 700% T1 Boost
  • Use Magical Manufacturing spells
  • Feed Aureate Phoenix
  • Feed Storm Phoenix (boosts MM spells)
  • Use Steel-infused Fungi
  • Build/Upgrade Mountain Halls
  • Build/Upgrade Elvenar Trade Center to boost MM
  • Prebuild largest production for collection at the start of the FA
  • Trader's Basic Plea from the Cauldron before collecting maximum collection at the start of the FA
  • Use Time Boosts
  • Hobby Room Ad-based production bonus
  • Build more Max Residences/Magic Residences
  • Build/Upgrade Golden Abyss
  • Neighborly Help 7 times during the FA
  • Encourage coordinated Main Hall Neighborly Help with Fellows
  • Encourage Culture Main Hall with Neighbors, to boost Culture Bonus
  • Ensorcelled Endowment on high Culture buildings, to boost Culture Bonus
  • Delay Coin collection from Residences to provide maximum collection at the start of the FA
  • Magical Tax Increase from the Cauldron before collecting maximum collection at the start of the FA
  • Craft Coin Rains in the Magic Academy
  • Target Coin Rains during Events

Did I miss anything?

Edit: Added several suggestions
Edit: Added a few more
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Um... collect more T1 and Coins?

  • Build more Boosted T1 Manus
  • Collect Relics for 700% T1 Boost
  • Use Magical Manufacturing spells
  • Feed Aureate Phoenix
  • Build/Upgrade Mountain Halls
  • Prebuild largest production for collection at the start of the FA
  • Use Time Boosts
  • Build more Max Residences/Magic Residences
  • Build/Upgrade Golden Abyss
  • Neighborly Help 7 times during the FA
  • Encourage coordinated Main Hall Neighborly Help with Fellows and Neighbors
  • Craft Coin Rains in the Magic Academy
  • Target Coin Rains during Events

Did I miss anything?
spot on!


Um... collect more T1 and Coins?

  • Build more Boosted T1 Manus
  • Collect Relics for 700% T1 Boost
  • Use Magical Manufacturing spells
  • Feed Aureate Phoenix
  • Build/Upgrade Mountain Halls
  • Prebuild largest production for collection at the start of the FA
  • Use Time Boosts
  • Build more Max Residences/Magic Residences
  • Build/Upgrade Golden Abyss
  • Neighborly Help 7 times during the FA
  • Encourage coordinated Main Hall Neighborly Help with Fellows and Neighbors
  • Craft Coin Rains in the Magic Academy
  • Target Coin Rains during Events

Did I miss anything?
Elvenar Trade Centre to boost the impact of MMs.

Lighthouse of Good Neighbourhood to boost impact of EEs on culture buildings. During this FA I've been at 500%, or more, culture bonus and that acting on my GA is 1/4 of Main Hall coin capacity every 3 hours. I get more coins from the increased culture bonus than I do through neighbourly help on my main hall.
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Um... collect more T1 and Coins?

  • Build more Boosted T1 Manus
  • Collect Relics for 700% T1 Boost
  • Use Magical Manufacturing spells
  • Feed Aureate Phoenix
  • Build/Upgrade Mountain Halls
  • Build/Upgrade Elvenar Trade Center to boost MM
  • Prebuild largest production for collection at the start of the FA
  • Use Time Boosts
  • Hobby Room Ad-based production bonus
I don't see here:
Feed up Storm Phoenix (works with MM spells and usually a little better boost than Aureate, but just a little)
Place Stee-Infused Fungis in your city
Try to get Trader´s Basic Plea spell from Cauldron


Um... collect more T1 and Coins?

  • Build more Boosted T1 Manus
  • Collect Relics for 700% T1 Boost
  • Use Magical Manufacturing spells
  • Feed Aureate Phoenix
  • Feed Storm Phoenix (boosts MM spells)
  • Use Steel-infused Fungi
  • Build/Upgrade Mountain Halls
  • Build/Upgrade Elvenar Trade Center to boost MM
  • Prebuild largest production for collection at the start of the FA
  • Trader's Basic Plea from the Cauldron before collecting maximum collection at the start of the FA
  • Use Time Boosts
  • Hobby Room Ad-based production bonus
  • Build more Max Residences/Magic Residences
  • Build/Upgrade Golden Abyss
  • Neighborly Help 7 times during the FA
  • Encourage coordinated Main Hall Neighborly Help with Fellows
  • Encourage Culture Main Hall with Neighbors, to boost Culture Bonus
  • Ensorcelled Endowment on high Culture buildings, to boost Culture Bonus
  • Delay Coin collection from Residences to provide maximum collection at the start of the FA
  • Magical Tax Increase from the Cauldron before collecting maximum collection at the start of the FA
  • Craft Coin Rains in the Magic Academy
  • Target Coin Rains during Events

Did I miss anything?

Edit: Added several suggestions
Edit: Added a few more
That’s pretty comprehensive thanks, I’ll save it as a reminder for the team when we do the next FA :)

The only additions/clarifications I might suggest are:
(1) doing NH on everybody showing on your World Map, not just those who’ve NHd you
(2) once you get notified that the FA will start soon, stop collecting coins from your residences so you get a large amount when you collect after the FA begins
(3) change the name of your village asking for NH to be directed at MH first.