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World Map Player Movement Changes


Why? and why can't I choose if I like my neighbours to stay put. I would just of soon have 20 players that trade in 50,000 units than 200 that trade in hundreds.

You never had this option, the only option that ever was available was to freeze yourself in your spot, it had zero effect on your neighbors and simply means that you will be left alone in an empty wasteland when all your neighbors move away in the next way of moving cities.
The option was removed simply to avoid zillions of complaints by people that are left behind and suddenly would have preferred to move along with their neighbours, but they opted out not understanding what they opted out of.
It is far better without this silly opt out option. It would have been better if they had never invented it in the first place, then nobody would ever have missed it. Makes the process much simpler, faster and easier with a better result for more people.
Give the people the option to shoot themselves in the foot and they will take it...

rock stream

(1) You never had this option, the only option that ever was available was to freeze yourself in your spot, it had zero effect on your neighbors and simply means that you will be left alone in an empty wasteland when all your neighbors move away in the next way of moving cities.
(2)The option was removed simply to avoid zillions of complaints by people that are left behind and suddenly would have preferred to move along with their neighbours, but they opted out not understanding what they opted out of.
It is far better without this silly opt out option. It would have been better if they had never invented it in the first place, (3) then nobody would ever have missed it. Makes the process much simpler, faster and easier with a better result for more people.
Give the people the option to shoot themselves in the foot and they will take it...
(1) Did so. over 2 years with the same trading cartel. I believe I moved twice before I turned the move button off.
We do indeed @Julian, which is why the player movement choices are left down to the individual player to set whether they wish to relocate or not.
We can confirm that the World Map movement is fully automated and occurs every Monday. This action removes inactive players as well as moves active players who have the option to move selected in their game settings. Therefore the last 'sweep' was August 30th and is going on currently for this weeks changes, as it is already Monday here.
(2) Says who and how do you know that? When no one is moving I assumed that they all had the do not move button selected, like I did.
(3) That feature is as old as the game.
Shifting rules strikes again :mad:

Silly Bubbles

Why? and why can't I choose if I like my neighbours to stay put. I would just of soon have 20 players that trade in 50,000 units than 200 that trade in hundreds.
Why can't I scout directly to an active trader in my non boosted goods (would be a waste of time if you are always moving). It was direct scouting and established trading relationships that allow me to move our fellowship's surplus goods for goods our fellowship needed.
More and more the game is funnelling you to play a certain way.

I surely prefer the option to do what I want to do too.


I'm curious... did anyone see anything happen in the big forced move? Neither of my cities moved, and there's no obvious changes near them at all: once help refreshed just now, I could still help everyone in my log (apart from a couple of sentient trades) - no-one had been moved out of range. And I'm pretty sure before it refreshed, the handful of already-helpable people were ones I already remembered as being local, not new arrivals. And the inactives (eg the person beside me whose city name has been "Stopped playing" for some months) are still there.

So there's no obvious changes at all in the few hundred cities in range of me. Which contrasts to a week or two ago when it seemed like half the map moved all at once
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I'm curious... did anyone see anything happen in the big forced move? Neither of my cities moved, and there's no obvious changes near them at all: once help refreshed just now, I could still help everyone in my log (apart from a couple of sentient trades) - no-one had been moved out of range. And before i refreshed the handful of already-helpable people I'm pretty sure were ones I already remembered as being local, not new arrivals. And the inactives (eg the person beside me whose city name has been "Stopped playing" for some months) are still there.

So there's no obvious changes at all in the few hundred cities in range of me. Which contrasts to a week or two ago when it seemed like half the map moved all at once
In fact no moves at all, I´m still surrounded by black mines of gold and no a single new neighbor has arrived in my proximity.


Quotes about the Big Move from the Community Manager on the US Forum:
  1. We've requested notice for the next large move (which will not be on Monday, EN is getting the pleasure of being the guinea pigs for this before it comes to us again)*
  2. You are not alone. Well, you are currently alone, but there are many, many other lonely players that were left behind out there and we will sweep them all up and move them in the next few rounds.
  3. There will be several more moves in the next few weeks. From what I am hearing these will be forced moved, players will be moved whether of not they have the option turned off. What we have found from this initial move, is that while some players miss their neighbors, far more complaints were generated by players that had the option off and are now left behind with no active neighbors at all. I've seen the moved rings of the map. It is a vast wasteland of emptiness. @Darielle you're at the very edges, right where the tool stopped, you're probably in the next round or 2.


I would like to know, with respect to tournament provinces, after I got relocated to a new place in the world map, I will have exactly the same opened provinces of every type of tourney category (silk, planks, marble, crystal, etc)?


I'm curious... did anyone see anything happen in the big forced move? Neither of my cities moved, and there's no obvious changes near them at all: once help refreshed just now, I could still help everyone in my log (apart from a couple of sentient trades) - no-one had been moved out of range. And I'm pretty sure before it refreshed, the handful of already-helpable people were ones I already remembered as being local, not new arrivals. And the inactives (eg the person beside me whose city name has been "Stopped playing" for some months) are still there.

So there's no obvious changes at all in the few hundred cities in range of me. Which contrasts to a week or two ago when it seemed like half the map moved all at once
Same here, although @Silmaril did say they will continue to move cities today so maybe we're in today's group.


I would like to know, with respect to tournament provinces, after I got relocated to a new place in the world map, I will have exactly the same opened provinces of every type of tourney category (silk, planks, marble, crystal, etc)?

According to Inno, you will. That is one of the Requirements for the move. The system looks for that exact match in a "better" location on the map (supposedly closer to the center)


I was moved as well but except for 4 players I know from trading sentient, I know nobody. Just names I never heard before. Also lots of small players which, most of them, didn't reach me and can't return the visits. I visited all map, I'll see later how many will visit me. ;)
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Yes, I was moved to a border position too, from the middle of my map perspective till the north-east is full with unknown people, the south-west is almost empty.
But this is so much better than my past location, 1000 times better.


I don't appear to have been moved but I do have at least some new neighbours.......if someone could just mail them now and let them know to visit me, that would be nice....lol :)
Doesn't matter where on the map I am, it's still too painful to visit via the map. Sorry new neighbours, but I shall return all visits to me. :)
Just curious - is this moving and tidy up going to be a regular thing? I think it's good for the game and keeps things fresh(er)


I have been moved on both servers (EN2 & EN3) and I am so happy with my new location, I've never had so many visits since I started playing this game :), I was always on the outskirts. Inno has in me one happy customer (for a change lol).


It feels like one of my cities was moved to the edge of the map. Lots of desert around the island nucleus. Now I am wondering if that was a temporary move or not.


I have been moved on both servers (EN2 & EN3) and I am so happy with my new location, I've never had so many visits since I started playing this game :), I was always on the outskirts. Inno has in me one happy customer (for a change lol).
Good for you!

rock stream

Moved. Lamp was damaged and someone drop the dishes:)
Recognize 4 active neighbors (smaller), one inactive and the coin mine.
Fellowship member is now a neighbor.
Lost all of the major traders but too early to tell if they can be replaced by committee.
Like Alcaro, I visited the whole hood and will do a couple more times. What I will quit doing is visiting all active players to provide assistance.
There is no need to get to know anyone any more.
When is the next move scheduled? Will we be moved every week or two from now on?
Fellowship feedback so far has been positive (4 likes, 1 dislike and 19 don't care).
EDIT: 28 neighbor visits so far
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