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World Map Player Movement Changes


The Forum Mother's Mother
Elvenar Team
Dear Humans and Elves

Please use this thread to discuss the changes to World Map Player Movement.

We look forward to your feedback.

kind regards

Your Elvenar Team


I don't have an issue being moved so long as the players that I currently trade with are also moved and remain "discovered" on my map. There are quite a few who I both exchange neighbourly help & trade with regularly and who I actively worked toward linking up with because of the trading they did with me in the early stages of my progression through the levels.

Piglets For All

I don't have an issue being moved so long as the players that I currently trade with are also moved and remain "discovered" on my map. There are quite a few who I both exchange neighbourly help & trade with regularly and who I actively worked toward linking up with because of the trading they did with me in the early stages of my progression through the levels.
When a city is moved towards the centre it will be moved into a spot on the map with exactly the same distribution of province types, however there's no guarantee that the players currently around you would also be moved to the same location in relation to yours as it would depend on that location being available and not already have an established active city there.

If you don't allow a city move to take place by unchecking the box under Settings > Advanced Settings > Account > Allow automatic movement to better position and one or more of your current trading partners decides that they'd like to move then you will lose them anyway if they're moved to a better position.

The only thing you can guarantee in a city move on the map is that the distribution of provinces will remain the same but that city occupants probably won't be.

rock stream

Sorry zathraus, either move or be isolated. The only option is contact all your active trades and if all agree to stay in the same location on "map" unclick the automatic move button (desktop) or contact support to on unclick the automatic move button (mobile).
If you scouted in any other fashion than next on the list you will be beat with a wood spoon. You shall conform.
There have been two recent treads in the forums foretelling this event.
InNo had to try to fix their non functioning program of removing inactive players from the map hence this non debateable reset of how the game is played is required.
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I’m not happy with losing so many of my long time “traders”. They are no longer discovered. After years of being on the same world map, its sad. I feel that I should be allowed to request a change, it should not be yours. I was quite happy with where I was. The changes that are happening are frustrating me. Just my opinion though.


so with these moves, brings more people to visit you (at least it did with me)....is there any chance Inno will tack on a few more notification pages so that we may help all these new people?
And to add to that idea; just like they are able to add different tabs in the trader, can we please (pretty please!) have separate tabs in the notifications screen? One for neighbourly help notifications, one for merchant notifications, one for trades taken notifications, and one more for 'miscellaneous' notifications, which would include FS members joining or leaving, or someone collecting a treasure chest during the FA. That would be great!
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This was announced after the big shift of neighbors, NOT BEFORE, if I had been warned that I was going to be alone in zone I would have changed my settings to enable my city relocation.
Once again, could you balance my actual situation? Give me some diamonds or timeboosters while Im being relocated?


This increased movement of players' cities is the WORST news ever! The movement of players from my explored world has destroyed many long term trading and visiting relationships. Just prior to the current FA approx. 12 active players were moved out of one area of my explored world but I have other "occupied" cities left where no one has done anything for over 3 years. The only reason my explored territory is less active is because the game as removed all the active players!
At present, approx. 1/2 the cities in my world are unoccupied!!


Mother of the Forum!
Elvenar Team
@C-Nymph Since you asked nicely.... i'll pass the idea along for Notification "Tabs" :) (in addition to the repeated ask for a larger amount of Notification Space)

@DunkelSaturn if you have any concerns with regards to the proposed City Movement, have a chat with Support to see if they can offer any assistance. It's certainly not something I can look to do here.

@WiseKat You may find that the Players that have been moved, have requested it by not ticking their box. This proposed City Movement is to ensure that all players be moved to a far more active area placing you in a far better position for Neighbourly Help and Trade. So you should be in a much better position after this than you are currently.

Kind Regards

I can certainly understand the motives behind this action but the system needs to be worked on.
My city was moved into a much more active area on the map then before but all the players in the new location seam to produce all the same kind of resources hence in the trader everyone is trying to sell the same goods. (Plus all offers are in the "somewhat expensive" category.) It is totally useless! In my old location with much less active players a much more balanced trader was much more of a help.
so with these moves, brings more people to visit you (at least it did with me)....is there any chance Inno will tack on a few more notification pages so that we may help all these new people?
And a faster NH visit process! To allow us to visit all these new neighbours.

The same process as we use when doing NH visits within our FS would be good. I don't need to wait all night while an image of a neighbour's city downloads.


@C-Nymph Since you asked nicely.... i'll pass the idea along for Notification "Tabs" :) (in addition to the repeated ask for a larger amount of Notification Space)

@DunkelSaturn if you have any concerns with regards to the proposed City Movement, have a chat with Support to see if they can offer any assistance. It's certainly not something I can look to do here.

@WiseKat You may find that the Players that have been moved, have requested it by not ticking their box. This proposed City Movement is to ensure that all players be moved to a far more active area placing you in a far better position for Neighbourly Help and Trade. So you should be in a much better position after this than you are currently.

Kind Regards

The problems:
1) the default is to be moved and you have to untick a box you may not even have known existed in order to stay where you are
2) if you play the game as an "app" on a cell phone or tablet, there is no option to untick the box so that you can remain where you are
3) one of my new friends (now gone) started playing on a tablet then changed to a PC and unticked the box... and just after he unticked it, he was moved anyway!
4) several people in my FS have also been moved and only 1 of about 6 is actually happy with the move. The others have been moved to LESS active areas!
The solution:
1) make moving the option and make it clear when someone is joining the game that there is an option to move if you feel you don't have an active neighbourhood.

PS: I may be a novice to the forum but I've been playing the game for 4 1/2 years. And this arbitrary movement of cities is really the only complaint I have!!
Maybe it would be a better solution if everyone had the option lets say once a month or every 3 months to move if they feel they are in a bad position. Than the game would move them randomly to a new location. If they are still not happy they can click to move again when time comes. This way the game would have the opportunity to centralize the map and people would have more control over their situation- PLUS this would ensure that only active players would move to the center!


Mother of the Forum!
Elvenar Team
@WiseKat I'll certainly pass your comments back to the team to make the City Movement Option clearer when starting out. But this scheduled movement "en masse" for Active Players is designed to ensure all players have an active world around them. This should also reduce the need to move Players in the Future. Hopefully your Fellowship Members will be a lot happier after this has happened. I know what it's like to be surrounded by Coin Mines and it's extremely frustrating.

Kind Regards

And a faster NH visit process! To allow us to visit all these new neighbours.

The same process as we use when doing NH visits within our FS would be good. I don't need to wait all night while an image of a neighbour's city downloads.
This is an image of the pop-up that appears when giving NH to FS members:


A much faster process, plus the system has already shown the best candidate for receiving NH blessings :)


Referring to the opening post. After 3 or 4 weeks of game play, I've been moved from a deserted area to where I am now. My neighbors here have been reasonably active since the get go. In the past 4 ½ years there have been some purges along with new small neighbors moving in. Some of these neighbors grew and improved the situation.

This time it's different. Real big but inactive cities vanished from the map, even cities that spent considerate amounts of diamonds. They cannot be located anymore on the map, but can be accessed via name search and some are still members of fellowships. At the same time, some established active cities moved into my neighborhood.

To me, it seems like the dev team did it right and the map movement issue will be a thing of the past.