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World Map Player Movement Changes


This was announced after the big shift of neighbors, NOT BEFORE, if I had been warned that I was going to be alone in zone I would have changed my settings to enable my city relocation.
Once again, could you balance my actual situation? Give me some diamonds or timeboosters while Im being relocated?

It was announced over a year ago when they introduced the storage system. just because they solved a bug doesnt mean they need to reannounce it again and again and again.
Over the past 12 months we have seen whole neighbourhoods being moved. and each time we saw similar responses.

It's just that this time its not a couple of neigbourhoods that got completely moved but more people are affected.

Each time we noticed a big movement, there where forum posts and each time plenty of us players warned that you should never opt out. I have been very vocal about it on this forum each and every single time.
You are active enough on this forum that I am sure you read but ignored it.
Each time I warned and several with me that if you lock your movement there will be a moment where you are screwed. and that it might take months to get moved to a proper location (as at that time only sections where of the map where moved and that it would talke time for the mover to return)

You ignored us and are still in denial. just because this time you're the victem doesn't mean all the warnings goven before are now non existent.

They have "fixed" the code so that account above chapter 4 are also move (this part was broken). nothing changed compared to last month.
Just that this time your neighbours were now also eliggable for movement. but in essence nothing changed.
Just because you ignored the risks doesn't mean the developers are now to blame.

Consider yourself lucky that they will run another long movement and you will get a second chance next week, and do not have to wait for months untill it's your turn again. those from the former big movements where not that lucky.


It was announced over a year ago when they introduced the storage system. just because they solved a bug doesnt mean they need to reannounce it again and again and again.
Over the past 12 months we have seen whole neighbourhoods being moved. and each time we saw similar responses.

- Check please the difference between "BIG SHIFT" and normal, common, and progressive movements in the world map. See the difference buddy?
- No, this was a BIG SHIFT no a normal, common shift, even they ( Inno, admons, mods, etc) have announced it and created a proper post for this announcement. And no, these have not been similar responses, if you can check not only this forum (full with comments agains these movements), but in US, DEU, ES and BETA, the ones I understand and check, mayority players are not cool with these changes, I don´t have a clue of WTH are you talking about.


You ignored us and are still in denial. just because this time you're the victem doesn't mean all the warnings goven before are now non existent.

1.- First, put here some of the so overwhelming posts that have been posted around here in the past year ( they must be in the same level of warning like the one we got some days ago).
2.- Many (not only me) deactivated the relocate bottom cause we never get to imagine that these movements would be so severe, leaving some in a desert zone and others moved to a place where they feel no comfortable at all (as you could seen in past comments in this very same thread and also in other posts)
3.- You´re the far less indicated to talk about denial, if you know very well what I´m talking about, forever denial cause you´ve been benefited by the big mistake of balance in this game.


They have "fixed" the code so that account above chapter 4 are also move (this part was broken). nothing changed compared to last month.
Just that this time your neighbours were now also eliggable for movement.

Are you being blind at will?
- By the very cause of this big shift and MANY complaints not only in the forums but also in support they (inno, mods CMs) were forced to publish a thread for this change (problem it was made some hours after this was implemented) ,if this shift would have been so "normal", and "common" as you´re trying to make us think, they wouldn´t even care to respond us in the manner they have did.
- Not only my long time neighbors left, neighbors I got since the very begining I´m playing Elvenar but all neighbors of almost all players in the game, the only ones that didn´t saw a big change were the ones that were placed in the center.

Consider yourself lucky that they will run another long movement and you will get a second chance next week, and do not have to wait for months untill it's your turn again. those from the former big movements where not that lucky.

Of course they are the ones to blame, since they made these movements they are the ones to blame.
Neither me, my neighbors, the little accounts, or the big cities are responsable for this.


- Check please the difference between "BIG SHIFT" and normal, common, and progressive movements in the world map. See the difference buddy?
- No, this was a BIG SHIFT no a normal, common shift, even they ( Inno, admons, mods, etc) have announced it and created a proper post for this announcement. And no, these have not been similar responses, if you can check not only this forum (full with comments agains these movements), but in US, DEU, ES and BETA, the ones I understand and check, mayority players are not cool with these changes, I don´t have a clue of WTH are you talking about.

Yes the movement is bigger this time, but it's not the first time whole neighbourhoods are moved.
And each and every single time we see posts on this, the dutch and the US forums. (i do not follow the german but I can read it if I need to)

Each and every single time, yes this time more people complain. but that doesn't change the fact that it happened before with a similar response to all the forums and I am sure support as well.

So fundamentally nothing changed between those moment and this moment.
It does not matter if they completely move 1 neighbourhood or 100. for those affected the result is 100% the same.

So there is no reason to "warn" now and not before. for those affected before you it was the same situation. they do not care that you were not affected they just looked at there own situation just like you do now..
This time you and I and others are in exactly the same situation as those before us. so fundamentally nothing changed.
We arent more entitled or more special those those others before us.

That you are looking now for posts on other forums is looking for comformation bias, you are looking for them now, but those that actively follow multiple forrums see these posts come back over and over again.


People usually go to forums to complain about something (I’m guilty of this too!) and only rarely when they are happy about something. Personally I really doubt “mayority players are not cool with these changes”, because we simply don’t hear the happy voices on the forums.

Just please, everyone who reads this thread, check your “allow movement” checkbox and make sure that you allowed you city to be moved. I bet you don’t want to go through the pain DunkelSaturn is now experiencing!


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Can I also remind everyone that on the 28th and 29th November, the system is doing a Forced Move so even those who have requested to remain will move.

Kind Regards



for those that complained, they got there wish they can stay in no mans land for a longer time

We've had an update that movement will be paused for a bit to see if there is any way to tweak it so that thriving fringe neighborhoods can stay together. This is, as all decisions, both good and bad. I know some of you really want to be moved soon because you're in the dead zone, but there are some established neighborhoods that are unhappy with the move. I'm personally on the fence about arguing for waiting or pushing to get everyone moved as soon as possible so they can get settled in their new locations.

Anyway, I wanted to let you know where we are for city relocation right now, I will keep you posted as I get more information.

I think this is an expremely bad move, you cannot win this in any way shape or form. the next argument is I found my neighhbourhood fringe whay did you move us. and the second argument is why am I not moved to this amazing place my friend is at? on both sides of the isle.

This might be even worse that the option to disallow movement.
Like on the app they should just removed the option and let the move system do it's magic. it will make great places for everyone, instead of creating fringe neighbourhoods, and who knows how many more bugs are introduced


So fundamentally nothing changed between those moment and this moment.
It does not matter if they completely move 1 neighbourhood or 100. for those affected the result is 100% the same.
The difference lays in the quantity and the logic in which those normal and common movements were made, nothing to see at all with this big shift, that, in their own words (innoGames) were made to take players nearer to center of the map, THING TOTALLY DIFFERENT than the normal and common movements this algorythm of Elvenar always had had and the same you´re talking about here, since the logic of those past relocations were made just to accommodate players in better areas ( NO MATTER IN WHICH POSITION OF THE DAMN MAP THESE AREAS WERE LOCATED).
So yes, this is a so a big different shift, and to make an argument about the similarity of the ancient changes with these totally different actual ones, one must be blind at will, since these are not the same since the logic behind them and (OBVIOUSLY) numbers of movements are different.
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So there is no reason to "warn" now and not before. for those affected before you it was the same situation. they do not care that you were not affected they just looked at there own situation just like you do now..
This time you and I and others are in exactly the same situation as those before us. so fundamentally nothing changed.
We arent more entitled or more special those those others before us.

The only one that is talking about being "special", singular and having special rights is you,since I have not mentioned anything related to that statement. I´m just putting facts here.
----- In your past comments you wrote that it had been several warnings all this time (at the level of the actual announcement of Anonglitch about city movements) in this forum, and I made I direct question in this manner asking you to show the links of those several announcements here in just the present year, and very conveniently you ignored it (as always).------

Cherry picking questions and arguments that are the most convenient and leaving aside the ones that don´t fit your idea, I tell you my "friend", is not discussing with property.


People usually go to forums to complain about something (I’m guilty of this too!) and only rarely when they are happy about something. Personally I really doubt “mayority players are not cool with these changes”, because we simply don’t hear the happy voices on the forums.

Just please, everyone who reads this thread, check your “allow movement” checkbox and make sure that you allowed you city to be moved. I bet you don’t want to go through the pain DunkelSaturn is now experiencing!
Fine, what about a survey, would you like that? Wait a minute, InnoGames will never allow that kind of stuff being public, the only sides where we can have a proper look of the Elvenar player opinion is in the forums, facebook and instagram, so... this is a good place to take a note of what certain portion of players think about those changes, and most of them are negative.

Yes, I´ve got all the damn right to complain about everything of this game since my dollars have gone to this game owners.

Silly Bubbles

I personally think that it's great that they did a proper move. I don't think anyone loses overall. Ok, some can lose good relationships in the game and if it's a close relationship they can get in touch outside of Elvenar or join the same fellowship but they gained an opportunity to create many more good relationships because of more active neighbourhood to make up for that. I don't think anyone loses on visits or trades, better trades are given with more active neighbourhood if not then you didn't get moved to more active neighbourhood and that would be a major fail on Inno part and because it's unintended they'll fix it. Ok, mistakes happen and someone can get stuck in the middle of nowhere but that can be fixed either by next move or by contacting support.
In regards to the announcement, I do agree that this should've been announced before it happened to avoid unnecessary shock.


The only one that is talking about being "special", singular and having special rights is you,since I have not mentioned anything related to that statement. I´m just putting facts here.
----- In your past comments you wrote that it had been several warnings all this time (at the level of the actual announcement of Anonglitch about city movements) in this forum, and I made I direct question in this manner asking you to show the links of those several announcements here in just the present year, and very conveniently you ignored it (as always).------

Cherry picking questions and arguments that are the most convenient and leaving aside the ones that don´t fit your idea, I tell you my "friend", is not discussing with property.

I am sorry but when it happens to other people I never heared that they should have "warned" those people with a special message shortly before it upfront. they choose not to be moved with al risks involved.
Scale has absolutely nothing to do with it, because it's not a new situation. it happened all the time as we saw people complain on the forums.
If you were not involved you would not have been here to complain and ask for upfront information. the only reason you are is because you are affected this time and ignored previous warning signs
If you want different treatment than someone else, than I call that entitlement.

The difference lays in the quantity and the logic in which those normal and common movements were made, nothing to see at all with this big shift, that, in their own words (innoGames) were made to take players nearer to center of the map, THING TOTALLY DIFFERENT than the normal and common movements this algorythm of Elvenar always had had and the same you´re talking about here, since the logic of those past relocations were made just to accommodate players in better areas ( NO MATTER IN WHICH POSITION OF THE DAMN MAP THESE AREAS WERE LOCATED).
So yes, this is a so a big different shift, and to make an argument about the similarity of the ancient changes with these totally different actual ones, one must be blind at will, since these are not the same since the logic behind them and (OBVIOUSLY) numbers of movements are different.

NO! it ain't, because in the old situation sometimes people did get moved to worse locations because there was a better location for there neighbours but not for them so they got moved to the edge instead.
You are in this situation because you refused to move. you knew the risks and thought it would not happen to you anyway.
That was a wrong risk assessment.

You took the risk and choose not to be moved, you got burned and you can only blame yourself for that and nobody else.
At best you could blame the devs that they sucumbed to pressure when moving was introduced and that such a stupid self destructive button exists that allows you to burn yourself.
The current size and scope of the does not matter. it could have been ONLY your neighbourhood and you would have been in the same situation.

It doesnt matter if my neighbourhood and another 1000 neighbourhoods are involved or not.
You're unfortunately in denial thats it's your own fault and need a scapegoat to blame other than yourself.


I personally think that it's great that they did a proper move. I don't think anyone loses overall. Ok, some can lose good relationships in the game and if it's a close relationship they can get in touch outside of Elvenar or join the same fellowship but they gained an opportunity to create many more good relationships because of more active neighbourhood to make up for that. I don't think anyone loses on visits or trades, better trades are given with more active neighbourhood if not then you didn't get moved to more active neighbourhood and that would be a major fail on Inno part and because it's unintended they'll fix it. Ok, mistakes happen and someone can get stuck in the middle of nowhere but that can be fixed either by next move or by contacting support.
In regards to the announcement, I do agree that this should've been announced before it happened to avoid unnecessary shock.
It might have been wise to announce it again just like last year when they moved to the current move system. but it's not that they should have needed to do that. if only the regular 3 people complained at normal big move we would have all just shrug it off. just because we have 12 people now it's a should?

When we look at how many different people complained in this topic it arent that many.


Can I also remind everyone that on the 28th and 29th November, the system is doing a Forced Move so even those who have requested to remain will move.

Kind Regards

You're kidding, right?

I've finally after more than three years found myself amongst genuine players. How can there be a 'Forced Move' when someone has clearly selected the option to stay? :(


This time it's different. Real big but inactive cities vanished from the map, even cities that spent considerate amounts of diamonds.
That's not what I see in my neighbourhood. Most of the big dead cities are still there, including one of my closest neighbours who's been inactive ever since I joined the game about 4 years ago... And I used to have a decent neighbourhood that's been half destroyed, mostly the inactive or semi-active cities left and a wasteland south-east of my city with only gold pits.