Manipulator of Time
Ohhh, I see. So if you don't get it to level 10 you don't get 3KP.It used to give 3 KP already on stage 8.
Looks like there's no FA either, so more pressure there.
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Ohhh, I see. So if you don't get it to level 10 you don't get 3KP.It used to give 3 KP already on stage 8.
I really looked forward to the new mechanics of this event, but as everything Inno recently does, it's another huge disappointment. It causes a lot of confusion amongst my team mates, there is a lot of explaining to do, btw thank you iDavis for that great video, it makes my life as AM a lot easier. It feels like we walk and walk in the fog, spend our event currency and get almost nothing in return. Getting artifacts is just a tedious and expensive venture, at least with chests, you were guaranteed 1 prize no matter what. Oh well... it feels like Inno is moving in that fog, not really knowing the impact of their decisions on the prosperity of their company.
In one way of looking at it, this is worse than the shuffleboard. At least with the shuffleboard every action resulted in some kind of prize and advancement towards the next artefact.Btw I like the new little minigame, more fun than the mindless clicking before, but you guys realize that this is the old shuffleboard in disguise? A very good disguise, but still the prizes are shuffleboard, not chests...
That was my initial thought too, when playing it on Beta. I think I said to someone after the first couple of days that I doubt I'm getting this hut past stage 5 or 6. Then by then end I had got it up to stage 10 and received a second base. Perhaps the cats are just random, but it felt to me like they would come in waves. Some days there would be cats everywhere, and other days not at all.This event is awful! There are so few cat spirits in the forest I'll be lucky to get even 5 artifacts to evolve the building.
That was my initial thought too, when playing it on Beta. ...Then by then end I had got it up to stage 10 and received a second base.
Yes, I had the very same impression! Which was quite stressful when I was down to buying the last lights pack and needed to reach the 9th hat. After spending half of my lights I wasn't much closer to the goal. Fortunately wave(s) came in the end and I got the hat. (Not the second base, though.)Perhaps the cats are just random, but it felt to me like they would come in waves.
Oh, don't worry, shuffleboard is not going anywhere. AFAIK the next event (December) is going to feature this player-favorite again.The only reason they took the shuffle board away was because the outcry was too big, now they bring it back in a new shiny package.
@Timneh So not even interested in that huge prize giveaway in the video?