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Discussion The Mystery of the Misty Forest


Really? :oops: Did you have to make it so confusing? Surely you understand that we have better things to spend our time on than figuring out how to play an event that's just going to give us bad prizes... thanks, but no thanks... I'll be sitting this one out.


The Mabinogion Wyvern
Elvenar Team
I have just added in the link to our video for the event, which also gives information about an incredible competition linked to this event and MAC Cosmetics.
The video is also available from the in game news, just click on the bugle to see the 4 news items currenty running, including this.


Saving things up seems to not work, I did it but when I reopened the event screen a few hours later everything had changed, the layout was different and prizes had moved/disappeared/new ones appeared, without me doing anything in the time between...
Also the light sources seem faulty, they occasionally open more that they are supposed to (or I don´t understand what they are supposed to do), but since they open more (never seen less) I won´t complain...

Btw I like the new little minigame, more fun than the mindless clicking before, but you guys realize that this is the old shuffleboard in disguise? A very good disguise, but still the prizes are shuffleboard, not chests... I know there are chests, but you do get them randomly, you have no choice which chests you get, so your prizes are randomized, which means shuffleboard. Inno must really hate players having a choice...

Anyway I skip the (daily) prize boxes nowadays completely, unless they get discovered by accident. I only go for the spirits... See how high I can get the evolver...


This style of event is horrid.

Unlike previous events where every action on the event board advances your Artifact meter, with this event, you're not guaranteed that any light source you use will advance your meter. There will be some unfortunate sod (ME!) who placed lights consecutively and only one spirit to the meter. This is ridiculous. With no FA to follow this event, how on earth is anyone going to be able to finish this event reliably without being reliant on pure luck and god forbid, without digging into one's pocket? This is slowly degenerating into a pay-to-play situation.

Add to that the fact that there is a cost to illuminating a square of fog, but that cost isn't justified until you illuminate squares up to a chest. So again, one can be so unlucky as to have to illuminate several squares before getting something. And that something ain't that worth it.

I feel it would have been so much better if the quests weren't limited. Putting a cap on the number of quests means limiting the number of tries one gets to shine the right light at the right reward. If the concern of the developers are the people who are able to get multiples of the Evolving Building by being whales, then won't it be easier to just remove the Evolving Building from the cycle of rewards since it is automatically awarded from the 5th quest of the event quest? Without a second Evolving Building, then players have a choice to continue earning points, lighting paths for the fun of it.

The concept isn't bad. Just the execution.

Speaking of which, why can the candle light a fogged square but the lamp and jar must be put on an already lit square? So long as the intended fogged square is adjacent to a lit square I don't see why it isn't allowed. I means I have to use a candle JUST SO that I can use the lamp or jar. Not cool. Not cool at all.

This game continues to disappoint.


I really looked forward to the new mechanics of this event, but as everything Inno recently does, it's another huge disappointment. It causes a lot of confusion amongst my team mates, there is a lot of explaining to do, btw thank you iDavis for that great video, it makes my life as AM a lot easier. It feels like we walk and walk in the fog, spend our event currency and get almost nothing in return. Getting artifacts is just a tedious and expensive venture, at least with chests, you were guaranteed 1 prize no matter what. Oh well... it feels like Inno is moving in that fog, not really knowing the impact of their decisions on the prosperity of their company.


I really looked forward to the new mechanics of this event, but as everything Inno recently does, it's another huge disappointment. It causes a lot of confusion amongst my team mates, there is a lot of explaining to do, btw thank you iDavis for that great video, it makes my life as AM a lot easier. It feels like we walk and walk in the fog, spend our event currency and get almost nothing in return. Getting artifacts is just a tedious and expensive venture, at least with chests, you were guaranteed 1 prize no matter what. Oh well... it feels like Inno is moving in that fog, not really knowing the impact of their decisions on the prosperity of their company.

Of course Inno knows the results, they are not accidental but intentional.

Randomized prizes and less prizes

The only reason they took the shuffle board away was because the outcry was too big, now they bring it back in a new shiny package. And I agree the packaging is much better, actually a little fun to play. Doesn´t change the fact of where the rewards are going and have been going for over a year now...

So you get a nerf on rewards but with a little fun to make up for it :) Same as with tourneys... Only thing I don´t understand is: who on earth would think that rewards in events needed a nerf? Tourneys sure needed a nerf, but events? They even took troop instants off the daily prizes, so there is not a single daily prize I want now lol. Which in a way is good, I don´t have to wait for a certain day to spend my currency, I can spend it as I get it and hope I never get a daily special...


Manipulator of Time
Btw I like the new little minigame, more fun than the mindless clicking before, but you guys realize that this is the old shuffleboard in disguise? A very good disguise, but still the prizes are shuffleboard, not chests...
In one way of looking at it, this is worse than the shuffleboard. At least with the shuffleboard every action resulted in some kind of prize and advancement towards the next artefact.


Manipulator of Time
This event is awful! There are so few cat spirits in the forest I'll be lucky to get even 5 artifacts to evolve the building.
That was my initial thought too, when playing it on Beta. I think I said to someone after the first couple of days that I doubt I'm getting this hut past stage 5 or 6. Then by then end I had got it up to stage 10 and received a second base. Perhaps the cats are just random, but it felt to me like they would come in waves. Some days there would be cats everywhere, and other days not at all.


Perhaps the cats are just random, but it felt to me like they would come in waves.
Yes, I had the very same impression! Which was quite stressful when I was down to buying the last lights pack and needed to reach the 9th hat. After spending half of my lights I wasn't much closer to the goal. Fortunately wave(s) came in the end and I got the hat. (Not the second base, though.)

Deleted User - 1759805

The only reason they took the shuffle board away was because the outcry was too big, now they bring it back in a new shiny package.
Oh, don't worry, shuffleboard is not going anywhere. AFAIK the next event (December) is going to feature this player-favorite again.


Sorry, but NO! I can't even bring myself to play this event!

It's certainly not intuitive and how are we supposed to aim for the particular items we want/need?

I thought the concept of game evolution was that the game would get better over time, but in the 16 months I've been playing, it only seems to get worse! Removing key elements of the game from the events, completely randomising prizes, moving goalposts and boundaries, revaluing game items etc.!

If I were to spend real cash on the game I would like to consider it money well spent, but even with TRIPLE diamonds on offer, I have to consider where the game is going and if I'll still be playing in 3 months!

It's a crying shame really, there's so much Elvenar has to offer and so much potential for improvement, but they seem to think money will roll in by making the game worse!


Looks like I'm the odd one out........but so far, I love it......I'd love it more though, if I didn't keep running out of candles and magic ingredients to buy more......this is a lovely individual side game......I think it's fun but more candles......more candles.....more candals.....fork 'andles.

I can already see this is going to be tough to get this to level 10....and in creeps my distrust of Inno......I'm not sure it's designed to allow us to get this one fully upgraded to level 10 (without diamonds)........if not, how many years will it take?