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Runeshard Changes


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to discuss the new changes to the Runeshards

We're looking forward to hearing your feedback!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


I believe @rock stream posted an observation that changes were made to the use of Broken Shards to make usable Runes for filling the Rune Wheel. Any comments?
We have not seen that in Beta - the only new feature is 15 KP when you donate to a friend or 10 KP to yourself.
Of course you can still deliberately break Rune Shards on an unwanted wonder and use the fragments to forge a rune for a wonder you really want to upgrade - but that is an old trick that has been around for ages.

rock stream

Of course you can still deliberately break Rune Shards on an unwanted wonder and use the fragments to forge a rune for a wonder you really want to upgrade
I filled two wheels and only got 4 broken shards, hence the question.

Sir Derf

Okay, not that I read it better, I think it could just be that you got lucky RNG towards the end of the rings...


It seems like in our FS we are hitting a max KP contributions per day, on multiple fellows. I'm not sure where that limit is, but it's in the thousands. You get to a point where someone goes to your AW and it says "So and so has already received a lot of help, please come back again another time."


It seems like in our FS we are hitting a max KP contributions per day, on multiple fellows. I'm not sure where that limit is, but it's in the thousands. You get to a point where someone goes to your AW and it says "So and so has already received a lot of help, please come back again another time."

There is no max amount per day, it is linked to how much kp you receive vs how much you give out. Tell them to donate some kp and they will be able to receive more.You can trade an unlimited amount in a day.

Sir Derf

There is no max amount per day, it is linked to how much kp you receive vs how much you give out. Tell them to donate some kp and they will be able to receive more.You can trade an unlimited amount in a day.
To be clearer, what has been reported is...
  • two players, working together, can alternate between each other with equal AWKP donations without hitting a limit.
  • one player, working on his own, donating AWKP to a second player without receiving reciprocating donations, will eventually hit a limit.
  • And, in the middle, two players, working together, alternating AWKP donations where player 1 is always donating 1 more AWKP than player 2 donates back, will eventually hit a limit.
And, from what has been reported, once you hit the limit, it then becomes effectively a weekly limit of net 560 AWKP per week (net 80 AWKP per day, but unlocked weekly, not daily)

rock stream

  • two players, working together, can alternate between each other with equal AWKP donations without hitting a limit.
  • one player, working on his own, donating AWKP to a second player without receiving reciprocating donations, will eventually hit a limit.
  • And, in the middle, two players, working together, alternating AWKP donations where player 1 is always donating 1 more AWKP than player 2 donates back, will eventually hit a limit.
And, from what has been reported, once you hit the limit, it then becomes effectively a weekly limit of net 560 AWKP per week (net 80 AWKP per day, but unlocked weekly, not daily)
The orginal info I got from Beta was:
> Your weekly imbalance allowance is 560 points and your base imbalanced allowance is 2,840
> Seems limit is increased by 80 every day (at the time when resources decay).

Is this no longer valid?


The orginal info I got from Beta was:
> Your weekly imbalance allowance is 560 points and your base imbalanced allowance is 2,840
> Seems limit is increased by 80 every day (at the time when resources decay).

Is this no longer valid?
I'm not sure I understand, how is this different from the previous poster?


Why was this released to live without a notice or wiki information? Is there no concern about the damage that uninformed players could do to their advancement of the game and/or AW's?
We've had some FS members merrily running up KP's in others AW's of their own accord -- all with good intentions to help other fellows. I hope this doesn't cause long-term problems. Talk about no good deeds going unpunished.

rock stream

I'm not sure I understand, how is this different from the previous poster?
" base imbalanced allowance is 2,840 "
"Seems limit is increased by 80 every day (at the time when resources decay)."
If you use shards to advance a AW you won't use and they break, once you have filled the green bar you can then go to an AW you want and insert the shard (from broken shards) into the wheel. Remember you need a full shard wheel every 5 levels of an AW.
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" base imbalanced allowance is 2,840 "
"Seems limit is increased by 80 every day (at the time when resources decay)."
If you use shards to advance a AW you won't use and they break, once you have filled the green bar you can then go to an AW you want and insert the shard (from broken shards) into the wheel. Remember you need a full shard wheel every 5 levels of an AW.
Well yes, but you're basically saying the same thing as Sir Derf, except you've given a number to the initial limit, right?

The point about broken shards is an old tactic, doesn't seem to apply to this issue of runshard conversion to KPs.


The orginal info I got from Beta was:
> Your weekly imbalance allowance is 560 points and your base imbalanced allowance is 2,840
> Seems limit is increased by 80 every day (at the time when resources decay).

Is this no longer valid?

Marindor in Beta asked us NOT to discuss the lock in detail; they have no intention of telling us exactly which criteria they are applying to activate it - because then 'cheats' armed with that knowledge would know how to manipulate the system to their advantage!!

My own general comments:

1. I believe in keeping things ultra-simple! That way the game is fun, not work. Accordingly we are just continuing as usual with our Endless Chain swap threads - they are the simplest and fairest, despite the complicated other bells-and-whistles systems that people are dreaming up. Even more so with the new Rune Shard system, because you get 15 KP from a Rune Shard when donating to a friend and only 10 when giving to yourself. This is even more reason NEVER to put ANY KP into your own wonders and rather put all your surplus KP into swaps to gain bonuses, which I have been advocating for years!! KP in your own Wonder has zero chance of giving a bonus; swapping it with another player there is a good chance that one day you will get something nice in return.

2. Because older active players like myself have several hundred of the Rune Shards for early-level wonders like Abyss, Needles, etc., etc., I went through the entire fellowship and gave everyone 10 each as a present! If everyone does that, everyone can get their useful wonders to a high level immediately, without having yet another special system and yet another set of bothersome fellowship 'rules'.
Remember that you should NOT upgrade 'junk wonders' because they increase your side-event expenses without making your city much stronger.

3. The lock only applies to people who receive a lot more KP than they are giving. It does NOT apply to donating your Rune Shards to yourself - which is highly NOT recommended.
This system was put in place to slow down people who have 'Push Accounts' which are not allowed - small alternate cities that exist ONLY to feed KP and goods to the main account. When your income of KP is much more than your expenditure to others, the game puts a temporary lock on you which seems to go away after a day. You can also unlock the block by giving some KP to other players, or by swapping equal amounts with another player.

4. In our group we have 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 and 120 KP swap threads and everyone is free to contribute as and when they have excess KP. Obviously, with the new system, the three last threads are EXTREMELY busy - because they are easily divisible by 15!! So no need to create special new threads!!

rock stream

Of course you can still deliberately break Rune Shards on an unwanted wonder and use the fragments to forge a rune for a wonder you really want to upgrade - but that is an old trick that has been around for ages.
I filled two wheels and only got 4 broken shards, hence the question.

Thank-you for your detailed explanation on how your fellowship functions. Item #1 - our fellowship is the same.
Item#2 What advice did you provide your lower score fellowship members that only have hundreds of shards. If I can experience filling 2 wheels for only 4 broken shards, how many shards would you suggest to keep in reserve to be able to use the old trick that's been around for ages (much like me)?
In regards to mods requests in Beta and push accounts, I simply don't care. In a complex game, the onus is on the players to understand the mechanics and rules of the game. Especially a game where the rules are in a constant state of flux. An fan site like MinMax that details how the system works is a good thing, not bad.
I don't care about cheaters as they have no impact on my enjoyment of the game. They can cheat all they want just not in a fellowship I'm in.
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2. Because older active players like myself have several hundred of the Rune Shards for early-level wonders like Abyss, Needles, etc., etc., I went through the entire fellowship and gave everyone 10 each as a present! If everyone does that, everyone can get their useful wonders to a high level immediately, without having yet another special system and yet another set of bothersome fellowship 'rules'.
We have a mix of newer and much older players in this FS. The older players went on a KP "spending spree" and gave out KPs from their thousands of runeshards from the older AW's. That's how we started locking out accounts.

Now, it seems like on day two accounts are unlocked, but there's a lower threshold, similar to what was reported earlier. But is seems to be closer to the 560 KP number. We re-locked an account just by doing large swaps (>500KP). The previously locked account received their KP's before they gave theirs to the partner, and that locked that account again. It unlocked after they gave their KP's to their partner.

The system is what it is, but it would be nice to have guidance as to what the thresholds are so we can avoid these issues. Having an account locked is a gift that just keeps on giving :(

MinMax to the rescue!
I'm liking the new runeshard mechanism. Finally, something useful to do with those hundreds of runes accumulated over the years. :)