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No Spire mystery chests


So this week I got four dwarven armorers and that has never happened to me before. That's three weeks after getting no mystery chests at all. The odds of this happening are quite low so it's possible that they are tweeking RNG behind the scene to make up for disasters. Great :)

That is RNG as it was designed from the start. every possible result is exactly as likely to happen as every other result. Over time they supposedly average out, so what you are experiencing is picture book RNG. There is nothing to tweak, as it is already working perfectly.

And if next week you get nothing again? Did they then tweak chances down again? And if you then get 500 diamonds from the MA did they then switch the chances from the spire to the MA? Do you honestly believe there is a def sitting on his table wasting his time by changing some variables on a RNG machine on a daily basis just to annoy his boss by wasting his time?

Silly Bubbles

Do you honestly believe there is a def sitting on his table wasting his time by changing some variables on a RNG machine on a daily basis just to annoy his boss by wasting his time?

Do you honestly believe that someone believes that? :p

Anyways, I do code in Java and setting a flag for a disaster scenario and then fix it in next rounds is not that difficult and fully automated as a lot of things nowadays. Also, I'm not the only one that this happened to, very unlucky one week and very lucky shortly after. The odds of that happening based on pure RNG are miniscule. But if you want to believe everything that Inno says then I'll leave you to it.


Do you honestly believe that someone believes that? :p

Anyways, I do code in Java and setting a flag for a disaster scenario and then fix it in next rounds is not that difficult and fully automated as a lot of things nowadays. Also, I'm not the only one that this happened to, very unlucky one week and very lucky shortly after. The odds of that happening based on pure RNG are miniscule. But if you want to believe everything that Inno says then I'll leave you to it.

Inno never says anything, it´s hard to believe or disbelieve any of that not-said :D

Money talks, easy to believe what it says. Wasting time is bad business for a company.

I am not saying that what you say is impossible, it definitely IS possible that Inno told a dev last week (after rnunning the spire for 2 years) hey the odds are too good! lower it! And this week they said: Oh no! @Silly Bubbles got no mystery chest last week, let´s give them 4 DAs in compensation this week instead!

What I am saying is that is extremely unlikely to happen, while what you got (at a sample size of 1, which is you) is absolutely not unlikely, but basically guaranteed to happen to someone playing elvenar. Not every day, but every now and then.
Now if last week we had had 100 forum members say they got nothing and this week we had the same 100 people get 4 DAs this week I would agree with you that something fishy was going on. But I don´t see that happening. I would rather bet my money that last week someone got 4 DAs and got nothing at all this week. So your dev has to sit there and individually adjust probabilities for tens of thousands of people on at least a weekly basis ;)


Do you honestly believe that someone believes that? :p

Anyways, I do code in Java and setting a flag for a disaster scenario and then fix it in next rounds is not that difficult and fully automated as a lot of things nowadays. Also, I'm not the only one that this happened to, very unlucky one week and very lucky shortly after. The odds of that happening based on pure RNG are miniscule. But if you want to believe everything that Inno says then I'll leave you to it.
There is no way that they can probe your brain to figure out when you do want, or do now want something. because thats personal.

On 1 account I ignored which hut when it came out because I did not need it, I want it now but how should they know I like a building now that I did not like a year ago


There is no way that they can probe your brain

the Orc is putting on the tin-foil hat now, disguising it at armor looted from a dead enemy... well I know you said they can´t, but better safe than sorry, right?

Silly Bubbles

the Orc is putting on the tin-foil hat now, disguising it at armor looted from a dead enemy... well I know you said they can´t, but better safe than sorry, right?

Maybe that's what I need to do so people stop thinking that they can read my mind :D
You never know what they might believe.


Maybe that's what I need to do so people stop thinking that they can read my mind :D
You never know what they might believe.

I have heard tin foil hats are quite the rage lately in more than one world :D Orcs are definitely all about style.


OK. So I scored 6 or 7 chests on the spire this week; all of them blue.
This is completely unfair and I demand the devs rewrite the whole programme so that it cannot happen again.
RNG is a farce and it should be sorted so that this type of thing cannot be repeated.

ps the bit about the blue chests is true


OK. So I scored 6 or 7 chests on the spire this week; all of them blue.
This is completely unfair and I demand the devs rewrite the whole programme so that it cannot happen again.
RNG is a farce and it should be sorted so that this type of thing cannot be repeated.

ps the bit about the blue chests is true


I agree you should have gotten at least one red and also the blue one with the white dots I always get after getting 7 blue in a row.

Silly Bubbles

I'd relinquish all my mystery chests for a year so I could get dwarven armorers! I'm not a Spire champion, but when chests do appear they almost never have any dwarves in them :( :) :p

It took me a while to warm up to the Spire but now I love it, personally I prefer it to the tournament. I can either cater the whole thing or fight the whole thing when I have at least 150% health boost from expiring buildings (then I squeeze two spire in 5 days to get the most out of it). This week I got another 3 dwarven armorers so I don't have anything to complain about any more, they're tweaking it behind the scenes, that's the only way I can explain it. Anyways, I didn't want to rub it in. :cool:


It took me a while to warm up to the Spire but now I love it, personally I prefer it to the tournament. I can either cater the whole thing or fight the whole thing when I have at least 150% health boost from expiring buildings (then I squeeze two spire in 5 days to get the most out of it). This week I got another 3 dwarven armorers so I don't have anything to complain about any more, they're tweaking it behind the scenes, that's the only way I can explain it. Anyways, I didn't want to rub it in. :cool:

I bet we´ll have hundreds of complainy posts coming up, because clearly all you have to do is complain until the devs give you 3 DAs :)

Maybe the mods can just make a new forum section for RNG complaints?

Oh yes and congrats on the 3 DAs :D And yes I also agree, the spire is way more fun than the tourney!


No scientific evidence for the following, just a gut feeling.
I seem to be getting more chests in the spire but very few gold or purple.
Just me or other folk too?


The blue one is by far the most common, that is intentional. I don´t remember the exact odds of getting each one was it maybe 70, 20, 10?


No scientific evidence for the following, just a gut feeling.
I seem to be getting more chests in the spire but very few gold or purple.
Just me or other folk too?
Chest come and go in waves. including colors.

This creates the "gut feeling" that something has changed all the time.


I havent moved fellowships for a while but was unaware of changes. I am getting a message in spire now saying i joined too late for fellowship rewards (one of my alts not gem). seems kinda harsh considering i finished it. I think i moved on the sunday it started. is the game really slapping those finishing spire for not joining before each one starts ? seems to need some kind of warning when clicking leaving a fellowship if thats the case. I put a ticket in but seems poorly thought out to me if its true
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The cats mother
Elvenar Team
@Geminatrix, the 7-days cooldown was introduced together with the Fellowship Perks to avoid Fellowship hopping, which now would manipulate the Perks data. There is also a 24-hours cooldown for Neighborly Help in the Fellowship. :)