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No Spire mystery chests


Today I finished the Spire to the top and didn't get any mystery chests at all. I understand that there's random element to the game but there should be limits to how far it should be let go. Next I won't be getting any event daily prizes.
Has this happened to anyone else not getting any mystery chests at all?
Yep - I've found 1 week I'll get 2 or 3 mystery chests and then none at all. This week I'm already at end of second level and I've had 1 chest - with regards to daily rewards I've gone through 200+ provisions today and only got 4 of the ancient marker thingies, a gold instant and a unit instant - no daily prize which is really off putting/annoying as there are some I really want. I've found that if I play directly after the daily reward updates I'm far more likely to get the building than if I play later in the day - its happened twice now, I got 2x the first building and I got 2x passageway of acolytes but even though I used 400+ provisions I didn't get even 1 of the furry sands which I really wanted - I just got supply/gold/unit instants its another reason why I really don't like this game mechanic - at least when you have a choice of icons/baubles/chests you can select the one that gives you the highest chance with this event its pot luck am over half way through the quest chain and only 103 markers found which means that unless I'm extraordinarily lucky I wont be able to fully evolve the event building again :confused:
......and yes I know I can use the re-roll option so I still stand a chance of getting the furry sands.


I actually had once same experience. I even raised a ticket because of that because I thought that there were some technical issue. On the other hand I've experienced also some times something I like to call a rain of mystery chests. So, You never know what You can get - like Forrest Gump said once. :)
I raised a ticket about the spire once - I had an 11 week run of getting the 10% portal profit from the frog boss!


I raised a ticket about the spire once - I had an 11 week run of getting the 10% portal profit from the frog boss!
I have a love/hate relationship with uglyfrogthing. I hate that it loves to give me paltry profit.
I do sometimes get a trading station which is ultimately 25x 10% PP :D


I have a love/hate relationship with uglyfrogthing. I hate that it loves to give me paltry profit.
I do sometimes get a trading station which is ultimately 25x 10% PP :D

;) Yes it's the worst I've had 4x10% in a row now....it's should be at least a 20%......all the effort/resources it takes to get to that point.


There have been many weeks when I got zero chests. Not the end of the world.
That can then be followed by having a great run in the spire when I may get 5, 6 or 7 chests, some weeks, I'll only get blue chests, another time I'll get a mix of blue, with maybe 1 or 2 gold chests, then I'll get weeks when I win a purple chest or two so I'd say it all works out in the end.
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