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New round of Fellowship Adventures


A note on the ghost badge:
It's never been a hiccup for me previously but with the move from 3 to 4 encounters I found that I hit the 'cap' of badges, then needed more but couldn't produce them.
Effectively the max number of ghost badges one can produce is the completed spire (12) plus 1/4 of your tournament provinces for that week.
So your badge production almost has a pre-determined limit based on your game progress.
For a smaller city that has hit the orc-wall they can't even scout extra provinces to increase their number of encounters in the tournament.
I can't think of a workaround off-hand but maybe this badge needs some adjusting so it doesn't inadvertently favour larger cities with more discovered provinces.
Any thoughts anyone?
It's true, but it's also a group event where everyone's supposed to work together. For example, the bracelet and coin badges favor smaller cities and all the workshop badges already favor big cities. We had our smaller cities handle the bracelets/statues/necklaces and the big cities handle the workshop badges. The footprint required for a late chapter city to make one bracelet is very large! I am a mid-chapter city, but considered a large city in my FS because we have a few sub-chap 5 cities. I had 0 big T1s out so I didn't even try to make bracelets. Work within the limits of the cities. If everyone does their share of tourney, I haven't found ghost badge to be an issue, even with increase from 3 to 4 encounters. Most FS I've been on, we'll eventually get stuck on witch hats, except the FS I'm in where we get 19-tourney chests. Most people are creating CCs/druid staffs to supply their arcane spendings so not enough people are making MMs in their MAs. The FS doing 19-tourney chests gets witch hats from tourney and need not craft them manually. The bigger cities just need to carry their weight and push a little harder in tourney during FAs :)

Also, if a FS is only doing one path each Stage and not caring about rank, it's very easy to do with minimal effort and then the ghost badge changes really won't make that big of a difference. My friend is in a "retiree" FS with 7 people, most of whom have left more active FS due to RL reasons and cannot play as much anymore. Their FS super casual with zero requirements since everyone's there with complicated issues. They were able to complete all 3 stages with a skeleton crew and poking along.


@schadenfreude I agree about balancing the load according to what is best for your city level, playing style, etc.
As a mid size city (chapter 14) I ended up with 260 workshops but I also had six maxed T1 manus so I was producing one bracelet every 3 hours. When needed for the pit I could timer a bracelet in a couple of minutes.
Which I guess is really my point, you can't produce more ghosts than the 'cap' allows you to.


Master of the Elements
A note on the ghost badge:
It's never been a hiccup for me previously but with the move from 3 to 4 encounters I found that I hit the 'cap' of badges, then needed more but couldn't produce them.
Effectively the max number of ghost badges one can produce is the completed spire (12) plus 1/4 of your tournament provinces for that week.
So your badge production almost has a pre-determined limit based on your game progress.
For a smaller city that has hit the orc-wall they can't even scout extra provinces to increase their number of encounters in the tournament.
I can't think of a workaround off-hand but maybe this badge needs some adjusting so it doesn't inadvertently favour larger cities with more discovered provinces.
Any thoughts anyone?
Yes, you are quite right. Ever since the new badges were brought out the Ghost badge has been the most obvious hard stop. For teams not making the biggest scores they wouldn't necessarily notice this as they are often held back sooner by badges such as residues and bracelets, but when you get to the business end of things, there is quite a specific number of Ghost badges which can be made, whereas those other ones can be boosted with time reducers.

For a really successful FA, everyone needs to know that they have to have the tournament of their lives at the same time.


I just updated our FA Master File, with particular reference to the 'individual balancing' section, which really works very well - we finished second in Beta using that only, with zero fuss, bother, bickering or drama.
All comments and suggestions to improve the file would be very welcome!!


Second place - without any spreadsheets or countdown threads or bullying or fuss, just mini-status and 'individual balancing' - and zero bickering or drama!!!
Wonderful, effortless team performance that required extremely little Admin work - well done Platinum Leaf! And well done Czechoslovak Kingdoms!!


A new round of Fellowship Adventures starts on October 6th.


Read all about the one that is running in Beta here: https://tinyurl.com/2p99np8n
You are welcome to share this file with friends; it does need a special program to open it.

Note that the version that comes to live worlds is not always exactly the same as the one that was tested in Beta server.