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City movements


I've been in a good position on the map, so I clicked the option preventing me from being moved automatically. However, all my good neighbours have suddenly been moved within the past day or so (at least four players whom I've given help to for years have gone).

I find it surprising that this has happened, as this was a good neighbourhood, not a peripheral area. I know at least one of the players that's moved isn't happy that they've gone. I now find myself in a wasteland of gold mines. Very disappointed. :mad:
I really do not understand the motive behind this move. Why is it in the game's interest to blow up working communities? I am disappointed as well, and if this is a regular feature of this game then it makes it very uncomfortable and unsettling for me. :(


However, all my good neighbours have suddenly been moved within the past day or so (at least four players whom I've given help to for years have gone).

I have been moved once bc I had started on the edge of the world with desert all around me. Even though my new neighborhood is much more active, I have left the the move option on in my options anyway for this exact reason. I don't want to be left behind if a sweep came through.

Shadow Mike

For 6 years I have been in the same place until today. Yes relocation was activated in my settings but after all that time and a fairly active part of the map why relocate ???
Not to happy for the moment


It seems to have been a major clear-out. Several players in my fellowship have either been moved or been left without their long-standing neighbours. Doesn't Inno realise that players build up a community over the years? If such moves are necessary, we should be able to continue to trade and give help to our old neighbours. To follow the logic of the game, we've already found them.

I was in a good neighbourhood. But there are suddenly no trades up. How can I survive here?


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
We do indeed @Julian, which is why the player movement choices are left down to the individual player to set whether they wish to relocate or not. Unfortunately this can as you have found be a double edged sword, in so much as those wishing to move then do, leaving those happy with their neighbours still there after they have gone to pastures new.


I've been in a good position on the map, so I clicked the option preventing me from being moved automatically. However, all my good neighbours have suddenly been moved within the past day or so (at least four players whom I've given help to for years have gone).

This is exactly what has been pointed out various times before. Do NOT opt out of being moved! Ever! As long as you are in a central area, you will not be moved anyway, if you are at a certain distance from the center your area will be cleansed eventually and you will be left behind if you have opted out.

The algorithm for moving towns is not very complex and cannot distinguish between active and inactive neighbourhoods. It is unlikely it ever will be. It simply looks at distance from the center. The farther out you are the more likely you are moved (given some other influencing factors like availability of a target space).
Also because of this algorithm you have no guarantee to be moved to a more active neighbourhood, the only guarantee is that you are being moved closer to the center. This will in general lead to a more active neighbourhood, but not in all cases. However as a whole it should be better for the game to have more towns in closer proximity.
If you are one of the unlucky ones that get moved from an active remote pocket to an inactive central one, your best hope is that those inactive towns will eventually get removed and then subsequently replaced by new active towns that get moved to that spot. But this removal of inactive towns so far is extremely faulty at best :(


I've been in a good position on the map, so I clicked the option preventing me from being moved automatically. However, all my good neighbours have suddenly been moved within the past day or so (at least four players whom I've given help to for years have gone).

I find it surprising that this has happened, as this was a good neighbourhood, not a peripheral area. I know at least one of the players that's moved isn't happy that they've gone. I now find myself in a wasteland of gold mines. Very disappointed. :mad:
Yes, the exactly same thing just happened to me.


So, if we are happy with the place of our town, it will be better to switch off the possibility for movement?

No it will never be an advantage to switch off the movement!

1. If you like your place, enjoy it!
2. You can check on the map and see how far away from the edge you are. If you are very far away from the edge (that is a relative term) you will not move anyway. No matter if you check the box or not.
3. If you are close to the edge there is a chance you and all your neighbours will be moved. If you have switched off moving you will stay, but all your neighbours will still disappear around you and move away. You will be left alone in the middle of nowhere and be guaranteed to have no more trading partners.

So result:
You cannot stop change if it happens, you only have the option to move to a different place (that hopefully is at least as good as your old one) or to stay alone in a deserted place.


I've experienced the exact same thing @Julian.
I've been on this space of the map for ages, not that far from the center (or so I thought), I have (or had) some very good neighbours and only a few inactives, but suddenly I find myself in a minefield with 75 clickable gold coins... With a lot of the good neighbours moved away.
This whole moving thing seems to be just some kind of lottery, with a constant situation of just 'hoping for the best', whether you have the option to being moved toggled on or off...
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I had been in the same place since 2017. My move flag has been turned on for years. Had maybe 20 gold mines but the neighbors weren't very active. I just got moved to a new neighborhood and the number of neighbor visits right now is fantastic. I'm pretty happy with the move. Sure I've lost a few good neighbors but meeting new people is fun too.


They've recently tweaked the move algo to move more people according to US forum.


Stupid update! I lost several good trading neighbors, especially one that always was helping me with Silk.
:mad: ......
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So, if we are happy with the place of our town, it will be better to switch off the possibility for movement?
Yes. That's why they give you that option.
I've been in the same place for a couple of years. And have found some new neighbours moving in that are pretty good, thanks.
Wish I could say the same about my RL neighbours :mad:


No it will never be an advantage to switch off the movement!

1. If you like your place, enjoy it!
2. You can check on the map and see how far away from the edge you are. If you are very far away from the edge (that is a relative term) you will not move anyway. No matter if you check the box or not.
3. If you are close to the edge there is a chance you and all your neighbours will be moved. If you have switched off moving you will stay, but all your neighbours will still disappear around you and move away. You will be left alone in the middle of nowhere and be guaranteed to have no more trading partners.

So result:
You cannot stop change if it happens, you only have the option to move to a different place (that hopefully is at least as good as your old one) or to stay alone in a deserted place.

Funny thing though, as more and more high level players stop playing, the 'edge' gets closer and closer to the center... Just checked, I never used to be near the edge, but I noticed I am now getting closer and closer to the edge, or rather, the edge is getting closer and closer to me, since I have my settings set to not move but the circle of active players is shrinking...


Master of the Elements
On my map today I've been presented with well over a hundred new gold mines. I can't tell if this is good or bad. I can see at least 2 or 3 active people who are still in my neighbourhood, but I can also see many more people who have been inactive for years. Those ones are still with me too.