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City movements


Funny thing though, as more and more high level players stop playing, the 'edge' gets closer and closer to the center... Just checked, I never used to be near the edge, but I noticed I am now getting closer and closer to the edge, or rather, the edge is getting closer and closer to me, since I have my settings set to not move but the circle of active players is shrinking...

It doesn´t have much to do with the big towns stopping, those stay on the map and don´t make space usually (that feature is supposed to come too though). It´s because they are moving the people from the edge towards the center, so the edge will creep closer and closer to you. If you keep the checkmark on not moving you will also end up in a desert, because people around you will move away...

Paris Silk

No it will never be an advantage to switch off the movement!

1. If you like your place, enjoy it!
2. You can check on the map and see how far away from the edge you are. If you are very far away from the edge (that is a relative term) you will not move anyway. No matter if you check the box or not.
3. If you are close to the edge there is a chance you and all your neighbours will be moved. If you have switched off moving you will stay, but all your neighbours will still disappear around you and move away. You will be left alone in the middle of nowhere and be guaranteed to have no more trading partners.

So result:
You cannot stop change if it happens, you only have the option to move to a different place (that hopefully is at least as good as your old one) or to stay alone in a deserted place.
For me, I'm in a good position with good neighbours and a reasonably active Trading Centre. As a result, I have turned off the move option, but if things changed too much around me and I found that things were less favourable, I would consider turning it back on to see where the algorithm fates would place me. I don't mind the odd gamble. :)


Master of the Elements
For me, I'm in a good position with good neighbours and a reasonably active Trading Centre. As a result, I have turned off the move option, but if things changed too much around me and I found that things were less favourable, I would consider turning it back on to see where the algorithm fates would place me. I don't mind the odd gamble. :)
The problem is if none of those good trading partners have disabled the move option then you may suddenly find everyone moved away from you. You then may get lost in a desert for several months or more until they next make any big changes.


For me, I'm in a good position with good neighbours and a reasonably active Trading Centre. As a result, I have turned off the move option, but if things changed too much around me and I found that things were less favourable, I would consider turning it back on to see where the algorithm fates would place me. I don't mind the odd gamble. :)
The problem is that when that happens you are screwed, and by then it takes ages to get a new move opportunity.
Thats why those of us who know how the system works advise to NOT activate the option that disallows the system to move you.

Once you neighbourhood gets a move check. it takes months to get another check.

In the end moving is always better than staying. even if you new location looks worst then your old location. you old location simply no longer exists in that old form.

Moving players is a way to keep the game active and alive, when the player mover did not exist or when the rework was so buggy they had to stop player movement for a long while. neighbourhoods where dying because in a game there are always players that stop and certain players are only removed after 3 years of inactivity.
This means thaeven the most vibrant community will die out eventually.

By moving the active players constantly closer to the center the central area will be always the most active.

So player movement is vital to keep the game healthy


Master of the Elements
The only exception might be if you have a big group of active players all in one area - let's say there are 20 or 30 hardcore players all together - and you all agree collectively to disable the move option so you can all stay together.


The only exception might be if you have a big group of active players all in one area - let's say there are 20 or 30 hardcore players all together - and you all agree collectively to disable the move option so you can all stay together.
Even in that case, you might end up with 30 hardcore players and 300 mines of empty players. and whop guarantees that those players do not decide to call it quits?
Just for the record I am at the center of my world and easily get over 60 neighbourly helps a day. this is what the move accomplisches, eventually you get at the god location.


Master of the Elements
Even in that case, you might end up with 30 hardcore players and 300 mines of empty players. and whop guarantees that those players do not decide to call it quits?
Just for the record I am at the center of my world and easily get over 60 neighbourly helps a day. this is what the move accomplisches, eventually you get at the god location.
Right now I would take 30 hardcore players. I have been getting some NH. Not 60 a day, but maybe about 20 outside of the FS, but this week's clear out makes me realise how much of the map was inactive... especially as the majority of the ones remaining are also inactive.

I would rather get moved myself. I fully expect, in a few days time, that they will fill up the 100s of goldmines that I now have with new players. Then 99 out of those 100 will be inactive 2 more days later!


Right now I would take 30 hardcore players. I have been getting some NH. Not 60 a day, but maybe about 20 outside of the FS, but this week's clear out makes me realise how much of the map was inactive... especially as the majority of the ones remaining are also inactive.

I would rather get moved myself. I fully expect, in a few days time, that they will fill up the 100s of goldmines that I now have with new players. Then 99 out of those 100 will be inactive 2 more days later!
Are you regualty giving NH to those "inactieve" cities?
It makes a huge difference if you only help golden hands or all of them.
If I do not shake up my neighbours every few days my NH also drops a lot.

There are a ton of "golden hand" returners only so once you fail to return the help once, you get dropped


Master of the Elements
Are you regualty giving NH to those "inactieve" cities?
Not all the time, but I try to go round and help everyone once every couple of weeks, for that same reason. Most of the cities seem to blatantly be abandoned though, so then it makes no difference. I see mid-size cities (i.e. about chapter 6-10) that have been inactive for 2 or 3 years and they're still there.

Paris Silk

Funny thing though, as more and more high level players stop playing, the 'edge' gets closer and closer to the center... Just checked, I never used to be near the edge, but I noticed I am now getting closer and closer to the edge, or rather, the edge is getting closer and closer to me, since I have my settings set to not move but the circle of active players is shrinking...

I remember something like that from The Neverending Story. It was called The Nothing, wasn't it? :)

rock stream

Just checked, I never used to be near the edge, but I noticed I am now getting closer and closer to the edge,
How do you check on the "map" how close to the edge you are?

It seems to have been a major clear-out.
I have seen a couple of coin mines but I still have lots of 2018 and 2019 inactives on my map (ring 14).
Since INNO's program appears to be unable to keep up with the comings and gone and if relocates are always moved to the centre, won't that become a ghost map just like any other area of the map program?


Anyway, having clicked to allow moves, I have now been relocated to a more active area. At least I've been moved quickly after asking. Thank you, INNO. But I have lost my long-standing neighbours.


How do you check on the "map" how close to the edge you are?

Go to the world map, scroll into every direction and count how many screens you have to scroll until you hit the desert. If you have similar numbers (and big numbers) in all directions you are in the center. If you have few in one and lots in the opposite, you are close to the edge.
I for example am far North (only few screens from the edge), but only slightly off center in East/West direction. However I am not too likely to move soon as I have been getting all those new towns into my neighbourhood. Seems unlikely Inno goes through all the trouble to move towns into my area, just to move everybody again a few month later... now if it was a fully automated process they could move us all around on a a weekely basis without trouble, but I don´t think they´re quite there yet ;)

I have seen a couple of coin mines but I still have lots of 2018 and 2019 inactives on my map (ring 14).
Since INNO's program appears to be unable to keep up with the comings and gone and if relocates are always moved to the centre, won't that become a ghost map just like any other area of the map program?

don´t understand. what´s becoming a ghost map? The outskirts? Yes (the active ones are moved away), The center? No (only active towns are moved to the center)


The center? No (only active towns are moved to the center)
Of course, the system will have to be smarter than that. Otherwise, you could have an inactive city bang in the centre that would never move. Maybe the centre moves over time, perhaps heading in your direction, Gargon, if you are receiving players.


Of course, the system will have to be smarter than that. Otherwise, you could have an inactive city bang in the centre that would never move. Maybe the centre moves over time, perhaps heading in your direction, Gargon, if you are receiving players.
Thats why they made modification to be able to put those cities into storage. but the code was so borked it took them a year or so to fix it lol


I see a lot of speculation. Has a coder actually explained to anyone the algorithms and priorities of the moves . All I know is that some of my worlds are in turmoil. A second move in just a few months, and honestly, not for the better. I don’t buy the centre of the map theory as I have a few cities which I consider as the centre and they are nowhere near one another. I almost get the idea Inno is playing Hanoi Towers with us in trying to put small cities with small cities and big cities with big cities.