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Changes to Spire Rewards - BETA


Nah there are currently more in the pool. they havent removed any in the past few cycles.
Stonehenge is also still in the pool for example


Master of the Elements
Yeah I see all sorts of blueprint recipes for different types of artefacts. Maybe some get taken out of circulation, but I wouldn't ever notice that I don't think.


Yeah I see all sorts of blueprint recipes for different types of artefacts. Maybe some get taken out of circulation, but I wouldn't ever notice that I don't think.
The problem is there appearance chance is pretty low, because of that you might see a certain artefact only once in several weeks/months.
Since I still login to too many accounts/cities I see a bit more than average ;)


Just wondering, in those update notes they always state they remove the old recipes though, right? The old one leaves the rotation, the new one comes in, something along those lines they always say. So unless I am mistaken, this should then be posted in the bug report section? They shouldn´t actually be there?


One must also read very carefully about what exactly is going to be removed from the cycle. Usually it is just the two times new for one time old.


I did have a look at the latest few announcements, it´s always phasing out 1 and phasing in 2 others (for whatever weird reason). I fail to see the point of this artificial cluttering of the MA. It´s not that long ago they finally got the point and removed all of them, now they reintroduce the junk with every update???
Inno people are real messies and not the football playing kind...


From Marindor:

Dear Humans and Elves,
On February 13, the reward dataset for the Spire of Eternity will be adjusted for the next 6 weeks.


  • Wise Golem will be phased out as a possible reward for the Spire of Eternity
  • Moon bear Artifacts and craftable building will be phased in instead
  • Festive May Tree Artifacts will also be phased in for crafting
Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team
