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Beta Fellowship Adventures


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
@BlueBlou are we reminiscing or would you like that to go over as a suggestion :D
Sorry for the interruption.
In the pit; is there anyway to tell that it is filled and ready for the next one? I constantly have to return to my city and revisit the pit.
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Sorry for the interruption.
In the pit; is there anyway to tell that it is filled and ready for the next one? I constantly have to return to my city and revisit the pit.
It seems to get clogged when multiple fellows are there at the same time.
I find it cycles fine when I'm on my own.

Sir Derf

Jake, I think you misunderstood the question... I believe the issue is if, when sitting on the main screen, is there any indication to let you know that the Pit has been cycled into a new step by another Fellow. Which, to the best of my knowledge, does not exist. But it could...


Jake, I think you misunderstood the question... I believe the issue is if, when sitting on the main screen, is there any indication to let you know that the Pit has been cycled into a new step by another Fellow. Which, to the best of my knowledge, does not exist. But it could...
Ah, thanks for clarifying.
That would be very helpful, our message window becomes a long string of next, next, farmers, ghosts, next.....

Sir Derf

Well, if your chat is this active, you wouldn't need the alert.

But, if you are looking at an empty chat, you have to wonder if someone filled a pit and didn't tell anyone...


The next Fellowship Adventures starts in Beta server on Thursday 23rd June, about a week after the previous event ended.

I will post full details in our usual event note, once we know more.



Fellowship Adventures started in Beta server.
It is unchanged except for the prizes - see below.


Full details are here: https://tinyurl.com/tr9tsdbr
This file can be opened on a normal PC without any special program. You are welcome to share the link with friends.

Note: The architecture of the FA that comes to Live World is usually identical to the one we recorded in Beta - but the designers reserve the right to make changes.


The prizes are identical to the usual type G, with these exceptions:
  • Stage 2 prizes includes a Glory of Nimble Artifact
  • Stage 3 prizes includes Tome of Forbidden Wisdom, a Resource Shared Kit of the six buildings from Forbidden Ruins Set, of which you can pick one.


The Fellowship Adventures has started in Beta Server and you can read all about it here:
You are welcome to share this file with friends; it does not need a special program to open it.


Nothing dramatic about the prizes.

Bracelets September 2022
The amounts were decreased, compared to the previous FA in Live Worlds, but increased compared to the last FA in Beta.
Ch. 1 -
Ch. 2 -
Ch. 3 - 520
Ch. 4 - 1830
Ch. 5 - 4.4k
Ch. 6 - 6.8k
Ch. 7 - 9.4k
Ch. 8 - 13k
Ch. 9 - 18k
Ch. 10 - 24k
Ch. 11 - 30k
Ch. 12 - 40k
Ch. 13 - 49 k
Ch. 14 - 58k
Ch. 15 - 67k
Ch. 16 - 72k
Ch. 17 - 77k
Ch. 18 - 87k
Ch. 19 -101k
Ch. 20 - 118k

New Sack of Coins value September 2022
The amounts were decreased, compared to the previous FA in Live Worlds, but increased compared to the last FA in Beta.
These values are about ⅔ of those we saw in the previous FA in the Live Worlds

Ch. 1 -
Ch. 2 -
Ch. 3 - 264k
Ch. 4 - 504k
Ch. 5 - 924k
Ch. 6 - 1344k
Ch. 7 - 1984k
Ch. 8 - 2784k
Ch. 9 - 3696k
Ch. 10 - 4704k
Ch. 11 - 5920k
Ch. 12 - 7296k
Ch. 13 - 8856k
Ch. 14 - 10608k
Ch. 15 - 11856k
Ch. 16 - 13672k
Ch. 17 - 15632K
Ch. 18 - 18608k
Ch. 19 - 24448k
Ch. 20 - 32088k
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The Sack of Coins requirement in Beta is now steeper than it was last time in Beta, but has been reduced to 2/3 of the new amounts that appeared accidentally in the Live Worlds. That makes getting enough Coin badges taxing, and it has now become a 'limit item' which it never used to be before. However, if everyone in the group harvests all the coins from neighbor visits every day (which is very easy and only takes 10 minutes, using the neighbor visit icon on the Map page) - then the coins are very do-able, particularly if you use spells on all culture buildings to boost neighbor visit income, and if you spend Coin Rain Instants liberally.
I believe that people have over-reacted to the coin requirement! It was ridiculously too easy in the original form of Type G adventures and the designers are quite justified in making coins a bit more competitive - though I believe it is still a bit harsh and they could consider relaxing requirements a teensy-weensy bit more.


In my opinion, this latest Coin rebalancing is a giant leap backwards!

Fellowship Adventures used to be a boring procession of endless click-click-click-click collecting badges; eventually the designers listened to player feedback and introduced one-click collection of all badges and suddenly FA became attractive once again, given the rather meager prizes - because one could collect a lot of useful badges in normal gameplay with a minimum of effort.

So what did they do next? Tightened up the Coin requirements radically, and suddenly every day I am back to collecting coins from all my neighbors for up to half an hour, click-click-click-click…

I do understand that some rebalancing is needed when the designers see that people are finishing with hundreds of unused items of one type, which makes that badge a ‘non-limit item’ that fellowships do not need to plan for. But there will ALWAYS be ‘non-limit’ items, and I do not see why they made this change, throwing us back to boring badge collection once again!!

I hope they will reconsider...