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You knew it was coming....


Mykan has made a spreadsheet with all the old and new values of all wonders if anyone is interested.


Not at all @HexeAlix this is the same development team working on the whole game. So there is very much a grand plan that we are just seeing unfolding. It will take time for all of the improvements to roll out, due to the very nature of programming. But watch this space for the changes...
So then, there is a light at the end of the tunnel? I hope it's not an oncoming freight train! o_O


If they don't tell us their grand plan pretty quickly @Silmaril there won"t be any players around to read about it. I will be lucky to upgrade 1 AW a year and that"s only if the wind is behind me. I'll probably have problems crafting too. I have played for 2 years and spent a lot of money but Inno isn't getting another cent out of me until they get their act together and make the game something that people enjoy. I notice that wiki doesn't have any mention of the changes , so I have to refer my fellowship to the forum when they want answers to what is happening.


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
All announcements will follow on Discord, further changes to the game will as always follow every two weeks with our version updates as normal. Should the developers decide to make any further tweaks, after the considerable ones made between Beta and ourselves, this will also be announced as soon as we can.
Regarding Royal Restorations and Combining Catalysts, these values have changed, availability has also changed with new buildings released in the upcoming event there will also be additional opportunity with rewards.
I am unable to say more than this currently as you can no doubt appreciate myself and my team are quite busy currently, with handling the recent changes as well as making sure that everyone is aware of the negative and positive feedback we are getting from these changes. Please bear in mind that for many players these are proving a huge boost with their chosen Ancient Wonders as most have been boosted to improve gameplay greatly. Only four have been nerfed as they were overpowered and causing an imbalance in the game, this will allow the game to move forward in a far better position than we had.
Hoping that this helps a little with the frustration.
Not at all @HexeAlix this is the same development team working on the whole game. So there is very much a grand plan that we are just seeing unfolding. It will take time for all of the improvements to roll out, due to the very nature of programming. But watch this space for the changes...
Wouldn't it have made sense to roll out the grand plan re spell fragments before rolling out the part that requires players to gain and spend 600k+ spell fragments to upgrade a single AW from level 1 to level 35? As it stands, the devs have brought AW upgrades to a screeching halt.

And would it not have made more sense to give people notice of the culture hit and time to plan and adapt before rolling out the changes...in the middle of an FA? You have players that have teleported half their city to make way for T1 manus and WSs specifically for the FA that now cannot rebuild their cities.

I imagine the exodus of players will be larger than that following the tourney changes. And as @dennise said, this will happen before the grand plan is fully realised.


Well this change to the AW's sucks, fair enough to change the new AW's, if you must, but to go back and change all of the upgrading costs is quite frankly a change too far.
Absolutely agree @Zenna. Many of us have long term commitments to AWs that have cost a lot of time and resources to upgrade, not to mention all the hundreds of KPs our FS buddies have contributed. To retroactively apply these draconian new schemes is a stab in the back! And it's not just the upgrade costs, which are extremely unfair, it is the massive hit to culture and values of the existing AWs that are another devious way that Inno has found to punish successful and long term players/payers!! I am feeling mightily betrayed!! :mad:


Wouldn't it have made sense to roll out the grand plan re spell fragments before rolling out the part that requires players to gain and spend 600k+ spell fragments to upgrade a single AW from level 1 to level 35? As it stands, the devs have brought AW upgrades to a screeching halt.

And would it not have made more sense to give people notice of the culture hit and time to plan and adapt before rolling out the changes...in the middle of an FA? You have players that have teleported half their city to make way for T1 manus and WSs specifically for the FA that now cannot rebuild their cities.

I imagine the exodus of players will be larger than that following the tourney changes. And as @dennise said, this will happen before the grand plan is fully realised.
I cannot agree more!
We should have been warned on Beta and given time to adjust, and yes the change to upgrade resources should have come first.
I'm also -25k on culture. Did they nerf something regarding it? All I'm seeing is mentioning changes to Ancient Wonders but no mention of culture nerfs.

Lol. I wasn't aware of any nerfs so immediately created support ticket after seeing my culture.

Not really sure what to do with my city now since everything I have is pretty much mandatory...
Yep, one of my players - who was ranked in the top 10 in the world - has dropped 10 places overnight, and now has -1M culture, meaning that she cannot even replace the buildings she teleported out for the Fellowship Adventure. Shambles.

Additionally, players who have AWs that gave troop boosts are now unable to train troops of certain kinds - this in the middle of an FA! - unless they happen to play on PC and can reduce the training number using the slider. No such functionality exists in the app. Shambles.

Nope Inno, these changes are NOT improvements, and result in a struggle - not a challenge.


Dear development team. You guys do know we are all very mature gamers right? If so then you also realise that there comes a time in every game developer's existence where they have to close their doors to some of their products. With that said, I have been a gamer my whole life since the very birth of electronic games and PC growth for an large number of years. I have played loads of games, seen many come..and many go. We talking about an odd 30+ years. I have also being playing a very hard game here on Elvenar, and must say I have enjoyed it, even with a load of moans at some decisions you made for the game. Some were good, some were not. BUT, and I really think I will be saying what the majority of players here are thinking. THIS last move you made might be that very last one before the dreaded exodus from this game. I am telling you in a nice way today. Repair this, and do it quickly. I dont know how long it will take, but when your bank dries up from no diamond sales, remember this post. I am urging you, I love this game and I love playing it. But you pushed too far now. If you really want to see proof? Then go visit my city right now. You see that huge hole in it? Its because your culture nerf has cost me 11 buildings unable to be placed due to robbing my culture figure. And guess what? I am NOT happy about that at all. I will not teleport buildings again for FA's again due to this. And many players will share that thought. Im not even gonna talk anout the upgrade costs..its a shame INNO. Shame on you


Please bear in mind that for many players these are proving a huge boost with their chosen Ancient Wonders as most have been boosted to improve gameplay greatly.
But what's the use in that if you can't afford to upgrade them due to these new insane costs.
Apart from the chapter 21 aws, all of the others should be reverted back to the old costs, imo.
I am Not Impressed Inno. The ancient wonder changes. The loss of culture. The sudden way the changes were brought in. The timing, during FA, so that some cannot replace teleported buildings. No, your changes won't make us pay for diamonds. They will just annoy us and make us more likely to quit. If people quit and you lose profits, you deserve it Inno. You have made many bad decisions (Discord springs to mind), but this one tops the lot. You've made it clear that you hate your player base, but we are not the fools you take us for. As of today, I am quitting completely. I hope others who feel strongly about this will do the same. There has never been a better time to stop playing Elvenar.
Has there been ANY positive feedback following these changes? If so what level of player thinks they are a good idea? Many long-term players, some of whom are on the final chapter, are massively displeased by these changes - we do not see ANY benefits to players whatsoever!
So, I won't be upgrading AWs. I won't be buying diamonds, and I may actually stop playing altogether. What's the point? The fun has been sucked out of the game, it's an uphill struggle to do many things lately, and these AW changes are the last straw for many players.


we have listened to player feedback to change this to improve gameplay.

Where was this feedback? I have *never* seen feedback that has asked Inno to murder progress, make AW much harder to obtain for early and mid-level players, and generally drop players into negative culture so deeply that it is near impossible to get out off.

totally changing their costs, and removing the barriers you told us about.

What barriers? Again, where was this feedback? Certainly not on Beta, or on the EN forums.

Again we listened to your feedback on this chapter and we have also now reduced these costs for the chapter by 50%!

No, no you did not. Reducing the specific costs of chapter 21 and then spreading this issue to ALL the other AW's does not reduce costs at all. Overall, it makes the costs for players to get a good selection of Ancient Wonders much, MUCH higher. This bit of the announcement is total nonsense.

In general, we also improved the Ancient Wonder rewards. In most cases, rewards are the same but stronger than the initial levels and similar at maximum.

Ah, so this is why people suddenly see their culture drop like a brick into the negatives and/or see their troop production get wrecked?

Thank you for your feedback so far that has allowed us to provide you with these significant changes, we appreciate that they are necessary to improve the game and to keep Ancient Wonders relevant as we move forward.

Ancient Wonders WERE relevant. So much so that anyone who did not build them would get stuck in progression, would not be able to do tournaments and spire properly, would be stuck for space, and would generally have a highly inefficient city.

And once again; where is this feedback then? I have never seen ANYONE ask for this kind of change.

We would also like to take the opportunity, to thank the players for their feedback and time, not least to our Beta players who have already experienced and therefore adjustments have already occurred for this version about to appear on our live servers - Thank you!!!!

Kind regards


Yes, the Beta players who hated this update so much that they asked Inno to pull the plug on it and not send it to Live. There have hardly been any adjustments, as usual, and we all know Beta is not really a place to test the waters. Beta is a technical testing ground, after which things just get pushed straight to Live.

This entire announcement is what we, in my line of work, call the "Manager BLEEP Bingo", because it checks all those dots, where the manager just says the things they believe people need or want to hear, to make a change acceptable and make people doubt themselves.
'Oh.... my co-workers wanted this, and provided feedback on it? Okay.. I guess.... if that is true, then I better keep quiet'

Unfortunately, I don't believe this for one second, and thus I think a large part of this announcement about the feedback given, is a blatant lie. Lies and nonsense, that does not stand up to scrutiny, or really anyone who has the mental capacity to add 1 and 1 together can see it for what it really is;
A narrative that Inno is pushing down the player's throats, and expecting us to thank them for yet another update that messes with the game in a VERY negative manner, further mobile-izing it because all those resources will soon be on sale.

I am very much wondering how many players I will have left in my FS over the course of the next week. This change is terrible, and we HATE IT.


I'm wondering if this change has been introduced to offset/counter the effect of being able to use rune shards to add KP to AWs.
That was a radical change in my opinion as suddenly we had 1000s of KP we could drop on each other's AWs. This definitely enabled us to upgrade them at a faster rate than previously possible. Perhaps this created an unintended imbalance with AW levels being disproportionately high relative to one's game progression.

I'm also wondering (I probably do this too much) what will happen to 'excess' KP. I can't move forward in research at the moment, normally I would plough KP into my AWs but now I'm thinking "why bother, the upgrade costs are going to be a limiting factor". This coming from me, the King of the KP Scroungers :confused:


Call me a cynic, but the watchtower and monastery/sanctuary changes seem to be driven by, how shall I say, 'financial incentives.' If people can get 80% of their required culture from two buildings, who needs to buy the premium culture buildings, right? The premium culture buildings are a scam as far as I'm concerned anyway - thousands of diamonds per building and they become worthless after a chapter to two. If you want people to buy the premium culture buildings how about allowing them to be upgraded using Royal Restorations? If I buy a magic residence or magic workshop, they're not throwaways after a couple of chapters, I can upgrade them to keep them relevant, why is this not the case with premium culture buildings (aside from the obvious - limiting their lifespan means people have to buy the new versions of these premium culture buildings every couple of chapters)? I'm sure more people would be prepared to invest in premium culture buildings if they could be upgraded with each new chapter, or if they could be sold at any time for a ~75% diamond refund, which can go towards the ones for the new chapter.

Being less of a cynic, I can see how having two buildings give 80% of your culture also makes them essential buildings and probably wasn't ever the intent, it just happened when the extra levels from 25 to 30 were introduced for AWs. Each of these two buildings gave me 40% of my required culture each, now they give about 10% each, which is too low for the investment made in getting them to level 30+. I think the multiplier for squad size, from which these scale now, should at least be doubled, so they each give about 20% of required culture - for a total of 40% from two buildings. Or, even 25% each, for a total of 50% combined - this is still a big nerf from before, this would leave us needing to find 50-60% of our required culture from other sources, instead of just 20% as it was before.