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Version 1.129


Co-Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to discuss the update to version 1.129

We're looking forward to your feedback!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


Master of the Elements
Well there's not much interesting to report there, but the best update (in my opinion) didn't get reported at all, either here or on Beta... and that's the way the province select window pops back open on the page you were previously on, whilst auto-fighting (or catering) tournament provinces. This change has taken effect on Live today.


Well there's not much interesting to report there, but the best update (in my opinion) didn't get reported at all, either here or on Beta... and that's the way the province select window pops back open on the page you were previously on, whilst auto-fighting (or catering) tournament provinces. This change has taken effect on Live today.

guess it is browser only?

Sir Derf

  • UI - for Browser the bulk production element has been moved to the to the right corner for all manufactories to avoid overlapping.

Not so much a complaint against INNO, but against myself. Darn my muscle memory...


Yes, because on the mobile app it already shoots you to the next available province.

unfortunately that is not true if you have zero cooldown. It only works within the same round, so it takes you from round 1 province 1 to round 1 province 2 IF you do not have zero cooldown. If you have zero cooldown, it stays on the same province for you to do it again (which is fine), but if you finish round 6 on any province, it will only move to a lower province (which for obvious reasons is unlikely to exist and if there is an actually not finished lower province it is most likely not finished for a reason), never to a higher one. Sounds a bit complicated, but in regular gameplay it simply means there is no auto-move on zero cooldown. I have to click on a province, finish all 6 rounds on it, then open the province overview, pick the next province and so on. gets very annoying on higher provinces, always having to scroll through all the stuff I have already done...

Sir Derf

Well there's not much interesting to report there, but the best update (in my opinion) didn't get reported at all, either here or on Beta... and that's the way the province select window pops back open on the page you were previously on, whilst auto-fighting (or catering) tournament provinces. This change has taken effect on Live today.
I just noticed this myself. I guess their log of all mouse clicks was starting to get too large?


There seems to still be overlap with the bulk production button in factories - when a large number of deductions are made from the supplies and coin bars, I now have to wait for them to clear before I can click the bulk production box for the next set of factories. I don't recall having to wait when it was in the middle. What was the previous overlap problem? It is also now slower to bulk start 3 hour productions - further for pointer to travel (only by a smidgeon, but still).

Sir Derf

I thought they were referring to a graphical overlap... you know, a problem that moving the position of the control would solve. I'm not sure how a timing issue would be solved by changing the location of a checkbox on a form.


I thought they were referring to a graphical overlap... you know, a problem that moving the position of the control would solve. I'm not sure how a timing issue would be solved by changing the location of a checkbox on a form.

Maybe he is talking about those pop-ups for used resources? Like the gold/supplies used to produce goods in this case. They could be overlapping the screen in the place of the checkbox for the next?
But I don´t think that is what the devs meant by fixing an overlap problem. I am more thinking along the lines of different language versions? if things have longer names in other languages it can overlap things. But i have no idea if that is the case here. All I can say is that I liked it better in the middle, but if it solves some kind of problem by being in the corner I am still happy that we now have the option.

Btw, could we get the option to auto-check it like we have for the WS?


If you mean having them all start at the same time without having to check the box....we do, under settings

oh they already did add that? Guess it´s been a while since I last checked. Awesome :) I guess those announcements are quite incomplete lately, they constantly add stuff without telling anybody about it....


Maybe he she is talking about those pop-ups for used resources? Like the gold/supplies used to produce goods in this case. They could be overlapping the screen in the place of the checkbox for the next? Yes, this. Will post a pic...
But I don´t think that is what the devs meant by fixing an overlap problem. I don't know what they were referring to, but this is what I now have. I am more thinking along the lines of different language versions? if things have longer names in other languages it can overlap things. But i have no idea if that is the case here. All I can say is that I liked it better in the middle, but if it solves some kind of problem by being in the corner I am still happy that we now have the option.

This is what I can see now when trying to start all my scrolls factories after setting all my steel production going. Takes a few moments for the coins etc to clear so I can tick the box...



Master of the Elements
Oh yeah, I'd noticed that too. Not something for me to lose any sleep over, but it does make me tut.