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Discussion The May Celebrations Event


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
@m4rt1n Please raise a ticket in support for this and if anyone else has issues with the Newsletter and Event Currency, please do the same.


Ok to sum things up for everyone, 2 emails with 2 seperate offers sent out was a mistake, Inno meant to send just the one with the 50-500 chance offer, and the 50 free seeds one as well was an "error".

Customer service with a smile for a big balls up. :(

Inno still owe me 50 seeds, support insist that the error is sorted. I was not the source of the error, Blame the customer for getting 2 independant offers. :(


1 question when the board is re shuffle
is it done random?
or is guarantee that the item will not be in their original position?


1 question when the board is re shuffle
is it done random?
or is guarantee that the item will not be in their original position?

@ANIKHTOS ...:confused:so far I haven't seen a single item appear in it's original position after hitting re-shuffle....


Is this event extra easy? With the progress bar, you go faster. Maybe I had a lot of luck with the tree, but I recall a few times seeing "1" added, like 5-6 times in a row. However, as I finished the quests (they turned daily quests now), and 10 I bought with diamonds (yes, ten, because there was a 10 seeds prize under a magnifying glass, and it was the end of the first day.)


I did not prepare for this event as this time it did not allow it. In fact, I had to stall half day as I had all my visits done for the day... I already have another base. Wasn't it too easy for all? Maybe to make the confinement easier? I finished it yesterday night, about 56 hours into the event...

Prior ones were more challenging. And no, I am not asking for things to get harder, don't worry. I am only surprised hehe, the progress bar sure boosted things, and it's funny I had enough for level 10 (one seed remaining after getting the last level up item.)

I reached there with the last quest. After that one, they turned daily (now I have 26 seeds, fillers from the board to pick up on Regiment days.) I could have waited too, but I value more the 3 KPs a day.
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Master of the Elements
Yes this event is very easy. By my calculations almost everyone should get a fully evolved tree if they complete all the quests and pick up 20 seeds a day from around their cities... presuming you get a 10 seed prize at least twice and don't get bad luck with numbers of life force being added to the tree.

Don't knock it though. It's an uninspiring prize and an annoying event system. At least people can get to the end.


@ANIKHTOS ...:confused:so far I haven't seen a single item appear in it's original position after hitting re-shuffle....
can you ask the developers which case is true
1. iteams are randomly resufle into new positions.
2. 1 item is put in a place of another, and then that one in a new place and so on.

i need a bit more info about the process.
i do not want the exact code how is done but the mentality on how is done

since the outcome will be different in this 2 cases
and will need a different approach to be taken


can you ask the developers which case is true
1. iteams are randomly resufle into new positions.
2. 1 item is put in a place of another, and then that one in a new place and so on.

i need a bit more info about the process.
i do not want the exact code how is done but the mentality on how is done

since the outcome will be different in this 2 cases
and will need a different approach to be taken

1- Yes. I did find that true myself in the x-mas shuffleboard.
2- Not sure what you ask, but when you see the items, those are the items you will have in that current board.

For example, if you see "Smallest Room" in the second line, third column, once you hit shuffle, you will have "Smallest Room" as one of the prizes, and not "Noble Banner" for example. However, "Smallest Room" is no longer in the second line, third column. Its somewhere in that current board, but shuffled as you clicked "shuffle." Maybe now, "Smallest Room" is located in the 2nd column, fourth line (but you don't know that as you see a flower.)

Each new board has a new combination of items. When you shuffle you see the items that will shuffle. You see them on the board before clicking "shuffle", and those will be your prizes. Not other prizes from other boards like "Monopteros" will drop if it wasn't initially displayed before hitting "shuffle."

It refreshes daily, or with "reshuffle."
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is guarantee that the item will not be in their original position?

I have stumbled on an item that was at the same place as before the shuffle. I know because it's the item I wanted (black lotus) and after I clicked on shuffle I clicked on the some spot where it was and got it. I can't say if all the other prizes were at the same spot too because I didn't play after that and I didn't memorise where the others were anyway.


I think ANIKHTOS is asking if the reshuffle is TRULY random (i.e. includes the possibility that the reshuffle would result in the tiles actually randomly landing in their original position). I do not know the answer, but I suspect this would be an excluded possibility.

It might be possible that the reshuffle is random - the singular possibility of this exact reset. It also might be that the shuffle is not random at all... conspiracy theory.


1- Yes. I did find that true myself in the x-mas shuffleboard.
2- Not sure what you ask, but when you see the items, those are the items you will have in that current board.

For example, if you see "Smallest Room" in the second line, third column, once you hit shuffle, you will have "Smallest Room" as one of the prizes, and not "Noble Banner" for example. However, "Smallest Room" is no longer in the second line, third column. Its somewhere in that current board, but shuffled as you clicked "shuffle." Maybe now, "Smallest Room" is located in the 2nd column, fourth line (but you don't know that as you see a flower.)

Each new board has a new combination of items. When you shuffle you see the items that will shuffle. You see them on the board before clicking "shuffle", and those will be your prizes. Not other prizes from other boards like "Monopteros" will drop if it wasn't initially displayed before hitting "shuffle."

It refreshes daily, or with "reshuffle."
the second question is maths question if the developers done it how i think done it they will understand the question

strange there are some math theorum how to aproach a board lke this.
but i need to have the description on how they boards are constructed since they make 2 different outputs that need different ways to approach them

so you say in the previous attempt you had an item in the same spot which goes for the case number 1 to be the case thank you very much


I have stumbled on an item that was at the same place as before the shuffle. I know because it's the item I wanted (black lotus) and after I clicked on shuffle I clicked on the some spot where it was and got it. I can't say if all the other prizes were at the same spot too because I didn't play after that and I didn't memorise where the others were anyway.
thank you very much for your input i really appreciate you took the time to reply your input is very helpful


It also might be that the shuffle is not random at all... conspiracy theory.
Since you mention it, during the last shuffle board event someone suggested that the items might not be behind the presents/flowers at all, and that the system basically works like hitting one button and getting a random prize out of the 16 available. There is ofc also the reveal 2 that has to be accounted for, but I guess it would probably be work even with the "1-button" version. Not sure what the answers to it were and if some proved it wasn't possible.


Since you mention it, during the last shuffle board event someone suggested that the items might not be behind the presents/flowers at all, and that the system basically works like hitting one button and getting a random prize out of the 16 available. There is ofc also the reveal 2 that has to be accounted for, but I guess it would probably be work even with the "1-button" version. Not sure what the answers to it were and if some proved it wasn't possible.

As a former coder, I could think that too... it is easy, very, to code. In fact, the way we believe it is, is harder to code. We want to believe the items are truly indeed behind the flowers and trust the game (But I busted Nintendo games cheating, and cheating-code and Nintendo indeed said it is true, for "increased difficulty, and challenge."), so you never know, you want to believe it I guess.

I generally do not trust my "bad lucks" with code. But I believe that at least, not all, here is truly random, and not coded in a specific way. But it could definitely be. Randomizer engine is easy to code too...


Master of the Elements
I think ANIKHTOS is asking if the reshuffle is TRULY random (i.e. includes the possibility that the reshuffle would result in the tiles actually randomly landing in their original position). I do not know the answer, but I suspect this would be an excluded possibility.
That sounds way too complicated to me. I would be fairly sure that the 16 tiles are going to land in random positions and each one has that 1 in 16 chance of being in the same place it was when they revealed them.
Since you mention it, during the last shuffle board event someone suggested that the items might not be behind the presents/flowers at all, and that the system basically works like hitting one button and getting a random prize out of the 16 available. There is ofc also the reveal 2 that has to be accounted for, but I guess it would probably be work even with the "1-button" version. Not sure what the answers to it were and if some proved it wasn't possible.
To me that sounds like quite a sensible way for a routine to run. The RNG just running each time a flower is clicked and it picks a random result out of 16, then 15, etc. In this case it would definitely mean that the prizes could land where they were to begin with. I don't think the system even has positions in mind when it reveals them. You're just seeing 16 things which will then be put into the RNG when used.


As a former coder, I could think that too... it is easy, very, to code. In fact, the way we believe it is, is harder to code. We want to believe the items are truly indeed behind the flowers and trust the game (But I busted Nintendo games cheating, and cheating-code and Nintendo indeed said it is true, for "increased difficulty, and challenge."), so you never know, you want to believe it I guess.

I generally do not trust my "bad lucks" with code. But I believe that at least, not all, here is truly random, and not coded in a specific way. But it could definitely be. Randomizer engine is easy to code too...
well yeah the random is easier to code but it would be a little be nice to know how they decide to go
since the outcome is not the same


can you ask the developers which case is true
1. iteams are randomly resufle into new positions.
2. 1 item is put in a place of another, and then that one in a new place and so on.

i need a bit more info about the process.
i do not want the exact code how is done but the mentality on how is done

since the outcome will be different in this 2 cases
and will need a different approach to be taken

hello :) @ANIKHTOS, your question could be forwarded to the devs, that isn't a problem. But my pondering is: would you, if you were the dev, be inclined to respond if analysing your question from a game dev's standpoint? :rolleyes:


hello :) @ANIKHTOS, your question could be forwarded to the devs, that isn't a problem. But my pondering is: would you, if you were the dev, be inclined to respond if analysing your question from a game dev's standpoint? :rolleyes:
well the question is rather general to understand a bit how the game works which is also what the company provides some info on the game meachanics or else the game will be very hard to play.
i am nto aksign something somethign specific rather general which aproach they took to make it happen
and depending their approach different approaches will apply to to devs with the event

since other post here said the easiest way to do it
is just random select one of the remaining gifts every time you open a spot, the 1 click random as they call it

which if thats the case would also answer my question

but of course the devs if they are afraid they give too much info they can always not reply.
but if they made it random i do not see why not say it that they random plac ethem all
which then will bring the question they randomize all the board at once or they just random select a gift every time?