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The Double Spiral Design


Master of the Elements
With Spire sets and event buildings, those whipping willows are junk (nice culture, but too big)... those poor treants... that's treant cruelty!!
I'm in complete agreement about the Willows. I never built one of those monstrosities and they're certainly not in any way essential like various advice would leave you to believe. From the get go they give worse mana per square than more than one of the smaller standard mana producing buildings. The culture may be better if that's of particular importance.


I'm in complete agreement about the Willows. I never built one of those monstrosities and they're certainly not in any way essential like various advice would leave you to believe. From the get go they give worse mana per square than more than one of the smaller standard mana producing buildings. The culture may be better if that's of particular importance.
Really? I was never lucky in life so I have to depend on work :(


I'm in complete agreement about the Willows. I never built one of those monstrosities and they're certainly not in any way essential like various advice would leave you to believe. From the get go they give worse mana per square than more than one of the smaller standard mana producing buildings. The culture may be better if that's of particular importance.

Exactly, I already started to add points in the Main Hall Woodelves, with 2nd round tournament it will be done, and I have so far 105K mana, so counting decay and gain I'll be able to research it.

Edit: Upon checking the game, I see it's only 40K mana... I was thinking 130K for some reason, maybe to level it up, but I bet that in three days, my MH will be leveling up to woodelves. No willow.

Edit again: Yup, 133K mana to level up. Easy peasy. And I have already room for the extra 1x0 it grows.

Really? I was never lucky in life so I have to depend on work :(

What has life to do with that? I run two businesses, and I am usually busy. I feed a lot of diamonds from wells, and genie. So, nothing to do. I only spend 30 minutes or more when I am doing "tournament all the way", so it is not about time neither.

With event buildings alone, you do good without the willows, you do not need to touch the Spire (although it will massively help.)


With event buildings alone, you do good without the willows, you do not need to touch the Spire (although it will massively help.)
Man,I never got diamonds from Genie or Wishing Wells but I got 150 Diamonds(thx creator),Dwarven Armorer & a Gum Tree with like 90hr boosters(got many & summed them) in total.I got that because I finished all my boosters on AW upgrade & passing gates.I am on stage 4 on the 2nd level on the Spire :D


@Jimlun ,I work with you totally though I'm not a high ranked player yet.So seems like you are a expert player.So me too


Woah!Did he completed everything?
And it seems you knew him well.


Jimlun made it as far as Woodelves in his Winyandor city; I think Halflings was the top of the tech tree around the time he stopped playing, perhaps late 2017. It looks like he played for a bit a couple of winters ago, but his cities have been idle again for 15 months or so.
I had the pleasure of opening Felyndral realm with Jim; we got to fellowship together for a bit. It should come as no surprise to anyone that the man who created a new city design, was a top ranked player for a time, and also kept track of every Golden Abyss in the realm for a stretch (I think mine was the 19th one placed). His Fel city is in Dwarf.
We used to correspond occasionally even after we went our separate ways :)
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Hello all,
is there a suggested city layout (not settlement, the whole city layout) best for Amuni chapter? :)

I've seen the double spiral, the wheat ear. I'm wondering how to layout my city for Amuni, if there is one better than the other one.

Thank you!


Amuni chapter is challenging. First you have to decide whether to place Goldsmiths and Trap makers behind your existing houses and workshops, or whether to keep them with your settlement, and use level one buildings instead. I tried both, and distinctly preferred using existing houses and workshops even though this distorted my city a bit.
Elvengems has some suggested layouts https://elvengems.com/amuni/settlement-layout
Of course you do not have to place all the Temples and whatnot, if you do not add in 8 Goldsmiths and 4 Trapmakers.


You can skip the whole sillyness if you use PP spells. It´s a very good chapter to use them on :D. You need around 1000% PPspells. So instead of building a guest race you can just play the spire :)


Or you can embrace the spirit of the guest race the way the developers intended. :)

Indeed you can :D

I used to think like that, but then they started flooding us with PPs lol. I really liked the Orcs chapter back then (last chapter I played before the PP flood). It actually took skill to play a guest race quickly... Nowadays guest races are just things you tick of the to-do-list... One could say PPs killed the guest races... but it is in line with Inno´s other decisions to remove challenges from the game (that then would only give rewards to a select few that succeed) in order to "balance" the game.


Thank you Lelanya!
I like playing the races, Im not sure how to layout the rest of my city at this chapter. I will check the link to see if its different :)

You can skip the whole sillyness if you use PP spells. It´s a very good chapter to use them on :D. You need around 1000% PPspells. So instead of building a guest race you can just play the spire :)

Forgive my ignorance all, if we do it the PP way, we cant complete guest race quests; dont we get blocked in the game then?


Thank you Lelanya!
I like playing the races, Im not sure how to layout the rest of my city at this chapter. I will check the link to see if its different :)

Forgive my ignorance all, if we do it the PP way, we cant complete guest race quests; dont we get blocked in the game then?

You can do some of the quests, then you get stuck until next chapter, once you start a new chapter all old quest become declinable, so then you can do the ones you like and decline the ones you cannot do or don´t want to do.


You can do some of the quests, then you get stuck until next chapter, once you start a new chapter all old quest become declinable, so then you can do the ones you like and decline the ones you cannot do or don´t want to do.
You can do that, and from Elementals on you may find part of the quests onerous. But it takes the fun out of the game to ignore the guest races altogether.
Too bad Jim did not adapt his design to later chapters.


If for you the guest races are the reason to play the game, I would agree.
For me guest races are only a means to an end, meaning they give me tools to play the team events better. Those for me are the reason to play the game :)


Thank you guys! :)

I didn't know that once you start a new chapter all old quest become declinable, sooo good to know now :)
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Just thought i would share this, this is my end of elvenar chapter city with spiral design. which shows it does still work at later chapters


Just thought i would share this, this is my end of elvenar chapter city with spiral design. which shows it does still work at later chapters

Looks very pretty :)

In terms of efficiency you could probably save a couple of roads by not encircling your guest race and non-road buildings. In your layout I would put these buildings off to the left side and make your spiral road from the bottom go up in the middle of the city. You can save the 2 (half) spiral roads going from the middle to the left edge.

Of course that depends on how many roads you actually need... If you need the roads it doesn´t matter much where you put them...