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Show Us Your Cities!!


Mother of the Forum!
Elvenar Team
Come on, you know you want to! Show us your Cities! :D

No need to be bashful, now is the time to show off and tell us your Story behind it! Is it geared up for Tourneys only? Are you a City Snob and only like the pretty things? Is it organised Chaos? Pop a screenshot of your City below :)

hawk the slayer

My once pretty city looks more like one of those refugee camps you see on the telly -- oh well, good chance to re-organise when I put it back together I guess


Master of the Elements
OK, now I've put my city back together, I'm happy to post my screenshot. I didn't zoom right out. As I play for the aesthetics I find it better if people can actually see something of what's going on:

My other city on Live is done quite differently. The following one isn't set up for aesthetics. It's a small, efficient, catering only city, where I can do spire runs in one go to the top each Sunday and also get decent tournament scores:




My main city in Felyndral, chapter 17 Traders of Unur, where I try to be a minimalist with some OCD going on, keeping it aesthetically pleasing to my eye