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Discussion News from Beta (may contain spoilers!)


The last upgrade to my Bellspire took 2 weeks worth of KP so if you really believe that BS about being too strong compared to the cost you must have your heads so far up your backsides that you have not seen daylight for months.

Love it!

I love all this negativity we are showing on these changes and nothing positive.

How does the new NH system work? we surely have to visit the neighbours in order to get the chests?? Or do you just click help and it gives you 3 chests to open up instantly?

I know a lot of people don't do this but it's rife among those at the top. So do not take this personally.

If Inno is trying to increase the use and sales of diamonds why don't they close the exploit being used by those players smashing the tournaments weekly for the 10th chest, just for the blueprints by using 10's of low-ranking alt accounts??? Hmmmm. KP from all the alt accounts gets donated to the main account also but the main account cannot return anything because these 'starter alt accounts' do not have wonders (funny that!). ;/ To use blueprints should include a diamond cost also, which will increase the sales.

For those doing it, I hope you have sunk 1000's of KP into the crystal light house and the other one plus time and effort to manage and push using alt accounts. Bit of karma for those who play fair.

Real example. Player name is not needed.
Invested into Crystal Lighthouse: 5504 (5 level amounts missing so it would be at least 1.9k more)
Has a level 22 Golden Abyss. Could have used that KP from CL and maxed out GA already with some to spare :) KARMA!
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I love all this negativity we are showing on these changes and nothing positive

King0r show me something that is positive about this change and i will shout it out from the rooftops.

Other than the fact the active players are being punished and the fact that we are getting around 90% less goods for doing NH the thing that is really annoying me is that Inno cliam to know that most people do NH for the
satisfaction of helping thier online friends. (Marindors words) Reality check....i get no satisfaction from helping the other players that are in my neighbourhood, they are not my friends, i do not know them, i do it for the goods. Where is the evidence Inno to support your claim that you know why players do NH, have you carried out a survey ? NO.... did you do a poll ? NO so i will repeat, what evidence do you have ?
I really would like to see a poll like the one i said earlier to see what the results would be. Good thing for you Inno that i have not yet learnt how to do it or i would start one myself, although you would probably refuse to acknoledge the result as you would say that only a small percentage of players use the forum or maybe find a way to delete it if it was showing you to be the liars that you are.


Everyone knows that the crystal lighthouse is basically useless Aw to have after dwarves
get over it trade it in Why have you hung on to it you can only gather so much boosted product anyways
once the cap is set
The Lighthouse or Bell spire takes to much room it basically good to switch off early in the game with the Mountain Hall
Tip for Beginners There is 2 aws you never invest kps into Tomb , C Lighthouse or Sanctuary, you place them and use them till Dwarves then sell them off and replace them
Progress with the game


Everyone knows that the crystal lighthouse is basically useless Aw to have after dwarves
get over it trade it in Why have you hung on to it you can only gather so much boosted product anyways
once the cap is set
The Lighthouse or Bell spire takes to much room it basically good to switch off early in the game with the Mountain Hall
Tip for Beginners There is 2 aws you never invest kps into Tomb , C Lighthouse or Sanctuary, you place them and use them till Dwarves then sell them off and replace them
Progress with the game

Why is it useless after dwarves? Loads of top 100 players still have them and their awaiting new chapters... There would be no reason to level it at all if the intention was to remove it in the end. The KP could be spent elsewhere so why build it in the first place? Obviously, the players here are STILL using them to great advantage and this helps others when they go visiting to get the resources, coins and supplies, regardless of current position in the game. Now there will be less reason to build it in the first place because the amount it supplies is pitiful. Even if you kept it for a year it's not worth the space it stands on regardless of what level it is. It's just a dump of wasted KP waiting for the crusher now.


Positives : a) Spend less time doing NH
b) Given me something to do , get rid of non boosted manufactories for all tiers , giving me twice the income of goods , which makes up for my losses plus more.
Just takes time and effort. :(


Positives : a) Spend less time doing NH
b) Given me something to do , get rid of non boosted manufactories for all tiers , giving me twice the income of goods , which makes up for my losses plus more.
Just takes time and effort. :(

Do you produce non-boosted items?


Yes. From the start I intended to try to keep one of every building. I now have to revise my thoughts. At least the population requirements of the non boosted match the boosted at level 19 and the manufactories take up the same space (roughly). I just have to sell and build ( for ages :().


It's wise to build just your own but you know that. I'd imagine in the near future Inno will decide that we have to have non-boosted manufactories by putting stupid quests in. Produce 4k steel. Will screw everyone over if they have not got any levelled up already lol.


Master of the Elements
It's wise to build just your own but you know that. I'd imagine in the near future Inno will decide that we have to have non-boosted manufactories by putting stupid quests in. Produce 4k steel. Will screw everyone over if they have not got any levelled up already lol.
It's already happened in fellowship adventures - i.e. produce 1 of each 3hr tier one productions for a badge.


Shall we start one? @Timneh

If you know how to do it King0r it would be very interesting to see the results but best not to start it untill after the official announcement has been made or they might delete it.

Everyone knows that the crystal lighthouse is basically useless Aw to have after dwarves

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it but there are thousands of players that would appear to disagree with you.


It's already happened in fellowship adventures - i.e. produce 1 of each 3hr tier one productions for a badge.
Forgot about that. But it's probably going to become main stream in all seasonal events I bet. Maybe even forced into main quest line. Anything useless to make us waste space and time.

Deleted User - 384643

This is actually the first thing that hit me when I read the statement, although I chose not to go there. You are absolutely right. They have (apparently) decided that a sensible course of action would be to penalise the people who give neighbourly help and benefit those that do nothing. There is so much wrong with that comment in the statement that I can't even begin to unpick it.

Yes, not only did they break their promise to "improve" all AW, but Inno actually decided to punish those rare players (like me) who actually bother to give their neighbors NH. And to reward those who can't be bothered to spend any effort on NH.

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And in their arrogance they simply assume that when the complaints have died down everyone will accept this and move on, just like after they made the change that destroyed any usefulness the wholesaler has.

I was busy upgrading my Crystal Lighthouse, but will of course immediately stop doing this. I might even get rid of it, since it's only upgraded to LVL 4 so far, and just take the loss of the 1000+ KP I invested into it).

I will also stop giving my neighbors NH (except the few who give me NH back) and only give NH to my fellowship members once they implement this change.

Is this what you were hoping would happen, Inno? Well, you probably don't care...

It is truly disheartening to see once gain how little regard the Elvenar devs have for the people who play this game.
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Master of the Elements
I wonder if the knock-on effects of this have been thought through. If the reason for this change is, as I assume, to make more revenue from diamond sales based on the fact that these 'bigger' players will have less resources to throw at tournaments and events, whether they have considered the consequence that now much less neighbourly help will be given globally, leading to less help to the 'smaller' players who need it most and also leading to less resources available to trade with.

I don't know what the figure is (Inno probably does) of players that join and then quit within the first month. I suspect that it's more than 50%. Maybe 75%. If the things are taken away that allow these new players to grow and have fun (i.e. neighbourly help injections and trades being taken quickly) will this mean that more of these people will quit the game early? The tangiable knock-on for Inno is that every player who quits the game is a potential paying customer of the future lost.


Games like this normally have about 75/80% drop out rate within the first couple of days. Then there is half lifes, 1 week, 2 weeks etc. The numbers soon dwindle down. So probably less than 10% stay longer than a month.

Even with Inno making NH easier, It's still a massive chore. We still need to go around everyone to perform help (the shortcut keys helped a lot). It just means we do not have to load each and every city. I don't see how taking away goods from people with the AW can be can be used to justify balancing of a new easier NH system. It is just wrong. If anything you should increase it. BECAUSE it's not us who are saving or making anything, it is YOU Inno who are saving.

Let me explain. Everytime we load a city, It's over 10mb+ of data the servers need to send us. So their server loads will be dramatically decreased when all we have to do is click a button on the world map, which is probably saving Inno a lot money! Think they need to save money because they bought a cat mascot and it's on 20 x 500g steaks a day, and they need all your resources from the Crystal Lighthouse to build the cat a penthouse.


Master of the Elements
So probably less than 10% stay longer than a month
I wouldn't be surprised... and there are very fine margins when it comes to whether you hook someone or not.

I think back to when I started playing this game. I clicked a link to what I thought was something else entirely and found myself here. At this point Inno did something very right because I lingered a while. Why, I can't remember, but I think I had a little time to kill at that moment and they made it very simple to start and they told me to build my main hall and a house and a workshop. It made me interested and I fiddled with it for a few minutes. Suddenly we're 5 months down the line and I'm still here. They have made some money from me. Not a huge amount, but some. I have also recommended the game to others. This is, I guess, exactly how they would wish it to play out. I've stayed. I've injected some money. I've widened their customer base a little. Like I say, though, it's a very tiny margin that made me stay at the beginning. If there had been a couple of things that made it a little bit more difficult back then I wonder if it would have been the same story.


I read an article a little while ago and I'm pretty sure the retention rate is like 17% but then drops off each week. They need something like 1k new players to even get a dozen to complete all the chapters. Also if I remember there was only 1 maybe 2 titles which when released had a retention of 40% of players for at least a month. Inno make most of their money from players buying diamonds right at the start but 99% of the players then bugger off after having wasted £20. But 100 people join a server per day 1/5 of them spend £20 x 20 = £400. Times that by the number of servers and it's a nice amount. Unfortuntely out of those 100 people 5 will likely stay paste day 2.


Master of the Elements
Inno make most of their money from players buying diamonds right at the start but 99% of the players then bugger off after having wasted £20.
I must not fit that model. I can't imagine ever handing money over unless it's something that I knew I was sticking with... In fact if you'd asked me at the beginning I would say that I wouldn't ever hand over money, but then time passes and it seems like buying a few diamonds may be a good idea for a particular reason. That's just me, though, I guess.


Careful guys you're taking the thread off topic and risking censorship lol.

I have been doing a little thinking and this change according to Inno is to balance things for when the new NH system is introduced which according to beta is not even ready to be tested yet despite the claim it will be here in the "near future", although near future to Inno could be 6 months or more going by what we have been promised by Timon in live Q&As but are not here yet. Back to my point though, the new NH system is to address complaints from players about the time it takes to do NH and that will be very welcome though i don't know if it will also address the issues about players being able to choose the things they want the NH on as i hav not seen the mobile app version. Saving time doing NH is great as i said but i am pretty sure we will still have to WASTE time looking for these chests with our depleted goods in them and having to look for chests is something else that players have said they would like changing so why did the divs(not a typo there as i do think they are divs) only address one of the problems that players are not happy with? I would have thought that if they are going to change something it would be just as easy to fix ALL the things that players asked for instead of just one and in the case of NH surely the changes would not affect the game mechanics.
Having said that i still call this change to the AW BS because the goods are not a reward for doing NH but for building the AW in the first place, we still did NH before we had a bellspire/lighthouse so why did we not get goods then if they are meant as a reward for doing NH? And why bring in a change that actually punishes the most active players.
@Muf-Muf you have said that part of your job is to get answers to questions so please get me the answer to why active players are being punished and less active players are being rewarded.


Master of the Elements
the new NH system is to address complaints from players about the time it takes to do NH and that will be very welcome though i don't know if it will also address the issues about players being able to choose the things they want the NH on as i hav not seen the mobile app version.
Just to field this one... On the mobile app it has never been possible to open any city other than your own. I don't think it would be possible to send all that information into the mobile. The new mobile NH system was born out of necessity for the developers I think. Before being introduced there was just a fairly redundant world map that you couldn't do anything with (except perhaps start a province being scouted).

So the system introduced was that when you go onto the world map and click on a city all that happens is that a box pops up giving you three options (where possible), which are main hall, builder's hut and one possible culture building. You then hit one of the three to complete the NH. It's very fast, but you don't get to see which of the three a player actually wanted you to click and chests do not appear.