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Happy 6th Birthday Elvenar - Our Birthday Competitions!!!


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Awww and she is such a cutie too....


All I can say is there's more chance for me to win if you lot don't enter! :p;):diamond:

That is why I never enter any competitions, even if I know the ansswers :) It would be a shame to take diamonds away from someone who needs them more than I do...


As you can see from the picture we have posted of our Chat Bot, she is very much a part of Elvenar, in exactly the same way as the Forum Guide that looks after you all here.

I'm not sure I even know this "Forum Guide"...? Where can I find him/her/them?

Also, The Gravity Inn details behind the spoiler button don't include the last two chapter amounts. Does the Gravity Inn not get an upgrade for the last two chapters (in which case it will be not very interesting for me to get as a magic residence will give a better pop/sq ratio) or were they just forgotten to be added to the overview?


Master of the Elements
I'm not sure I even know this "Forum Guide"...? Where can I find him/her/them?
Ha, yeah I'm aware of that, but only because I've heard the name. Is it Valania? I have no awareness of being looked after though. I thought that name just appeared in some old old forum rules threads and stuff.


Ha, yeah I'm aware of that, but only because I've heard the name. Is it Valania? I have no awareness of being looked after though. I thought that name just appeared in some old old forum rules threads and stuff.

She´s even a elvenar team member, you can find her on the members page :D


I have no awareness of being looked after though.

Same, never even a little pat on the back... ;)

She´s even a elvenar team member, you can find her on the members page :D
I did that in the mean time, but all that tells me is that they're a part of the team. But what's their purpose? What do they do as "forum guide"? Look from above and nod their approval? They seem rather invisible to me lol :p


She only talks to Strangers .... I am seriously concerned about what her mother and father taught her. Tsk, tsk ...


Your forum guide
Elvenar Team
Ooohhhh did someone mention me? Hello there!!!
You are quite right indeed! I will happily chat to anyone who is a part of Elvenar and am here to mainly guide people when they first come to the Forum. You will see me every time you arrive here at the top of the Forum Main Page before you log in and you are quite correct, I made a guide early on here in the Forum and keep a eye on things behind the scenes and help out those that seek me out.
It is lovely to meet you all, but I must now go as I have some Purple Tea heading my way and I am starting to get a real taste for it!

rock stream

You will see me every time you arrive here at the top of the Forum Main Page
Hi Valania! I think you gave me the wrong phone number. It happens to me a lot.
I tried googling forum (got US) as a guest, you were not there. I went to forums through my game and you weren't there. Is there a way for us to meet?
ps I like cooking