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Happy 6th Birthday Elvenar - Our Birthday Competitions!!!

Deleted User - 849215650

When i click on the enter competition, it says post the thread, what do we have to do?


Master of the Elements
Yeah it took me a lot of searching to figure out where you could actually find out the question. I'm not sure why the enter competition button didn't appear in the competition announcement thread. It's a separate thread that never found its way into the recent posts list.


Master of the Elements
When i click on the enter competition, it says post the thread, what do we have to do?
The question was asked in the thread you were in before you clicked the button. Where it invites you to post a thread, that's where you put your answer and no one else will be able to see it.


Master of the Elements
Incidentally, I don't know if it's just me, but I look at that, thinking - No idea. Never seen that face before ever. So I realise from the get-go that this will involve some detective work to figure out the first question. If I don't get around to that I will probably never even open the other two.


Using the "what´s new" section is completely confusing lol, you get 3 threads all with the same (or similar) heading, no idea which is which. So you´ll definitely have to go through the Forums page and find the right one there...
It is of course meant to make more people join their social media channels, which I have no clue of or interest in, so I couldn´t answer the question, even if I wanted to enter the competition. It seems like it´s a good way to earn some diamonds for those that like social media stuff though, so good luck :)


thinking - No idea. Never seen that face before ever. So I realise from the get-go that this will involve some detective work to figure out the first question. If I don't get around to that I will probably never even open the other two.
you and me both

Vesper Flash

Hi, I'm new to the forums but been playing for a while. To answer Task 1 I had to post a thread with a title and included my answer in the message part of the thread. Just a suggestion but it might be slightly less confusing if a small text box had been provided instead where we could type and submit our answers, especially since answers are likely to be very short.


Master of the Elements
It is of course meant to make more people join their social media channels, which I have no clue of or interest in, so I couldn´t answer the question, even if I wanted to enter the competition.
If that character is something to do with social media then yeah, I'm out.


Yeah it took me a lot of searching to figure out where you could actually find out the question. I'm not sure why the enter competition button didn't appear in the competition announcement thread. It's a separate thread that never found its way into the recent posts list.
This can be a browser problem. When this happens to me i usually get it to work using Chrome.


I found out the name of that rather unsettling (and I'd go so far as to say slightly deranged-looking) blue female entirely by accident while searching Elvenar's Social Media channels* for evidence of how difficult [or otherwise] it has been, so far, to win a Gravity Inn via those media as opposed to this one (the answer to which, probably to nobody's surprise, is 'much easier', but that's a whinge for another day!). However, I was so genuinely irritated when I realised what the purpose of it (she?) is/was - not least because it is often hinted to us here on the Forums that the developers are, amongst other reasons, 'too busy' to make most of the in-game changes we ask for - that I won't be entering this contest on principle.

* Note to Forum Moderators : I'm assuming this edit is acceptable, since your own Competition post references "our very own Chat Bot, who resides on one of our Social Media channels".

Incidentally, my younger daughter, who is familiar with fashionable 'anime' artwork, tells me that this blue individual is rather obviously based upon a currently popular Japanese video game character, but I suppose that's besides the point... although for some reason it's still almost as irritating to me as the fact that, as has already been pointed out, a competition on the Elvenar Forums, which are already much neglected by the large majority of the playerbase in favour of InnoGames's various Anti-Social Meeja incarnations, should require knowledge which can be acquired neither in-game nor here on the Forums. A blatant Social Media promotion indeed, and not something which I, for one, would consider supporting - not that the loss of my competition entry will upset anyone very much, I am sure!

... And with this particularly dismal post, I appear to have out-grumped even my usual grumpy self. Who'd have thought that was even possible?! :D
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Master of the Elements
This can be a browser problem. When this happens to me i usually get it to work using Chrome.
Nothing didn't work, I just didn't know where to enter the competition. The thread where I expected it to be had nothing and the separate thread with the question and the competition entry didn't get onto the recent posts.


Master of the Elements
although for some reason it's still almost as irritating to me as the fact that, as has already been pointed out, a competition on the Elvenar Forums, which are already much neglected by the large majority of the playerbase in favour of InnoGames's various Social Meeja incarnations, should require knowledge which can be acquired neither in-game nor here on the Forums, but only via Facebook. A blatant Social Media promotion indeed, and not something which I, for one, would consider supporting - not that the loss of my competition entry will upset anyone very much, I am sure!
I agree entirely and now I know that fact I won't be coming back to this competition. Don't make a forum competition all about social media accounts please!


@Silmaril "characters that we have in Elvenar!"
Below is a picture of our very own Chat Bot, who resides on one of our Social Media channels

how is a chat bot an elvenar character?

i agree with previous posts about social media...no thanks. Give us an actual Elvenar Game based Competiton :mad:


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
As you can see from the picture we have posted of our Chat Bot, she is very much a part of Elvenar, in exactly the same way as the Forum Guide that looks after you all here.
This competition is to celebrate all things Elvenar on our 6th Birthday. It would be a very great pity to pick and choose what parts of Elvenar to include or exclude - so we have included it all!