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Cauldron Recipes


[...] 40% standard goods production increase was what I could have got, 4 empties and a 7% orc production increase is what I did get.
"Contents might differ from the illustration"
... yes, and will differ more than it may appear in the case of the Goods-boosting Potion effects, in particular; not sure if you know that the boost is applied to your BASE Goods production value before all other multipliers, including your [I assume] 700% max Relic Boost? It works like the Mountain Halls, in fact, and I deleted that at L.23 when I found out why its Goods boost was so, well, insignificant vs its huge footprint...!

Inno - as reliably unreliable as ever when it comes to habitually and inexplicably altering the fundamental basis and/or parameters of only some of their in-game formulae, without any given or player-discernible rhyme nor reason (and yes, the Goods effect was brought up on Beta!)... ;)

Silly Bubbles

Inno - as reliably unreliable as ever when it comes to habitually and inexplicably altering the fundamental basis and/or parameters of only some of their in-game formulae, without any given or player-discernible rhyme nor reason (and yes, the Goods effect was brought up on Beta!)... ;)

A reason is definitely there. ;)

Just because the reason can't be seen or understood doesn't necessarily mean that it's not there or is wrong or is stupid.

Silly Bubbles

My recipe and result this week:



I have come to the conclusion that the Cauldron is a complete distraction and not worth using anything but the free weekly goods given on it, the spells are short and very weak, yet is set up to make unwary players think using Spell Fragments and Diamonds give better... I will now just spin it weekly using the free thingies from now on, only using it if an event or storyline quest asks.

What use is a 5 hour boost to mercenary camp troops for example, one round of the tourney maybe then even with me using millions of goods to get that one to to level 75 only a 14% boost.

I like many used millions to get things levelled up after week 1 thinking it would make a difference, 1 DA in the spire is worth far more than 20 Cauldrons in my opinion, what were the devs thinking....

5 of the cups from the 2000 tourney score and if you get the same RNG spell you have to choose keep or replace, last week with 5 chalice I ended up with 2 spells, a joke guy's. :(

Silly Bubbles

I have come to the conclusion that the Cauldron is a complete distraction and not worth using anything but the free weekly goods given on it, the spells are short and very weak, yet is set up to make unwary players think using Spell Fragments and Diamonds give better... I will now just spin it weekly using the free thingies from now on, only using it if an event or storyline quest asks.

What use is a 5 hour boost to mercenary camp troops for example, one round of the tourney maybe then even with me using millions of goods to get that one to to level 75 only a 14% boost.

I like many used millions to get things levelled up after week 1 thinking it would make a difference, 1 DA in the spire is worth far more than 20 Cauldrons in my opinion, what were the devs thinking....

5 of the cups from the 2000 tourney score and if you get the same RNG spell you have to choose keep or replace, last week with 5 chalice I ended up with 2 spells, a joke guy's. :(

It's definitely for bored people with a lot of resources and it's not a big harm when ignored.

Silly Bubbles

This is a list of best starting initial ingredients for each effect. It's based on 20 diplomas but in theory it should be the same for all diplomas (please let me know if there are any differences). The ingredients' references are based on rows and columns (eg 23 is 2nd row, 3rd column).


Silly Bubbles

I've tried to simplify the recipes as much as I could and this is what I came up with. It's based on game files and could be a good start before someone comes up with a spreadsheet that is easy to use and there's an agreement on what strategy to use and that might take a while. Also, this is still a draft so any testing and comments will be helpful.

The ingredients' references are based on rows and columns (eg 23 is 2nd row, 3rd column). The possible ingredients are likely to increase the odds for that effect based on diplomas and other ingredients used so it needs to be checked against your results. All other, not listed ingredients decrease the effect so they can be ignored.

I hope this makes it easier to play with it, let me know how it goes.



I went simple this week and got 2 recipes, Generals and Mercenaries Mayhem, around 14% each and just over 6 hours so did tourney round 5 and 6, to be honest I am unsure how much they helped and the DA I had placed most likely helped more, used just 3 components and had 2 spells from the 5 say spell failed, not enough placed to generate, yet I had used over 7000 of my 7400 approx available in ch20.

Silly Bubbles

I went simple this week and got 2 recipes, Generals and Mercenaries Mayhem, around 14% each and just over 6 hours so did tourney round 5 and 6, to be honest I am unsure how much they helped and the DA I had placed most likely helped more, used just 3 components and had 2 spells from the 5 say spell failed, not enough placed to generate, yet I had used over 7000 of my 7400 approx available in ch20.

Getting two of what you wanted is great. It's not better than any of the military boost expiring buildings but it's still good additional boost on top of those that can be sometimes hard to get.


First time I experienced the RNG of no spell generated despite using over 95% of the free weekly thingies though.

Silly Bubbles

First time I experienced the RNG of no spell generated despite using over 95% of the free weekly thingies though.

It depends on "Success Rate" rather than how many witch points you're using (if I understood you correctly). For example, 80% Success Rate will on average result in 1 failed sip out of 5. To increase the Success Rate, it's better to use wider variety of ingredients to use up your witch points. Having 20 diplomas, I try not to go under 4 different ingredients to get to Success Rate of around 90%. The recipe I posted earlier has 95.9% Success Rate and had no fails.

Edit: A screenshot of the recipe would help a lot to understand what happened.
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Silly Bubbles

Here's a spreadsheet to make Cauldron recipes a bit easier. You need to download it to use it. Let me know how it goes :)

I've added some more instructions to the spreadsheet:

If you want to use diamond ingredients, use up your Witch Points first and then remove the "1" from Diamond Ingredients column. Now you will see the increase in effects for those ingredients and can add them based on "+/- if one added" column values.


I gave up on the "Cauldron" is just another distraction from normal gameplay to maybe get 2% give or take to spend more on the game than they do already.

Obviously these things work otherwise Inno would not have a net worth of €200m and growing, players spend to "win"