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Cauldron Recipes

Silly Bubbles

Here’s my recipe for this week, it aims at maximizing odds to get any of the military boosts.


EDIT: The overall odds to get at least one of the military effects are 90.05%.
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I forgot to screenshot mine, gah!
Bit of a dud though.
40% standard goods production increase was what I could have got, 4 empties and a 7% orc production increase is what I did get.
"Contents might differ from the illustration" :D


I've said this elsewhere, but I'll repeat it here because it's entirely counter-intuitive to non-maths people like me (although I have it on good authority from a maths expert that this is the case) : I am told that the overall % Success Rate is less significant than the % chance for the effect(s) you are trying for, so anyone trying for particular effects is better off maximising that effect's particular % chance than the overall Success Rate.

Another thing I've also stated elsewhere but which is relevant here is that the maximum number of Diplomas to aim for if you are interested only in the Combat Boosts is 11 - from any Chapter, not necessarily from consecutive Chapters. There's no need to sequentially complete any Optional Research which (as in my own case) people might be saving for Event Quests... I find it very slow collecting huge amounts of Vision Vapour instead.

Finally, adding Ingredients in a different order apparently doesn't change the result of Recipes, but it does change the cost of Brewing them.

Silly Bubbles

I've said this elsewhere, but I'll repeat it here because it's entirely counter-intuitive to non-maths people like me (although I have it on good authority from a maths expert that this is the case) : I am told that the overall % Success Rate is less significant than the % chance for the effect(s) you are trying for, so anyone trying for particular effects is better off maximising that effect's particular % chance than the overall Success Rate.

You’re right that it is counter-intuitive because both of them are important. For example, if you have a 100% chance to get the effect you want while only 1% chance that your potion will be successful (“Success Rate”), you will only have a 1% chance getting what you want (overall odds). Same way other way around.

Another thing I've also stated elsewhere but which is relevant here is that the maximum number of Diplomas to aim for if you are interested only in the Combat Boosts is 11 - from any Chapter, not necessarily from consecutive Chapters. There's no need to sequentially complete any Optional Research which (as in my own case) people might be saving for Event Quests... I find it very slow collecting huge amounts of Vision Vapour instead.

You’re right you can complete any chapters to get to the number of diplomas to get you what you want. I would still consider the noticeable cost reduction in improving effects for every additional diploma.

Finally, adding Ingredients in a different order apparently doesn't change the result of Recipes, but it does change the cost of Brewing them.

It definitely changes the cost. I'm still playing with the ingredient order.

Far Reach

I've said this elsewhere, but I'll repeat it here because it's entirely counter-intuitive to non-maths people like me (although I have it on good authority from a maths expert that this is the case) : I am told that the overall % Success Rate is less significant than the % chance for the effect(s) you are trying for, so anyone trying for particular effects is better off maximising that effect's particular % chance than the overall Success Rate.

I agree that this can be confusing, and my explanation is different from that of @Silly Bubbles above. The percentage given for an effect is the exact chance that it will trigger when using a goblet. The overall success chance is the sum of all of the individual effects. (If you have only two possible effects, and these have percentages of 30% and 20% then the overall success rate is 50%.) The overall success chance depends only the number of ingredients used (it maxes out at 25) and the individual effects chances are scaled accordingly.

Another thing I've also stated elsewhere but which is relevant here is that the maximum number of Diplomas to aim for if you are interested only in the Combat Boosts is 11 - from any Chapter, not necessarily from consecutive Chapters. There's no need to sequentially complete any Optional Research which (as in my own case) people might be saving for Event Quests... I find it very slow collecting huge amounts of Vision Vapour instead.

Here I do agree with @Silly Bubbles . Consider two identical players at the end of Chapter 20. Suppose one has 11 diplomas, and the other 20 - and that both spend the same amount of resources in levelling up the same spells. By my calculation, the max diploma player will have all of their ranked up spells about 27 levels higher. The 11 diploma player will find it easier to get good recipes though, and to get the effects they want.

As an aside, I do think that it is important to caveat strategy advice. I remember some people complaining bitterly when the tourney formula was changed and optional squad size techs became worth researching again. (They hadn't planned ahead and saved the necessary settlement goods.) I also remember the implicit assumption by many on the forums that stopping chapter progression (at end of C15) was good for tournaments, long after this had ceased to be this case. In both instances there was a loophole which Inno fixed. It is possible for inexperienced players to be led badly astray if they don't understand the implications of following forum advice.


Should the same recipe yield the same effect every week?
I'm convinced this wasn't the case for me this week but I'm going to start keeping a record to see for sure.

Far Reach

Should the same recipe yield the same effect every week?
I'm convinced this wasn't the case for me this week but I'm going to start keeping a record to see for sure.

For an unchanged city, the same recipe should always produce the same set of spell percentages, max effects and durations. Things that could explain why you might not see this are: Acquiring a new diploma (changes various things), ranking up a spell (max effects are more powerful), altering the order of the ingredients (changes WP needed) and putting in some/more/different resources affecting critical chance.

When brewing a potion (and for each goblet) the RNG determines both which effect (if any) will be triggered, and also how powerful that effect is.

Silly Bubbles

As an aside, I do think that it is important to caveat strategy advice. I remember some people complaining bitterly when the tourney formula was changed and optional squad size techs became worth researching again. (They hadn't planned ahead and saved the necessary settlement goods.) I also remember the implicit assumption by many on the forums that stopping chapter progression (at end of C15) was good for tournaments, long after this had ceased to be this case. In both instances there was a loophole which Inno fixed. It is possible for inexperienced players to be led badly astray if they don't understand the implications of following forum advice.

There’s a lot of stubbornness for sure. People are looking for confirmation of their wrong ideas so they don’t look/feel bad for being wrong. They ignore better ideas even though it improves their game play just because it makes them look bad for being wrong. So it’s more about image than correctness or improved game play. Correcting someone is definitively not rewarded much, while in my opinion, you’re doing people a favour but it’s not seen that way.

Luckily, there’s a lot of players outside of the forums that figure things out and get the benefits of new features and Inno knows that. Forums don’t reflect the opinions of all players and very likely not even of majority players and it shows in Inno’s actions.

Silly Bubbles

This is true IRL as well.
Ask someone to recommend a car and chances are they'll say the one that they have.
Even if most car magazines voted it the "Lemon of the Year" :)

It's being human. Being wrong is not the end of the world. I'm wrong every day and I try to correct it right up and not many people even notice, it's part of learning and improving. But recommending something to someone that we are not 100% sure about and it's not triple checked against actual results can cause damage and definitely should be careful about.


@Silly Bubbles am I reading it correctly that the troops you produce in that time will have the buff?
As opposed to troops you use in battle during that period.

PS nice boosts by the way, +20 hour boost is great!

Silly Bubbles

My recipe for this week. I'm using 10k spell fragments to improve my results as well. Let's see how this one will go, fingers crossed. :)

I forgot to add probabilities so here they are:

93.84% to get one of four military effects (Generals' Mayhem, Monsters' Mayhem, Monsters' Morale or Mercenaries' Morale)
86.70% to get Monsters' Mayhem
15.97% to get Monsters' Mayhem and Mercenaries' Morale
0.39% to get Monsters' Mayhem, Monsters' Morale and Mercenaries' Morale
0.01% to get all four of them (better than nothing :D)
42.57% to get Critical Effect

I'm still fine tuning the calcs but this is good enough for me for now.