Silly Bubbles
I thought it’ll be interesting to share our Cauldron recipes so we have something to compare to and analyse. Feel free to share yours and/or ask any questions.
Have fun!
Have fun!
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I've said this elsewhere, but I'll repeat it here because it's entirely counter-intuitive to non-maths people like me (although I have it on good authority from a maths expert that this is the case) : I am told that the overall % Success Rate is less significant than the % chance for the effect(s) you are trying for, so anyone trying for particular effects is better off maximising that effect's particular % chance than the overall Success Rate.
Another thing I've also stated elsewhere but which is relevant here is that the maximum number of Diplomas to aim for if you are interested only in the Combat Boosts is 11 - from any Chapter, not necessarily from consecutive Chapters. There's no need to sequentially complete any Optional Research which (as in my own case) people might be saving for Event Quests... I find it very slow collecting huge amounts of Vision Vapour instead.
Finally, adding Ingredients in a different order apparently doesn't change the result of Recipes, but it does change the cost of Brewing them.
I've said this elsewhere, but I'll repeat it here because it's entirely counter-intuitive to non-maths people like me (although I have it on good authority from a maths expert that this is the case) : I am told that the overall % Success Rate is less significant than the % chance for the effect(s) you are trying for, so anyone trying for particular effects is better off maximising that effect's particular % chance than the overall Success Rate.
Another thing I've also stated elsewhere but which is relevant here is that the maximum number of Diplomas to aim for if you are interested only in the Combat Boosts is 11 - from any Chapter, not necessarily from consecutive Chapters. There's no need to sequentially complete any Optional Research which (as in my own case) people might be saving for Event Quests... I find it very slow collecting huge amounts of Vision Vapour instead.
Should the same recipe yield the same effect every week?
I'm convinced this wasn't the case for me this week but I'm going to start keeping a record to see for sure.
As an aside, I do think that it is important to caveat strategy advice. I remember some people complaining bitterly when the tourney formula was changed and optional squad size techs became worth researching again. (They hadn't planned ahead and saved the necessary settlement goods.) I also remember the implicit assumption by many on the forums that stopping chapter progression (at end of C15) was good for tournaments, long after this had ceased to be this case. In both instances there was a loophole which Inno fixed. It is possible for inexperienced players to be led badly astray if they don't understand the implications of following forum advice.
This is true IRL as well.People are looking for confirmation of their wrong ideas
This is true IRL as well.
Ask someone to recommend a car and chances are they'll say the one that they have.
Even if most car magazines voted it the "Lemon of the Year"
@Silly Bubbles am I reading it correctly that the troops you produce in that time will have the buff?
As opposed to troops you use in battle during that period.
PS nice boosts by the way, +20 hour boost is great!
My recipe for this week. I'm using 10k spell fragments to improve my results as well. Let's see how this one will go, fingers crossed.
Does the order you place on the 4 items matter for those odds @Silly Bubbles
My recipe for this week. I'm using 10k spell fragments to improve my results as well. Let's see how this one will go, fingers crossed.
View attachment 7023
Another good troop booster for you, well done!