Basically this event is a kick in the teeth to all players that have bought (with real money) premium workshops.
I will again ask the question that i asked on the beta thread (but got no answer as normal). How does reducing the number of required items in this event remove the disadvantage that players with premium workshops have ? Lets say a player has six normal workshops and another player has 3 premium workshops, they both get a quest to produce toolbox 5 times. The player with normal workshops will complete the quest in 1 day but for the player with only premium workshops it will take 2 days. Either i am missing something or the devs have got a screw loose if they think that is fair.
I'm genuinely shocked and appalled that such a flagrant disregard for premium players has actually made it to Live. Its like they didn't see past the idea that players will all have the same number of workshops and manufactories fully developed when of course that is not the case! Even
@Dizzy Lizzie confirmed in her reply to me it is known premium workshop players have fewer workshops but seems to struggle to understand why that makes the event harder for premium players.
There are 4 very simple fixes available I can see.
1: Count all premium workshops as 2 workshops [since that's what they were sold to us as]
2: Refund players for their premiums and replace with double the number of regulars.
3: Abolish all Toolbox etc quests and count supplies output only [eg instead of demanding 5xToolboxes, demand 5x Toolbox worth of supplies which premium workshops will complete quicker]
4: Forget this whole system and go back to level 1 workshops.
Otherwise fiddling with numbers of toolboxes required is a sticking plaster at best that rewards players who never spent diamonds on workshops. I see no way its fair my 3 premium workshops are at a disadvantage to a player with 6 regular workshops which output the same but had no diamonds spent on them.
I never spent diamonds intending to be at a disadvantage and requiring two whole days to a toolbox quest I could have done in one day had I not spent diamonds.
Its not like this is a shock either, this was brought to attention to developers in the Beta forum and to
@Dizzy Lizzie in this forum and we're just getting ignored for how and why we spent diamonds and are being made worse off for spending diamonds.