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Autumn Zodiac


I decided to drop the event in en.1
I AM SICK AND TIRED about Inno's idea of freaking randomness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got Scout a province or research a technology or gain 15 Vision Vapor twice at the beginning of the event, then several Toolboxes and now I got 6 TIMES IN A ROW Scout a province or research a technology or gain 15 Vision Vapor, then Gain 5 Vision Vapors or reasearch a technology followed again by Scout a province or research a technology or gain 15 Vision Vapor. I just can't do it anymore, used lots of time reducers to get enough CC spells, but then I get crappy recipes. INNO!!!! - I do not want your poneys or relics or runes or any damn little useless 1x2 building!!!! Give me Pet Food, at least to know why I will have to push to hell next tournies to get the relics back.

PS - if you think my Caps means that I am shouting, well hell yeah, I am! I lost all my patience and benevolence with this event. :mad:


@alcaro Seems to me that the majority of us feel the same frustration, as well as a throng of people who feels exactly the same but doesn't use the forums. Many people I know in game do, that's for sure. I wonder whether Inno will listen to the negative feedback this time, though if the Facebook broadcast was of any indication, I wouldn't hold high hopes.


I have good players in my FS now talking about giving up on this quest - mainly due to the repetitive tasks. Surely everyone knows computers can't do random, and that's certainly evident here.


The update is through so this is the updated table for the event:



The same quests over and over that take days to complete, the implicit requirement that we empty our reserves of time instants to achieve anything, boring daily prizes and grand prizes that it is unlikely I am ever going to be able to fully evolve because it takes so long to get through a single quest... this has to be the most boring event Inno has ever produced.


Ok, I've gotten 5 scouting quests in the last three hours.

I don't know if different people are running Elvenar now but it's contradictory when we're warned not to scout 'very hard' provinces but the Events force us into it! It's a bit like being told in the research tree that SS upgrades will help us when in fact everyone knows it's quite the opposite because enemy troops also grow in size! Please don't lie to us or push us into doing things we're advised not to do by the game designers those of you in charge. :mad::confused::(


Why is it that on the Beta version of this thread players are being told that the problem of repeating back to back quests is being looked at and a solution is being worked on but it requires some coding but on this forum we are being told nothing (like normal).
Is the Beta community more important than the live servers community or is it just that on this forum.....no i guess i better not finish that sentence.


Why is it that on the Beta version of this thread players are being told that the problem of repeating back to back quests is being looked at and a solution is being worked on but it requires some coding but on this forum we are being told nothing (like normal).
Is the Beta community more important than the live servers community or is it just that on this forum.....no i guess i better not finish that sentence.
Please post a link to this information @Timneh


Thanks @LazyTony I was trying to locate a post specifying that coding was needed. Beta and the Beta Forum are very different to ours and to the other live servers and forums. There are bound to be differences. You are very welcome to join the Beta community @Timneh. Just go to the login page and select BETA on the top of the screen, then create an account. That way, you could be part of the testing and giving feedback which could potentially affect change before it reaches the live server.


The problem is not Beta specific, live worlds are having the same issues, so where is the problem with making a post saying that the problem is being looked at and a solution worked on ? It's not rocket science and would help players feel like they are being heard instead of the age old "your feedback is being heard and passed on".

@Dizzy Lizzie perhaps it woud help you if you were to read the Beta forum from time to time instead of always asking for links to information.


@alcaro Seems to me that the majority of us feel the same frustration, as well as a throng of people who feels exactly the same but doesn't use the forums. Many people I know in game do, that's for sure. I wonder whether Inno will listen to the negative feedback this time, though if the Facebook broadcast was of any indication, I wouldn't hold high hopes.

Add me to the list of people who are beyond frustrated with the current event for all the reasons already outlined by a whole host of people.


Why is it that on the Beta version of this thread players are being told that the problem of repeating back to back quests is being looked at and a solution is being worked on but it requires some coding but on this forum we are being told nothing (like normal).
Is the Beta community more important than the live servers community or is it just that on this forum.....no i guess i better not finish that sentence.
The amount of coding required to ensure that players don't get the same annoying quest time and time again is minuscule so I suspect it might be Innospeak for 'we're busy doing other more interesting things, go away'. :confused:


The amount of coding required to ensure that players don't get the same annoying quest time and time again is minuscule so I suspect it might be Innospeak for 'we're busy doing other more interesting things, go away'. :confused:
Or, more worryingly, "it's working exactly as we intended, their FOMO has never been exploited in a more relentless way, and we don't even need to deny there's gonna be any positive change in a Facebook live interview (although we were taken a little bick aback and stutter a bit on that front, and it wasn't because of the language barrier, because we managed to back to our usual cool self when we shifted the subject)".
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I'm playing in two cities. One is in Woodelves and the other one is only in chapter 5. When I get the tier 1 manufactory quests to 'produce a fair amount of' the good it takes much longer in the smaller city because it's asking for too much. It's not balanced as it should be. Why? Shouldn't it be the same level of difficulty in different chapters?

I'm on the verge of having my cities deleted because this game is stressing me out and therefore harming my health. I had a year long break and came back a few months ago and things are even worse now. Too many events and FAs and this event is just off the scale lunatic! It's clear to me that those in charge don't care at all about us players. I know it's a buisness but aren't they human? Can't they run a buisness and be ethical and reasonable? It's absurd that they had an excellent game and they've ruined it for greeds sake.
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Master of the Elements
I'm on the verge of having my cities deleted because this game is stressing me out and therefore harming my health. I had a year long break and came back a few months ago and things are even worse now. Too many events and FAs and this event is just off the scale lunatic! It's clear to me that those in charge don't care at all about us players. I know it's a buisness but aren't they human? Can't they run a buisness and be ethical and reasonable? It's absurd that they had an excellent game and they've ruined it for greeds sake.
I think this sums the situation up well. In this event I have got heavily involved in it and have almost completed my bear. Once I do I will stop playing the event and not look back at it.

In the future I am going to be strong and only start playing one event every three months like the old days and only where there's a format which doesn't cause me to upset my city progress as I have decided.

Like many have said, they keep doing too many events and making decisions that upset the masses because they make more money when they do. As @Timneh always tells us, the one and only way people can effect change is to not play the events.


I am just finishing this event in Beta. We had it a little easier when we were given more event currency and I was able to get one bear to level 10. I'm really not seeing this as a possibility in my live city. The only quests that seem to repeat are the worst possible quests, at least for a city that has finished Constructs. With Chapter 15 already in Beta I refuse to use what I have left in time boosts and I keep getting Scout quests with an option of 15 Vision Vapors.

Everything we complained loudly about in Beta seemed to have fallen on deaf ears, sadly. I don't have any FOMO for the next event. My Fear of Missing Out has been extinguished, and I'm just taking this event as it comes without boosts.


I started this event in Beta, and was really enjoying it. I was excited about the prospect that in my live world city I would do even better as my city in live world is bigger and have lots more time reducers and other handy stuff stored up. Then the event hit live worlds, and apparently there was such an out cry because of the workshops, that some short sighted person at INNO decided that diminishing those quests would be a solution. All that was accomplished is that instead of say there being 20 quests, with some repeating, we now ended up with 14 quests. Now it doesn't take a math genius to reliaze that if you suddenly go from 20 options to 14, that the propibility to get the same task increases. So first mistake was decreasing the task variety. The second huge huge huge mistake was capping the keys. If the key kept increasing, people would be more accepting, as once easy ways to accomplish the same task over and over, ran out, you would then be tempted to go the harder way, or sacrifice even more, as the rewards are worth it. INNO is testing a new concept, and instead of making it fun, and being over generous with their rewards, they are stingy. Why is it necissary to sabotage players playing experience in favour of stopping people from getting all three tiny bears evolved. And let's be honest, yes, those bears are great, for their size, but they are not worth all the drama we are encountering, they are only nine squares & we need to feed them, constantly, to get the best use out of them. I will not go on much longer, except to point out that designing an event for the " average" player, is stupid. I have never played with an "average" player, a city that is average is average because the player is doing nothing clever, nothing out of the mundane. Honour the clever people who build efficient cities making use of EVENT buildings!, and still find space to add extra lv1 buildings. Either go back to the old system, or give us the option: 5 toolboxes of current ws OR 20 FROM LV1...