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Official Discord server arrives September 11th 2023!


The problem is though now I see most forum friends over on Discord discussing to keep the forums, I love their enthusiasm but now they are there saying it instead of here, so already on Discord, Inno will see that as big activity by most from the forum, love all you guys that have helped and entertained me here on the forums for the last few years, I may lurk from time to time on Discord but the whole place gives me a big headache, too all over the place unordered for me sadly.


Elvenar's players are often 40+ years old people
Goldarn young whipper-snappers! :)



I have already seen a whole slew of people on Discord that I would not accept into my fellowship, and generally being unpleasant as any criticism or hard questions are met with derision and scorn.
Honestly, I don't think I will stay on that server, and I hope many others will abandon it quickly.
The Discord server, especially with the EN/Int and US communities combined, certainly does not feel like a safe place where all opinions are welcome like here on the forum.

Many a Discord member is quick to jump to wrong conclusions and there is little to no moderation when people who are generally concerned and are expressing their worries are met with sarcasm, jokes, are made fun of or are just downright offended or insulted by other Discord members.

Certainly not a place where I like to hang out for fun or info. Only reason I am there now is because it appears that more feedback is being gathered there than here on the forum so I’m combining the two media now to better get the message across that this new situation is not working. At least not for everyone. Although I highly doubt Inno still cares about this part of their community. Every (re)action so far feels like they have already given up on us.
yep same problem here. it's an unending loop over there: I tried my discord addy and they said no no someone else is using that. I tried my elvenar address they said no no you need to use your discord address. lol. I tried making a new one and they said no, no, you need to use your regular discord sign in.
deep sigh.
Oh my word, I can only see this being utter carnage.
darlin, I think it already is. People flock to Discord and then realize it's a freaking mess over there unless you are totally computer savvy or just lucky. I'm too old to want to fuss over getting into a place I really never liked in the first place. And I'm too damn old to want to change what works just because someone else tells me I'll love it. It's like going to the doctor and he says, "i have to take a sample...it will pinch a bit..." and when they peel you off the ceiling he seems surprised.
The average in our fellowship is 40-42, so we can be considered old millennials ;) Would still prefer the forums over Discord though.

However, I agree it would be good to have Inno do a survey to discover the average age of their players (specifically Elvenar players because that differs a lot from their other games!) and base changes on that.

But as we all know, they make changes based on their preferred target audience, which is a lot younger, with a shorter attention span, a preference for quick dopamine-delivering mobile games who will then play this game for maybe a couple months, will likely spend cash in those months to increase the speed of progress (and thus dopamine deliverance) and will then quit again, rinse repeat with new young players.

Each and every change so far has hinted towards this change in target audience: introducing the mobile app next to the browser version, increasing the amount of events with a lot of stuff that creates FOMO and increases chances of players pulling out their wallets, going on social media, and now shutting down the forums.

It’s all within what I’d expected to happen and they will eventually completely lose touch with their older audience (who actually gave constructive but critical feedback) who will then eventually stop playing entirely and the feedback will then just stop because the youngest players won’t take the time to give feedback but will just stop playing, which is exactly within the expectations of how they target their game.

At some point they will just stop adding new chapters because their new player base simply won’t make it that far before they quit. But that’s ok for Inno because Inno is simply not interested in the opinion of their players, all they want to influence is the probability of their players pulling out their (online) wallets before they walk out the door.

It’s all about money and revenue. Making profit for the stakeholders. Nothing more. It’s a passionless business.
I'm 78. I'mnot sure about the ages of the people in my group, but I suspect there are more than a few upper middle agers. I've been online and a gamer for maybe 30 years, and it does seem that every time someone decides to improve what already works well for the people who play it, it all goes to hell in a large basket. WoW was the same way. They managed to take a very good game and ---- it up to the point that the old (good) game was destroyed and the only way you play now is somewhere else. I do know one thing: every morning when I sign on to Elvenar I can see that the mice have been busy at night, fixing this, rearranging that, touch-ups and tweaks, which sometimes are a help and sometimes require a degree in Guess How This Works to figure out what stopped working. I've seen Discord. It's a huge chat based program, and while it works for some people, it just ain't intuitive, as far as I'm concerned.


We can indeed track guest usage here too, so we can see a broader picture beyond the general activity here.
Yes it does change the numbers, but also shows how little players utilise even viewing information here.
Given the Forum has been here for over eight years now, it is our least used resource. We have for the last few years been actively directing players here with our in-game news items, linking articles/announcements/information from here to support tickets to also promote the Forum even more overtly.
Numbers though have not increased, and this is across the board on all of our Forums, triggering the situation we now find ourselves in.
Thank you for your reply… I understand. But one fact that can not be tracked in any way is the fellows whose job it is to track info for their fellowship, screenshot announcements and report back their fellowships and keep everyone in the loop. I have belonged to two such fellowships, one where I appointed a fellow to do just that. He also trouble shot problems by searching answers to supply as well. So I guess there is a component of this that will remain unreported at your end. Perhaps thats why so many here do not appreciate the inno party line of the forum being underutilized. Because as end users fellowships are seeing more of the forum than you can track.
The problem is though now I see most forum friends over on Discord discussing to keep the forums, I love their enthusiasm but now they are there saying it instead of here, so already on Discord, Inno will see that as big activity by most from the forum, love all you guys that have helped and entertained me here on the forums for the last few years, I may lurk from time to time on Discord but the whole place gives me a big headache, too all over the place unordered for me sadly.

So, by analysing the network traffic emanating from your IP address, and filtering for TCP port 443 connections to Elvenar, and using the fact that your cat is named 'Molly', I have deduced that you live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. and you are in fact the president of the USA. And they call Discord secure! Bah, humbug! :p
secure, locked and loaded. I gave up trying this morning, and they will just have to do without me. Pity. Their loss. :(


Its the Mods I feel sorry for. Through no fault of their own they are going to be demoted to Kindergarten patrol over on Discord, breaking up arguements and fights, reprimanding nasty rhetoric all the while being insulted for their efforts. Inno needs to arm them all with a tazer because I suspect they will be needed.
Meanwhile over here on the Forums, us gentle people shower our Mods with flowers and unicorns...the choice is a no brainer I say.