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Official Discord server arrives September 11th 2023!


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to discuss the official Discord server!

We're looking forward to your feedback!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


I hope you guys are ready for a mad house, lol. My experience with Discord on other games with a huge huge player base, is that it is sometimes a bit overwhelming. It does have its positive side, but so does this forum. Might just be me, but the things I find easier on the forum is to search for a certain topic, posts by a certain person and ease of creating a new thread. Good luck in getting it all to run smoothly!


OK. Someone has to do it,.
What is discord? Other than a disagreement between people (or lack of harmony for the musicians).
I was about to ask :)
I read Wikipedia but that didn't help much.
Is there somewhere that explains it with some layperson detail. I know there are two distinct 'camps' in terms of liking and disliking it.


Followed the link etc and got the reply that account was invalid. This was via Safari if that makes any difference.


It wont let me claim the account as my email was registered a few years ago & it keeps saying as it's already used I can't claim. I don't think I will bother with it, the forum is where I get all my info and questions answered anyway, it has always been very useful. Instead of discord perhaps the forum should have been advertised more, but Im not really tech savvy so maybe I'm missing something.


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
It wont let me claim the account as my email was registered a few years ago & it keeps saying as it's already used I can't claim. I don't think I will bother with it, the forum is where I get all my info and questions answered anyway, it has always been very useful. Instead of discord perhaps the forum should have been advertised more, but Im not really tech savvy so maybe I'm missing something.
You would need to use the original account to sign in as Discord operates using email and mobile/cell number. If you need any help, please reach our to support with a ticket and we can help guide you there.

Sir Derf

It wont let me claim the account as my email was registered a few years ago & it keeps saying as it's already used I can't claim. I don't think I will bother with it, the forum is where I get all my info and questions answered anyway, it has always been very useful. Instead of discord perhaps the forum should have been advertised more, but Im not really tech savvy so maybe I'm missing something.

But wait, what about the forums?
Don't worry, the forums will still be available for a while, even if we are gradually shifting our focus to the Discord server. In the long term, we plan to fully transition to Discord, but for at least the upcoming months the forums will remain open and accessible.

The plan is for the forum to eventually stop...


But wait, what about the forums?
Don't worry, the forums will still be available for a while, even if we are gradually shifting our focus to the Discord server. In the long term, we plan to fully transition to Discord, but for at least the upcoming months the forums will remain open and accessible.

The plan is for the forum to eventually stop...

I missed that bit, oh... :(


I am shocked to read that the forums will be closed! Discord is not a good or full replacement for a forum and should not be implemented as being just as valuable. It provides much less overview, makes searching for information or discussions on certain topics in the past less easy, information is just less easily accessible.

I am very sceptical though about why you are actually asking for our feedback on this, because from the announcement it seems that it’s already a done deal and eventually the forums will be closed, no matter what we say.

And when you finally do close the forums, what will happen to the enormous amount of valuable information on this forum, will it at least remain accessible so that we can still read (just not reply to) the threads? Or will the forums be closed entirely and we lose everything that is readily available now?


Had a quick look, my initial impression is that it seems a bit chaotic :oops:
Like being in a crowded hall with lots of small groups of people all having their own discussions causing a general din.
* heads over to the peace and quiet of the bar & buffet *


Had a quick look, my initial impression is that it seems a bit chaotic :oops:
Like being in a crowded hall with lots of small groups of people all having their own discussions causing a general din.
* heads over to the peace and quiet of the bar & buffet *
It's not a coincidence that the definition and meaning of the word 'cacophony' is a "harsh discordance of sound"


I made an account but must say I immediately dislike it and as said above just looks chaotic.
It's like every part of the Discord server is a Lounge. It's more chat than sharing of info and discussions...


I play elvenar to escape and have peace and quiet, I enjoy the forums because they are also organised and peaceful to use, discord just looks like an angry mob of chaos.
That is mostly because they just threw each and every Elvenar player on the entire world together on one Discord server. Yes, they have specific channels for each language-based game-server, but EVERYONE gets (or can get) access to the English main channels too, so yeah, I expect it to grow way out of proportions. I wish the mods the best of luck and kind of feel sorry for them.
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@Silmaril since opening a feedback thread on the discord channel #feedback-threads seems (b)locked, I'll post it here instead:

Can the US and EN/Int community please get their own designated area on the Discord server? Having the entire English speaking community together in one big group is a bit much...