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You knew it was coming....


I give up, they no longer want long term players and have DESTROYED THE GAME.
I used to have a mantra for noobies who joined my fellowship, to help them enjoy the game and grow: 'Build/produce/upgrade'.

I followed this for years and it worked for me. Although there were the occasional slow spots.

But now the game has introduced so many traps, pit-falls, and gotcha's that it's not so much fun any more. Maybe I need to change my mantra to 'build/produce/get-robbed'.



I see whats the reason behind this changes - 1. improve game balance and 2. deal the problem of sub-accounts pushing AW. Thats good reasons to do the changes, problem is do they really solve the problem.

1. i like the AW benefits changes, they actually make game more interesting, for example each mana AW works in its own unique way and its hard to decide which is best, should i use all 3 or not etc. I like reducing cultural output of Ruins and Sanctuary so players spamming armories wont be always on top of ranking. This is how it should be done.

2. When improving balance you also need to take into account equality of players. Do all races / classes have equal chance in the game?
Here is the problem:
I play Elvenar for 5 years, already have my AW nearly developed to the end, so i don't care about cost of upgrading. I have 24 wonders that are already maxed. I have 2 mln of spell fragments, many Moonstone Libraries and access to Vallorian School, so the changes won't even slow me (the old player) down. But if i had to pay spell fragments it would cost me 15 millions to build 24 AWs. I could afford only having part of them.

Game balance should help new players to level up with old players, but here its the opposite.

Smaller players in my brotherhood (to which i lead) already complaining that they got stuck. I basically don't know what answer them. Game became greatly unfair for new players, which will never have the chance to catch up with me. I can only imagine new players coming and asking how the hell i was able to build all my AWs? If i answer honestly, they probably stop playing game at once.

My suggestion is - leave benefits as they are, but leveling cost have to be greatly reduced.

I also don't like how in this game there is almost nothing to share between players in brotherhood. Adventures now are the only moment when we can really cooperate with each other. Above change will even further reduce it. I used to host cup tournaments giving KP for the winners, now i don't even know what could be the prize, cause this game has so limited cooperation.


I play Elvenar for 5 years, already have my AW nearly developed to the end, so i don't care about cost of upgrading. I have 24 wonders that are already maxed. I have 2 mln of spell fragments, many Moonstone Libraries and access to Vallorian School, so the changes won't even slow me (the old player) down.
That seems good for you @Papadinos. But as you say, there are many that have been severely disadvantaged.

If i answer honestly, they probably stop playing game at once.
That would appear to be their only sane choice. :(

Inno have adopted the P2P model. It used to be a nice friendly game. Now not so much.


I've been playing this game for 3 years, which means I only have one Moonstone Library and I don't have many things needed to upgrade an AW now. My AWs average around the middle. I think that the benefits that AW brings now are very good , but the way they are need to upgrade them now is very bad and impossible for most players. I'm currently 192 on the list, lvl 19, which isn't bad for 3 years of playing, but now I can only go down. I earned diamonds in the game but sometimes I would spend some real money as well. I don't think I'll spend any more money, as do most and other players. I think I will get stuck, without the possibility of any visible progress and lose my will for this game. As far as I can see, other players feel the same way. If I had just started playing this game I probably would have left quickly. I don't see how this is even possible for new players. With a small town, beginners they can only join worse fellowships. They have to improve, to build a lot in order to be accepted by one of the better fs. And how can they build themselves when they can't get the things they need for that? And what else can they do but leave the game. Only high ranked players who have built AW to max or close to it are in a good position. For everyone else, this is mission impossible, unless they are willing to left a large sum of money. And I think that there are not many of them. Well, when almost everyone leaves Elvenar, I wonder who will play? Will there be enough of them and enough funds for the game to survive? It seems that the end for us will also mean the end for them. That's why they should think a little better about the changes of these "improved" changes.


sometimes I would spend some real money as well. I don't think I'll spend any more money, as do most and other players. I think I will get stuck, without the possibility of any visible progress and lose my will for this game. As far as I can see, other players feel the same way.
I agree @Smiki. We are members of an increasingly large company of players who have been deliberately disenfranchised. I will hang on as Archmage to my FS for as long as possible, to keep supporting them. But even that candle must burn out eventually.



I agree @Smiki. We are members of an increasingly large company of players who have been deliberately disenfranchised. I will hang on as Archmage to my FS for as long as possible, to keep supporting them. But even that candle must burn out eventually.

View attachment 8284

Feeling the same way sadly, no idea how my own city works now, let alone others I try to help, playing 8 years and counting and only have 1 moonstone set also.


Ive sat here and Ive read the comments, Ive suffered through the complaining and whining thats going on in the Facebook Elvenar groups. While I understand peoples frustration and annoyance with what has happened, I also dont see what this is going to achieve. From past experience we have seen that our complaining invariably does little to improve things and definitely doesnt reverse anything. So, we need to instead find a way to work with these changes like we have done with all the other changes that have been made.
The main issue people are having is the change in requirements to upgrade Wonders. If you look at the game as a whole, Wonders are just a small part of the game. So its going to take longer to upgrade a Wonder....perhaps that will make us more selective on which AWs we place. It wont stop us progressing in the game as regular building upgrades have not changed.
I also dont think that Inno has made this massive change without their being more positive changes on the way which will help solve these problems.
Seeing people spit the dummy over this and leave the game is such a shame, especially after investing years of time into the game.
Then there are also the ones ( especially on Facebook) who are threatening to leave but you know full well they will still be around in a month so dont let them influence you negatively.
Sure its gotten more difficult in some areas, but in others it has improved tremendously with other Wonders getting a big boost. So stick it out as you wouldnt just quit something in real life if it suddenly got a bit difficult. We can do this if we just give it a minute and think more positively.
Sending you all a big hug! :)


The recent changes to the game, lets not forget it is a game, are overall well thought out and addressed some issues with a few Wonders being overpowered. It has been done in a very logical and mathematically correct way, BUT the player base hit different blocks and challenges as they progress through the game, so although logic says make the upgrade costs very linear, the reality is that applying high end and scarce resources to every Wonder upgrade is fine, but in practice the games progression hits a block wall for many lower chapter players, who are dealing with the effects of various settlement resources as well as these harder to acquire Wonder upgrade resources. One way around this current situation would be to make the first few Wonder upgrades reliant on Runes, maybe the first 5 or 10, followed by introducing the new method of upgrades with Spell Frags, Catalysts and Royals. This would help the lower chapter players with their introduction to Wonders and maintain the path the Dev team intended for Wonders and othe aspects of the game.

This solution might be contentious for many but may help the player base through these changes, which are here, and are no doubt part of a larger series of changes that we will see in the future.

Posting here rather than Discord as there are too many people 'spitting out their dummy' rather than thinking their way through these changes.
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Wonders are just a small part of the game.
But a vital part IMO. Mine are all high level so I'm fortunate there but, seeing the benefit they bring, I think smaller cities will struggle to move forward at reasonable pace. Perhaps not so much in chapter progression but definitely in tourney/spire/FA.

I also dont see what this is going to achieve
We need to vent sometimes :)


make the first few Wonder upgrades reliant on Runes, maybe the first 5 or 10, followed by introducing the new method of upgrades with Spell Frags, Catalysts and Royals.
Yes! Good idea. Makes sense to me, just like new resources getting added as we progress through the chapters.
Go too far and you hit the Orc Wall, or in the case of wonders, the CC/SF/RR wall.


The recent changes to the game, lets not forget it is a game, are overall well thought out and addressed some issues with a few Wonders being overpowered. It has been done in a very logical and mathematically correct way, BUT the player base hit different blocks and challenges as they progress through the game, so although logic says make the upgrade costs very linear, the reality is that applying high end and scarce resources to every Wonder upgrade is fine, but in practice the games progression hits a block wall for many lower chapter players, who are dealing with the effects of various settlement resources as well as these harder to acquire Wonder upgrade resources. One way around this current situation would be to make the first few Wonder upgrades reliant on Runes, maybe the first 5 or 10, followed by introducing the new method of upgrades with Spell Frags, Catalysts and Royals. This would help the lower chapter players with their introduction to Wonders and maintain the path the Dev team intended for Wonders and othe aspects of the game.

This solution might be contentious for many but may help the player base through these changes, which are here, and are no doubt part of a larger series of changes that we will see in the future.

Posting here rather than Discord as there are too many people 'spitting out their dummy' rather than thinking their way through these changes.
Inno is preparing to sell spell fragments. That is why they made changes. For profit.

This was not about improving the game.

The point of the changes was not about fairness or equality or equity or get new players or allowing others to compete with the elite players.

It’s about making money, selling diamonds, being greedy.

The irony is they will make less. Players will play without using, upgrading, and will actually teleport the AWs back into the inventory, and use the space for production.

Meanwhile, others will look for other games to distract them because of the delays caused by these changes.

And then there is the loss of players, many of whom are already gone, but even more are to follow.


but in practice the games progression hits a block wall for many lower chapter players,
We were all lower chapter players at some point. We managed to progress. Except that now we are penalised for playing by those rules, and making long term decisions and sacrifices based on those consequences. Why don't the new changes just apply to new players, seeing that this is what they cried for, and leave higher chapter players alone?

Players who like the new regime must have received a bonanza, so the rest of us can get stuffed?


I really couldn't agree with "Wonders are just a small part of the game."
Imagine two people racing over a long distance, with different "miracles". One has a super fast car and the other a nice bike (he wasn't there at the right time, when those cars weren't very expensive, and now he can't afford them). Both of them have to sleep, eat, make something, trade somewhere, but their goal is to cross the given path. Of course, for second player will be more difficult and progress will be slower. Ok, the other player is doing well, in time he will collect the funds to buy a car, not a super car, but a car, and he will reach the given city. But guess what, it will never reach the first player, because in the meantime the first player bought - a plane !!! And the beginner will go on foot and may not get further than the first bend !!! How is that fair, how does it improve? Maybe the climate has changed, it's not raining, it's not cold, etc... But the journey, what is important, is no longer the same and the same for everyone. It may not be visible yet, but when the inventory is emptied, when SF, CC and RR are used up, it will be obvious to everyone how an unbridgeable gap has been created.
I like to compete and be among the good ones. If I can't do that here, I have to find something else where I can be better, because this race won't be for me if I can't get close to the best. I don't have to be the best, and I can't, but I like not to be too far away from them. If you can't achieve that, all you have to do is look for something else, where you will be able to arrange successes and get closer and closer to the goal and the top. I think many players think the same and that it is completely pointless to talk about any progress and improvement of the game


Posting here rather than Discord as there are too many people 'spitting out their dummy' rather than thinking their way through these changes.
A wise choice. :)
I've said my piece on the changes. I can't be arsed to look for a new game and I'm too stubborn to give up. I've always been more of a Tortoise then a Hare anyway, so bite me. :)

p.s @InnoGames You must reconsider the new costs to upgrades. :)