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Winter Magic 2021

Sir Derf

Comment on the middle idea that artifacts have chapters and upgrade buildings to their chapter.

My thought - not necessary. Older buildings are older. The game has a mechanic to upgrade older buildings that you want to hold onto and doesn't need an additional, expedited route. Especially one that would be as overpowered as suggested - The typical Evolving Building is 16 squares, in your example the single Artifact would have the equivalent power as 64 Royal Restorations (or 6+ Blueprints)



Not really, first thing is : if your building is level max then you can't use artifact, so you'll have to use blueprint.
Second thing, usually people are adding a building when they got all the artifacts, so it would be really powerful if indeed you started a long time ago to collection the artifacts and then, a chapter later or so you would decide to add the building and evolve it to your chapter.
So one thing is : it's possible to do it only one time : when you add it in your city.
Second thing : That would bring more interest to some building you got at some chapter or sometimes got two buildings at an event but couldn't evolve the second one so you kept it in your inventory and for any reason you succeed to get the artifacts later (Spire, MA, FA, event) and so that building still makes sense to be used and won't go to trash.

I don't think that overpowerful.
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Master of the Elements
I can't really comment too strongly on the winter event because I dislike all winter events. The reason is, I think that all "snowy" buildings look ridiculous put into a city where the whole thing isn't snowy. Hence I'll never build any of them.

I know I'm in the minority and you've all heard me make this complaint before, but there it is.

Now... if they could make all the buildings in the city turn snowy in the winter... then that could be the start of something I could understand. New buildings would fit the theme... so long as you got rid of them all again in the spring event.

Silly Bubbles

And since getting all the artifacts from Spire it's something taking some time... maybe it would be good to finally consider about letting the building that we evolve to reach the chapter of the artifact we use to upgrade it. Example : building is chap X and I use an artifact I got while I was chapter XIV then the building will reach chapter XIV too or else it doesn't make much sense to ask us to get all the artifacts on the longterm (especially since the recipe in MA are only there while it's possible to get the artifacts on Spire).

I like the idea. At this moment what I'm trying to do is to disenchant the old evolving building base and wait for a recipe for a new base to come up in the MA to get an upgraded base. I do have to be sure that the base will be offered in the MA so it can be risky. Usually the bases are available to craft in the MA when the artifacts are offered in the Spire. It still would be great if the artifacts upgraded the building to the current chapter.


I can't really comment too strongly on the winter event because I dislike all winter events. The reason is, I think that all "snowy" buildings look ridiculous put into a city where the whole thing isn't snowy. Hence I'll never build any of them.

I know I'm in the minority and you've all heard me make this complaint before, but there it is.

Now... if they could make all the buildings in the city turn snowy in the winter... then that could be the start of something I could understand. New buildings would fit the theme... so long as you got rid of them all again in the spring event.
That's actually what they are doing with their other games, so maybe one day it will come up here too :p