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Winter Magic 2021


Elvenar Gems of Knowledge is not updated for a long time so neither the quest list nor the daily prizes or the event overview are not available so we are playing blind! The quest list on Beta is always modified so I would not like to use it. There are some quest lists available on FB but most of them fake on the other hand the format does not fit for every kind of device so does anyone who can send an official link about this event please? Thank you in advance!

All the event information, recorded in actual gameplay, has been in this Google Doc since the day that the event started in Beta: https://tinyurl.com/kkdzfvue

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Reached what I believe is task number 77 part of which is solve 10 encounters. Believe this is asking a bit much, especially considering each province only has 8 and a player can only scout 1 province at a time.

Piglets For All

Reached what I believe is task number 77 part of which is solve 10 encounters. Believe this is asking a bit much, especially considering each province only has 8 and a player can only scout 1 province at a time.
I've stopped clearing provinces now, just scout and leave them uncleared and that way they're ready for events as I'm doing 2 x tournament and spire in 5 days and those solving encounter quests seem to fall outside of those 5 days.

Sir Derf

Going to play for the first time this event; was waiting on the Culture-topper Goblin Sleigh...

Noticed that in my pre-shuffle viewing of the prizes, that there are two entries for the Daily Prize among the 16. I don't remember it being that way in past years, nor seeing anyone comment on this this time around.

Sir Derf

Looking at the second shuffle, I guess that one of the 16 is guaranteed to be the Daily Prize, and two of the 16 are random selections from other Daily Prize buildings, so my first observation was a lucky random second of what is the current Daily Prize.


Looking at the second shuffle, I guess that one of the 16 is guaranteed to be the Daily Prize, and two of the 16 are random selections from other Daily Prize buildings, so my first observation was a lucky random second of what is the current Daily Prize.

Yes I've seen it happen a couple of times. IIRC last year there were 2 random buildings on each board, but they were all the little 1x2 ones like unicorns. There are some of those this year, but it's including a decent number of quality ones - daily specials from other days and equivalent buildings.


Master of the Elements
Looking at the second shuffle, I guess that one of the 16 is guaranteed to be the Daily Prize, and two of the 16 are random selections from other Daily Prize buildings, so my first observation was a lucky random second of what is the current Daily Prize.
Yes, sometimes the daily prize is also an incidental "stocking filler" prize, so it appears twice. Sometimes the daily prize buildings are considerably worse than some of those stocking fillers.

The standard of prizes in this event is pretty good and they're easy to get, but the daily exclusives should be better.


Someone has said in a Facebook comment that there will be no FA following this event. Is this something that has been confirmed by Inno anywhere or is it just the poster's opinion?


Someone has said in a Facebook comment that there will be no FA following this event. Is this something that has been confirmed by Inno anywhere or is it just the poster's opinion?
Pretty sure it’s just an opinion. It’s true that there has still been no FA on Beta and that the event is already long gone there. But … I wouldn’t take it as any indication of missing FA, because a year ago the FA started there on 12th of January. It’s just vacation time. ;)


We're getting a Father Tree for Christmas!!! I've been waiting and wishing for this building for the last 4 years (every time it was offered during and event I failed to get it). I've even annoyed a few times our mods here to put it up as a prize in one of the forum competitions, lol
Thanks Inno, this is indeed a very nice gift :D :D :D


Master of the Elements
We're getting a Father Tree for Christmas!!! I've been waiting and wishing for this building for the last 4 years (every time it was offered during and event I failed to get it). I've even annoyed a few times our mods here to put it up as a prize in one of the forum competitions, lol
Thanks Inno, this is indeed a very nice gift :D :D :D
Ha, I had the complete opposite thought and I was thinking to myself... No, Paul, don't sound ungrateful. Haha. I'm glad the Father Tree is good for some people!


Ha, I had the complete opposite thought and I was thinking to myself... No, Paul, don't sound ungrateful. Haha. I'm glad the Father Tree is good for some people!

My thoughts were in a similar vein Pauly7. But I remembered that the Disenchantment mill can get some nice spell fragments back in return for these 'gratefully' received buildings :)



Here is a little feedback about the event : I'm glad that we could reach 10 levels of the building without having to wait for the FA. FA should have its own rewards or else it sounds that it can't have it own rewards to be attractive so it has to take the previous event artifact to make it good enough for people to participate.

I think FA should provide an universal artifact, now we have the feature for disenchantment so we could choose the reward we would like to have, that would be a great idea to use it for FA because until now it's not possible to get all the artifact with Spire and FA could help on providing what is missing to finally do something of their spare artifacts in the inventory.

And since getting all the artifacts from Spire it's something taking some time... maybe it would be good to finally consider about letting the building that we evolve to reach the chapter of the artifact we use to upgrade it. Example : building is chap X and I use an artifact I got while I was chapter XIV then the building will reach chapter XIV too or else it doesn't make much sense to ask us to get all the artifacts on the longterm (especially since the recipe in MA are only there while it's possible to get the artifacts on Spire).
That's also a problem when you start the event in one chapter and finish it and the next one, then the new building as to be upgrade with RR when you just got it...