world map progress.
Expansions. I've seen it posted that premium expansions are better to place, etc etc.......but I've just looked at the rankings and see that I'm so far behind those around me for world map progress score, but quite far ahead in aw score, I'm now asking myself 'am I at an advantage or disadvantage' as far as touraments are concerned?
I think my ability to keep up with troop loss has improved, since the introduction but no idea why.....haha
I'm at the end of chapter 15, decided to throw the last of my beautiful wishing wells down, to give myself thinking time before moving on or not.
That depends entirely on which AWs you have. If you have military AWs you are at an advantage, if you have non-military AWs you are at a disadvantage.
World map progress has nothing to do with anything, well I guess it means up to 525 provinces it means you have more province expansions available, but those are only a disadvantage if you place them...