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Unofficial Guinness Elvenar Record #8 - Vision Vapor


Earn the title of hoarder in this area of the game! Who is also a frequent crafter yet doesn't open their Mystical Objects?

I currently have 28557 Vision Vapor, so I have 285 Mystical Objects waiting for me to be opened.

I am almost done with chapter 19, once that is done and I have sold the guest race stuff, I plan to build and upgrade the Dragon Ark AW. Once that is done, I expect to have near 30000 VV (300 MO), so then I will open them (and regain a whole lot of CC spells because of the Dragon Ark). I will obviously share the results of that haul :D

But now I wonder; is there anyone else out there hoarding Vision Vapor like I am? Who challenges me? ;)
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409, don't know how you held out that long.
Unless you practiced by only opening your Christmas presents in March :p