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The Forbidden Ruins


Just a ghost on your timeline
Elvenar Team
Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to discuss the upcoming Event, The Forbidden Ruins.

We're looking forward to your feedback!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


Not a big fan of sets because using RR on them doesn't make a big difference from a chapter to another one (feels like RR are hard to get to little improvement on the building especially when some bonuses are the sames for every chapters... example shards or spells...).

Royal Prizes looks better, well I hope, because I was interested on spending the diamonds to get them for winter event, then I had a look at them and figure out spending 1500 diamonds when there almost only is a blue print interesting... that made me give up on that idea.
The building looked nice too but I got a bunch of them during the event so I wouldn't even know where to add it in my city... so why to pay diamonds for it. Other prizes were very secondary, I didn't see the purpose to spend diamonds on them, I rather would spend 1500 diamonds to only get RR or an extra expansion which is much much much more usefull.

To be able to switch daily prizes was interesting but you have to spend the event currency... get some daily prizes you don't want, then you'll be able to switch... sounds like super expensive to me and not very interesting (especially if you get the daily prize already then you'll have to pay to shuffle it too...). If at least the counter wouldn't go back to 0 every day that would be much better.

I don't know if we will get the possibility to change the daily prize this time too, but I hope some changes have been made on it.


The new 'Forbidden Ruins' questline event runs from January 18th to February 9th.
Read all about the version we are currently playing in this Google Doc, which has screenshots, strategy, quests, daily exclusives and prizes: https://tinyurl.com/3j877v5s
The Beta version is usually very similar or identical to the one that goes Live.



The event has started and runs from January 18th to February 9th.
Read all about the version we are currently playing in this file, which has screenshots, strategy, quests, daily exclusives and prizes: https://tinyurl.com/3j877v5s
The Beta version is usually very similar or identical to the one that goes Live.
NB - unlike my original event notes, this one does not require Facebook to open, and is quite safe to use.


Deleted User - 849143351

I've been wanting to say this for a while... Can you guys make it so that sentient goods produced from factories count towards those pesky "Produce X goods" quests...
In later chapters we are forced to switch to sentient factories, essentially making regular ones near obsolete. So why not make these new productions count towards event quests?


The grand prizes are changed? ....if I open them,the 1 = Forbidden Ruins / 2 = Mystical Dreams / 3 = Magic Dragon Tamer & The Sleepy Titan / 4 = Sorcerers Feast & Secluded Pond / 5 = another Sorcerers Feast .... ...

...so no Enchanted Crops (like the Forum says here) ? ...it is changed in another building (Sleepy Titan) 3x2 ? ....or?


The grand prizes are changed? ....if I open them,the 1 = Forbidden Ruins / 2 = Mystical Dreams / 3 = Magic Dragon Tamer & The Sleepy Titan / 4 = Sorcerers Feast & Secluded Pond / 5 = another Sorcerers Feast .... ...

...so no Enchanted Crops (like the Forum says here) ? ...it is changed in another building (Sleepy Titan) 3x2 ? ....or?
Enchanted Crops is a Quest Milestone reward.


How do you get the Forbidden Ruins main building? I don't see it offered on the daily exclusive list or as a grand prize, nor on the quests bar.


The event does have a Forbidden Ruins main building. I've seen it in my neighbor's city. I'm asking how to obtain it, as the wiki thing I read doesn't explain it well.


The event does have a Forbidden Ruins main building. I've seen it in my neighbor's city. I'm asking how to obtain it, as the wiki thing I read doesn't explain it well.
It is the very first of the Grand Prizes - click on Claim Prizes in the event screen to see it. The first 20 Prizes are listed in this file, more to follow once I spend some more event currency:


I just added 8 more prizes to our Event Notes:

Prizes number 25-32:
  • Mystical Dreams set building
  • Ancient Knowledge 20 Instant
  • Coin Rain 100% Instant
  • Magic Dragon Tamer set building
  • 3 x Random Rune Shards
  • 15 Knowledge Points
  • Forbidden Ruins set building
  • Secluded Pond set building


Quest 78: ‘Solve 10 Encounters’ - with no alternative. This is a really sneaky final quest to the quest set - because a significant number of players have slaved their way through 77 quests to get the Goddess of Wishes - and now if for one or other reason they have no encounters available, this is an event-killer.
This won’t affect a lot of players - but the ones who it does are going to be very upset. As we have said often - quests should never be ‘impossible’ - even for a minority of players.

I hope they fix this!

UPDATE: They changed it to 10 of any kind.
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rock stream

77 quests. I'm pushing to get 3 of the pieces of the set building. I've won hundreds and hundreds of troops though and lots of future spell fragments.