Not a big fan of sets because using RR on them doesn't make a big difference from a chapter to another one (feels like RR are hard to get to little improvement on the building especially when some bonuses are the sames for every chapters... example shards or spells...).
Royal Prizes looks better, well I hope, because I was interested on spending the diamonds to get them for winter event, then I had a look at them and figure out spending 1500 diamonds when there almost only is a blue print interesting... that made me give up on that idea.
The building looked nice too but I got a bunch of them during the event so I wouldn't even know where to add it in my city... so why to pay diamonds for it. Other prizes were very secondary, I didn't see the purpose to spend diamonds on them, I rather would spend 1500 diamonds to only get RR or an extra expansion which is much much much more usefull.
To be able to switch daily prizes was interesting but you have to spend the event currency... get some daily prizes you don't want, then you'll be able to switch... sounds like super expensive to me and not very interesting (especially if you get the daily prize already then you'll have to pay to shuffle it too...). If at least the counter wouldn't go back to 0 every day that would be much better.
I don't know if we will get the possibility to change the daily prize this time too, but I hope some changes have been made on it.