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Suggestion to fix Sack of Coins Badge

Sir Derf

Coin badges shouldn't be built around bulk Coin Collection. What with the difference in scale between city collections and Neighborly Help, and then the ability of Coin Rains, this just doesn't scale or cap well. So, separate city collection from Neighborly Help, and drop Coin Rains. And to make City Collection more interesting, look at how the game treats currently uses Statues vs. Bracelets.

Split it up. Provide different, competing goals requiring separate strategies. Differentiate it across the three routes.

I propose splitting it into 3 new badges.

Purse of Plenty - Collect Coins from Residences n times
Grip of Gold - Collect x Coins from Residences
Chest of Coins - Receive a chest from Neighborly Help.

Purse of Plenty favors multiple (probably small) Residences, similar to how Statues favors multiple Manus.
Grip of Gold favors favors efficient (Magic and highly Upgraded) Residences, similar to how Bracelets favors upgraded, boosted Manus.
Chest of Coins maintains a need for Neighborly Help, but prevents the monotony of needing to visit your full list of Neighbors every day.

I also suggest that the RNG for the Neighborly Help chests be adjusted slightly... I don't want to force players with hundreds of Neighbors to have to visit every Neighbor every day, but I also don't think those same players should get all three chests within their first 10-20 Neighbors each day.


+1 complete with bold emphasis :)
Fully agree, great idea thank you.


I propose splitting it into 3 new badges.

Purse of Plenty - Collect Coins from Residences n times
Grip of Gold - Collect x Coins from Residences
Chest of Coins - Receive a chest from Neighborly Help.
An entertaining idea @Sir Derf. I am a tad fearful that the game devs (or RNG) would still manipulate 'x' and 'y' quantities to crush us in other more creative and dispiriting ways. :p

Your suggestion is definitely a step in the right direction though. :)

Sir Derf

1) I couldn't quickly find it...isn't there a building that increases the number of NH chests?
2) I also had an internal chuckle considering the possible need to add tiny Residences to Shantytowns.


Possibly not the correct thread but will hopefully underpin the need to tweak the coin badge......

Chapter 15 coin sack badge 11.8m coins per badge
What I can produce:
140 NH given @ 101k coins = 14.1m per day
Golden Abyss 5 collections per day @ 2.3m = 11.5m per day
8 magic residences @ 770k/d (250% culture bonus) = 6.2m per day
30 NH received (generous guesstimate) @ 340k = 10.2m per day
Maximum without using coin rains = 42m per day or 3.6 badges per day.