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Spire of Eternity: How it works and why it's good.


This is a WIP, whenever I have time I will translate my original post from the dutch forums here.
note that I will re-use the dutch pictures, if you have english versions of those picture please post them in this topic and I will swap them out, sometimes pictures are combined to stay within the limitations of the amount of pictures allowed in a post, is thats the case then please supply a combined englis picture as well.

It seems that a lot of players don't see why they should play the spire.
In this post I will try to explain how it works, why it's usefull and how you can benefit from all it's rewards.
  1. Introduction
  2. How it works
  3. Fellowship based adventure
  4. Prizes
  5. Moonstone Library set
  6. Mini-game / negotiations part 1
  7. Mini-game / negotiations part 2
  8. Unit Reward Calculator
  9. Tower difficulty calculations
  10. Conclusion
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1. Introduction:

The spire is a weekly minigame in the game of elvenar, you get access to this feature once you reach chapter 3.
The spire consists of 2 parts, once is the individual game where you get individual prizes and one muliplayer element that accumulates all the result of each individual result of each fellowship member to a fellowship reward for even more prizes.
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2. How it works.


Each sunday from 16:00 CEST / GMT +1 until friday 22:00 a mystyrious spire arrives at the left side of your town.
Each week a new spire arrives with new opportunities and rewards.
results from former spires do not carry over to the new one

You can get access to this feature by selecting the building or selection the option in your menu bar


When you select the feature you start at the bottom of the spire,
The spire consist of 3 levels that get gradually more difficult, each level consist of 4 section with each section having 4 ghost protecting it's reward chest and 1 "boss" ghost protecting both it's chest and the door to the next section / level.

When you select a ghost the following menu opens:

You can either fight or negotiate, the negotiation is different that you are used to from province and tournament negotiations.
This will be explained in more detail in the Mini-game / negotiations section of this topic

Fighting is very similar to the rest in elvenar with the difference of waves, some fights have muliple rounds, in these battles you have to choose your units once, and those have to battle each round consecutively without being able to change or replace units.

Both the above rounds need to be defeated with a single set of units.


As you can see the losses from round one are brought over to round 2 of the fight
With this each consecutive round becomes more difficult.

At most there are 3 rounds to be battled.
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6. negotiations / convincing part 1:

Convincing / Negotiations in the spire workd a little but different that on other locations in the game,, it's a game of mastermind starting with 3 different goods and ends with a maximum of 8 goods at the last boss

After some searches I found the following example we will discuss here


In the top we find the rounds left to solve the puzzle,
In the bottom we find all goods they might possibly want.
Each spirit wants one of those 6 goods and it's our job to figure out which one each spirit wants.
Our goal is to find the answer in 3 tries or less.


To get the anwers we need as many clues as we might be possibly get, for this reason we try 5 different goods.
From the 6 possibilities we choose coins, supplies, steel, wood and silk in this round.


When we offer these goods to the spirits we get the following answer.
  • Some spirit(s) want coins but the first does not want it
  • No Spirits likes supplies
  • No Spirit likes steel
  • Some spirit(s) want planks, but not the fourth.
  • Some spirit(s) want silk but not the 5th
With these clues we know something but not enough to find the answer.


In the first round we were only able to get clues about 5 of the 6 possible goods.
Since we have no clue about crystal this will be the first good we offer this time. I then fill up the other options with things I know the might want
So crystal, planks, silk, coins and coins in this case


More information!
2 spirits have now been offered the correct goods, they are happy, we also excluded coins and crystal as possible future answers, so we have 3 spots left with only silk and planks as possible answers.
Lets continue to find the answer to the puzzle.


There are 2 ways to find an answer, both horizontally and vertically

Lets start vertically:
  • Location 1 has only no coins as a clue, this means both planks and silk are an option
  • Location 3 wants no silk, this leaves planks as the only option
  • Location 4 wants no planks, this leaves silk as the only option

Since the vertical clues revealed both planks and silk as an answer, we unfortunaltely get no additional clues about the anwer of the first spot.

On the flip side, we have now reduces the chance for success from hopeless to 50%, this time we flip the coin on silk and enter that as option 1.


Unfortunately our coin flip was not successfull. but there are still options left on the table

  • As we know the final anwer is planks in the 1st slot, we could choose to spend 25 diamonds for an additional round.
  • We close the encounter, accept our losses and try again.
Since I am a sucker for diamonds and it's better for this tutorail we grab our losses and retry again.
We try the same encounter again in part 2 of this tutorail.
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7. negotiations / convincing part 2:

Lets continue where we left of.

As you can see the same goods are required once more.


In our first attempt we try once again the same goods and order as our first attempt, so coins, supplies, steel, planks and silk once more.


As you can see the same offer to the spirits now give a different feedback as in the first attempt
  • The first spirit is happy, he likes his coin offer, this keeps coins on the table for the other spirits
  • The second spirit doesn't like supplies, but anther spirit will
  • The third spirit doesn't like steel but another spirit does
  • no spirit likes planks
  • the fifth spirit doesnt like silk but another spirit does
For the next attempt we choose crystal since we havve no clue about crystal yet, silk and supplies as we want more clues about the order of the wanted goods


Success! we have all the clues we need now, and this time we can find the order both vertically and horizontally. we do not need to combine both optios to find the answer this time, but sometimes you find the answer by combining the 2 options.

Vertically solution:
  • The second spirit doesn't want supplies nor crystal, this leaves silk as the only option
  • The third spirit doesn't want steel nor silk, this leaves supplies as the only option
  • The fith spirit doesn't want silk nor supplies, this leaves crystal as the only option.
Horizontal solution:
  • Both the third and the fifth spirit do not want silk, this leaves the second spirit as the only option for silk
  • Both the second and fifth spirit do not like supplies leaving the third spirit as the only option.
  • This leaves crystal on the table with only the fifth spirit left, so thats the one that likes crystal


Lets offer our solution to the spirits


Success! we now have solved the puzzle, without spending a single diamond.

Solutions can often be found vertically, often horizontally and sometimes when you combine both together.
Sometimes 1 vertical found answer can lead to a horizontal answer.
So don't give up to fast, and make sure you tick all the boxes before you exit.

If you can't find the anwer you most likely have reduced the odds for the last attempt to a more favorable position.

If the last options is really hopeless (it does happen that the odds are like 10% or so) dont fret and feel free to exit before completing round 3 of the puzzle and reset it, this saves you the goods from the 3rd try to be used in a new attempt.

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Great idea! I´ll try to get you the screenshots next time the spire starts, poke me if I forget ;)

Wish I could edit some typos, it´s kinda difficult to point those out one by one, but I guess it´s something that can be done later...


I like this..here are a couple pics of the first area rewards ..hope this is help :)

Chest 1 rewards 1609082257622.png
Chest 2 rewards 1609084532328.png
Chest 3 rewards 1609084582363.png


Hi, can you explain a little bit better the fight part please? My problem is the second wave! I have no problem with fight in the first part where there is just 1 wave. I use the pentagram to choose the best unit for the opponents ( and use an excel sheet to calculate the best option weakness-strength one by one) and the first wave is always success but usually my first 3 squads destroyed and of course the rest is not enough to win at the second wave and I have no more idea what to do! Thanks for advice in advance!

Deleted User - 341074

the first wave is always success but usually my first 3 squads destroyed and of course the rest is not enough to win at the second wave
If you can't win the first wave with at least 3 full stacks remaining (preferably 4) then you can't do it.
You can decrease your losses in the first wave by using
5-day expiring buildings like the
  • Unleashed Units,
  • Enlightened Light Range, and
  • Magnificent Mage multiplier.
Those are obtained from crafting in the Magic Academy.

Also, there are 6 Ancient wonders that help
  • Martial Monastery
  • Needles of the tempest
  • Heroes Forge
  • Victory Springs
  • Dragon Abby
  • Temple of the Toads
and finally, there is the Fire Phoenix which is craftable in the Magic Academy as well.

If you haven't unlocked access to those yet, or don't have enough of them I would recommend convincing rather than fighting for now.


If you can't win the first wave with at least 3 full stacks remaining (preferably 4) then you can't do it.
You can decrease your losses in the first wave by using
5-day expiring buildings like the
  • Unleashed Units,
  • Enlightened Light Range, and
  • Magnificent Mage multiplier.
Those are obtained from crafting in the Magic Academy.

Also, there are 6 Ancient wonders that help
  • Martial Monastery
  • Needles of the tempest
  • Heroes Forge
  • Victory Springs
  • Dragon Abby
  • Temple of the Toads
and finally, there is the Fire Phoenix which is craftable in the Magic Academy as well.

If you haven't unlocked access to those yet, or don't have enough of them I would recommend convincing rather than fighting for now.

I removed 2, they "help on paper" but in reality those 2 are paper tigers.

You can have the sharpest swords in the world, the most advanced technological swords ever made that do increadible damage.
But if you're opposed by machine guns there still as usless as a dull blade, to do damage you first have to hit, and if you're mowed down on your way to the enemey those fancy swords will be useless.

Elvenar combat is all about striking first, melee units fail that part of the game, as a result.
They are only great when neither you not your enemy has machine guns..


Hi, can you explain a little bit better the fight part please? My problem is the second wave! I have no problem with fight in the first part where there is just 1 wave. I use the pentagram to choose the best unit for the opponents ( and use an excel sheet to calculate the best option weakness-strength one by one) and the first wave is always success but usually my first 3 squads destroyed and of course the rest is not enough to win at the second wave and I have no more idea what to do! Thanks for advice in advance!

I am not quite sure what you do there with your excel sheet, but in general: Use 5 of the same units, do not use 1 of each that is best against 1 of the enemy. The AI doesn´t work that way, and will not use your logics, but instead use the entirely wrong units more often than not. Much better to use 5 of the same unit (the one that wins most battles).

In the spire you can only get 3 enemy types in a fight, that makes it much easier. Sometimes you even get 3 enemy types in a way that is something like LM,LR, HR, so you can use your own HR and have noone actually strong against you. Which HR is best would depend on how many of each type you are facing. But even if you have some facing you that is strong against you, it´s not a deal breaker as long as it is only 1 or 2 squads of those.


Hi, can you explain a little bit better the fight part please? My problem is the second wave! I have no problem with fight in the first part where there is just 1 wave. I use the pentagram to choose the best unit for the opponents ( and use an excel sheet to calculate the best option weakness-strength one by one) and the first wave is always success but usually my first 3 squads destroyed and of course the rest is not enough to win at the second wave and I have no more idea what to do! Thanks for advice in advance!

Ignore the sheet and ignore the pentagon.
If you do autocombat follow gargons advise.

If you do manual, then use experience, try and learn what works and what doesn't.
Also in which chapter are you? are you writing under a pseudonym? I only see a chapter 2 account under your name and those do not have a spire.

the combat pentagon works best if you are in the very early game and play on manual. this is because special abilities on units are not yet unlocked.
and often the same with attack boosting buildings which you do not yet have or developed. in an early game the with sub par units a 2 wave fight might be very impossible due to the lack of power.

In general it's a game of striking first, the one who deals the first blow wins. this becomes especially prominent when units unlock there special abilities. at that point the ranged unit with the correct ability might outperform "the best unit" just by the fact the can decimate that unit on the initial strike.

The game also alows some units attack to be improved, the stronger the improvement the stronger ranged units become.

My prime example is how I often use blossom mages/priests vs light melee. according to the combat pentagon thats the dumbest move ever.
But because these units have a special power that destroy defence and have a range of 5 they can strike first AND stay out of harms way.
The first hit does limited damage but the next unit does a massive amount of damage because you just destroyed his defence.

So my favorite units agains thieves are 5 range mage units.
This is something you can only learn by ignoring the combat triangle, look at each units strategic strength and weakness and then experiment to test you theories.
For this reason it's a shame you cannot do manual combat on the app, starting with manual combat makes it a lot easier to learn as you can asses the result based on you expectation and external factors like map layout somthing you cannot see with autocombat.

A strange result is often the result of map barriers, but how can he diagnose and learn from this odd result if you do not know of additional factors outside the combat pentagon?