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Season of Joy

Silly Bubbles

There is a clue that weekly quests stack on the Weekly Quests screen (bottom left corner) but I'm not sure about the mobile version. And I understand that some of the wording used in the game is not the best but I think it's a part of the puzzle. It definitely mimics communication challenges of real life. What might be easy to understand to some, others might find it difficult. Either way, I don't think there is such a things as perfect wording.


Sir Derf

Press the question mark button in the top right (as shown in your screen cap), and the explanations are explicit and clear in the Daily Quests and Weekly Quests tabs.


The information is there.

I think the two problems are that one, the visual interface, the system that everyone is directly confronted with and interacts with does not provide cues to differentiate between the behaviors of the two types of Quests, and two, that explanations that clearly compare and contrast the two types of Quests aren't present in all places that describe the event.

Silly Bubbles

Maybe we need to create Elvenar language: bzzz eeeeu aaauuu dddaayyyyy tututu aaauyeaaaaaaaaa :D
(sorry this might be against rules so here's the translation: let the magic be with you :))


That day again where we complete and go to the extra's... nothing special again and not worth getting the pass or now pass+ however a slight improvement on the recurring quests we used to have that were useless beyond ch5 or 6.


however a slight improvement on the recurring quests we used to have
I actually looked forward to getting some of the prizes this time. The option to choose troop instants over some tiddly building was nice.

'Season of Joy'? Getting there. :)

Locked down to one quest per day? Not feeling the love. :p

Sir Derf

One Quest per day? This is the Season of Joy thread, not the Floral Awakening thread. Just finished the four Daily for Today, as well as the third Weekly for the Week, and earned the 50th reward. Now in the Eternal Pit of Seasonal Blessings.


Annoying, most likely a bug but if the game is open as the day rolls over for the quest collections made 30 minutes into the new day do not count and have to be done again, as the daily quests do not open on PC without a full refresh of the game, unlike normal events, the game does not register them.

Far from Joy???
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Well that was a long season....I got 5 rewards this time as opposed to 3 last time. Todays quests did not run for the full 24hrs, so some people are going to be short changed by this and may get 4 rewards instead.


Well that was a long season....I got 5 rewards this time as opposed to 3 last time. Todays quests did not run for the full 24hrs, so some people are going to be short changed by this and may get 4 rewards instead.

Yes like me, short on Unurium so will be 5 away.


The prizes are mediocre anyway unless you spend real money, even then the prizes are poor value compared to what you can use diamonds to do in normal gameplay.