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Season of Joy


It may not make sense from the players' point of view, but it does from their point of view, they made a choice whether we like it or not.
That's why we have this forum, so we can voice our opinions, when Inno changes things for the worse. We don't have to accept everything they do, just because it makes sense from their point of view. We are here to make sure they don't forget the player's point of view. Obviously, anything that costs us money and makes their profit grow is good from their point of view. But there are limits as to what is acceptable, and apparently they need us to tell them to not be too greedy.


I am sure it makes sense from the point of view from the company, to monetize everything about this game, turning it even more pay-to-win.

Doesn't mean that such is all right to do.


Not really my place to comment as a freeloader but (it's never stopped me before, haha)
I think a better option would be to have the season pass with a diamond cost and the premium pass with a money cost.
The premium pass would need to be pimped a bit with more than just petals, possibly pass-locked waypoints having two rewards, with premium passes getting both rewards from that waypoint.
And make occasional premium rewards really good. Although good is relative, I don't see genies or dwarven armourers being scoffed at.

Sir Derf

Yes, sorry about that, there was not even a Season of Joy thread yet when the feature started in game, which is why I replied to the previous Season of Dreams thread at first. But I wouldn't mind having my posts about it moved to this thread, to keep it all gathered and clearly organised in one place.
The forum allows you to make new threads... I did. :rolleyes:


The forum allows you to make new threads... I did. :rolleyes:
Not really my point. I obviously meant there was no official announcement or discussion thread yet, which there should have been. But next time I'll try to be more specific in my wording...

(Also, you making this thread is the reason the link to the official discussion thread now leads to nowhere. @anonglitch probably still needs to adjust that link on the announcement page)


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
@Herodite .......has this been confirmed that the unlock is intended and therefore this season you can not buy the pass with diamonds......soooo:confused::confused::confused:

I'm still trying to gather as much information as I can (if any) As soon as I get anymore info you guys will be the first to know :)

In the meantime, i'm passing on your comments!

Kind Regards



@Herodite Could you also please pass on the request to at least have the "Unlock" button change to a blue colour, not green? I know it was probably chosen from a psychological viewpoint that people would be more drawn to click on the green button, but exactly because my eyes are constantly drawn in the direction of that button at this point it's just becoming annoying. These types of green buttons usually mean you've accomplished/completed something, that will give you a reward when you click on it, yet this unlock button only opens the shop which is a disappointment. So friendly request to change it to the blue colour that buttons usually have when they require a diamond/money investment. Thanks!


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Not really my point. I obviously meant there was no official announcement or discussion thread yet, which there should have been. But next time I'll try to be more specific in my wording...

(Also, you making this thread is the reason the link to the official discussion thread now leads to nowhere. @anonglitch probably still needs to adjust that link on the announcement page)

Leave that with me! That was my boo boo! I was merging @Sir Derf (s) thread with @anonglitch to make sure everything stayed in the correct place and it went awry!! :D


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
@Herodite Could you also please pass on the request to at least have the "Unlock" button change to a blue colour, not green? I know it was probably chosen from a psychological viewpoint that people would be more drawn to click on the green button, but exactly because my eyes are constantly drawn in the direction of that button at this point it's just becoming annoying. These types of green buttons usually mean you've accomplished/completed something, that will give you a reward when you click on it, yet this unlock button only opens the shop which is a disappointment. So friendly request to change it to the blue colour that buttons usually have when they require a diamond/money investment. Thanks!

And yes absolutely i'll pass that across, i've found myself auto drawn to it when opening the Season Menu for the reasons you say :)

Sir Derf

Hey INNO... when you name a feature "Season of ...", and a new one starts roughly every 3 months, might it make some sense to provide rewards that are, you know, seasonal?

Hidden Lagoon, Sharkapalooza, Coast Guard, Pond of Spring, great.

But, Creepy Clinic? Lost Cemetery?
Frozen Giants Shrine? Barrel Crane?


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Right Guys! I've had a bit more information:

For those with One City you will be prompted to Pay Cash.

For those of you with Multiple Cities (on the same server) you will be prompted to pay Cash on the first City of your choosing, however you will then be able to purchase the pass with Diamonds on your additional cities.

Again if I hear any more I will let you know,

Kind Regards

Herodite :)


Right Guys! I've had a bit more information:

For those with One City you will be prompted to Pay Cash.

For those of you with Multiple Cities (on the same server) you will be prompted to pay Cash on the first City of your choosing, however you will then be able to purchase the pass with Diamonds on your additional cities.

Again if I hear any more I will let you know,

Kind Regards

Herodite :)
let's bring on the complaints........so basically if ANYONE wants the pass you would have to pay real money for it.....

I get you all want to make money but to do it this way after the first season allowed you to use diamonds, just seems wrong to me

more thoughts popping into my head - what is the purpose of having diamonds in a game when slowly but surely they are changing to cash.....before you know it to complete a tech you will have to pay cash, to buy a special building you will have to pay cash.....before we know it the things that do give diamonds will eventually get nerfed and no longer have diamonds available to win
Last edited:


Maybe the next one should be called the season of destruction,
who has normal gameplay making brews, simple tools and loaves when they fit in with no other production,
or how about the season of annoyance, inconvenience or any other nonsense.

@Silmaril @Herodite I said last time, the short workshop productions are for new players in the first week of play, why punish everyone and make the patience game we enjoy a toll and unenjoyable...

The season of Despair next maybe...

Silly Bubbles

Yeah, let's get complaining. There are so many people that keep spoiling the fun while this is a game not a job or some horrible disaster that needs to be fixed. It's not the game's fault that some people don't know how to enjoy good things. The constant judgement and being obliged to do things like reply to messages from strangers, don't correct anyone, don't have different opinion, don't be too smart, don't be too happy etc.
And if you don't comply, you're an outsider and whatever you do is bad even by some people in charge because being happy and helping others to be happy is a horrible sin.

Phew, that felt good, thank you for letting me vent. Now, back to fun. :)


Yeah, let's get complaining. There are so many people that keep spoiling the fun while this is a game not a job or some horrible disaster that needs to be fixed. It's not the game's fault that some people don't know how to enjoy good things. The constant judgement and being obliged to do things like reply to messages from strangers, don't correct anyone, don't have different opinion, don't be too smart, don't be too happy etc.
And if you don't comply, you're an outsider and whatever you do is bad even by some people in charge because being happy and helping others to be happy is a horrible sin.

Phew, that felt good, thank you for letting me vent. Now, back to fun. :)

I take it you feel the Joy, well it is good to know that at least one player is happy, Have fun. :)


Yeah, let's get complaining. There are so many people that keep spoiling the fun while this is a game not a job or some horrible disaster that needs to be fixed. It's not the game's fault that some people don't know how to enjoy good things. The constant judgement and being obliged to do things like reply to messages from strangers, don't correct anyone, don't have different opinion, don't be too smart, don't be too happy etc.
And if you don't comply, you're an outsider and whatever you do is bad even by some people in charge because being happy and helping others to be happy is a horrible sin.

Phew, that felt good, thank you for letting me vent. Now, back to fun. :)
Or maybe don't see it as complaining, but feedback, albeit negative. That's what this forum is for! We don't have to accept and welcome every change to the game if we don't enjoy it. They even invite us to give feedback, so that's what we do. Don't shoot the messenger ;)

I do think we definitely disagree on the definition of 'good things' ;) But to each their own :) Have fun with this Season!