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Rise of the Phoenix Cult


Co-Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to discuss the update to Rise of the Phoenix Cult

We're looking forward to your feedback!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


Master of the Elements
Well, the Ashen Phoenix is one of the most awful evolving buildings conceived of and should be avoided by all, unless you like to collect all the different birds.

The light at the end of the tunnel is that the option is there to convert each 2 Ashen Phoenix artefacts into 1 2019 Phoenix Artefact. Anyone who doesn't have all three 2019 birds fully evolved already should be taking this second option and it's nice to see it there.

If you have all three 2019 Phoenixes, as I do, then I don't see very much to make me interested in this event. There are a few nice looking new daily exclusives, but nothing with stats to blow you away. The kicker is that they've sneakily nerfed the troop instants by now describing them just as a certain number of units, which now masks the fact that you're only winning 1 or 2 squads at a time, rather than 5 or 10 in other recent events.

So I literally see nothing for me here this time round. I will play of course, but probably try to just win any KP instants that are on offer.

Piglets For All

Unfortunately this pattern of boring event followed by the FA, boring event, FA, rinse and repeat is somewhat nausea inducing. This event is pretty much the same as every other event, it doesn't matter if you get bored and quit before the end as you're sure to be able to pick up 2 artifacts from the FA.

While it is possible to craft one of the 2019 artifacts in the Magic Academy, people should be aware that the appearance of these seem to be suffering the same RNG as artifacts in the spire - with a week to go for Beta I've had 2 of the 2 new for 1 old appear, the first on the very first day of the event and 2 of the 3 blueprints + fragments for 1 old - neither of which are of any use to me as I have to keep my 3 blueprints to upgrade the magic buildings in the next chapter.

I'm struggling to find anything of any note in this Event, sure the artwork on the new buildings is pretty but that's just about it.

Deleted User - 341074

is the event worth the cost and effort?
I suppose it depends on how you view the "effort"
With zero spoilers (I wrote the quest list above) all I needed was a dozen turd buildings for a couple of days and aside from that, every quest completed itself through my normal gameplay.
So I'm getting hundreds of KP (my prize of last resort in "bad" events) for basically no effort at all making it "worth it" to me. YMMV

Deleted User - 341074

@mods when are we allowed to post the rest of the event information in these threads?
You have some of it in the link you provided prior to the event release, so is it just that you want us to wait a couple more days for the exact moment that the event starts for some reason?

Shouldn't this whole thread remain in lockdown until release then? How can we have an intelligent discussion without more complete data?

I'm a little unclear on how details of an event can be posted by some forum users (moderators) and not by others.
I mean what is an announcement of an upcoming event if not a spoiler?

@Pauly7 above posted that he thinks the ashen phoenix is bad, is that a spoiler that should be deleted before the event goes live?
What if he says it gives your city ____ and ____ ? then is it too much info?
What if I say that there is a daily prize that gives more ____?
What if I say that prize is on day ___?

Where's the line?
P.s. if you just delete this post too, could you please message me as well so I know who I'm supposed to speak to and we can continue in private?
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Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
@SoggyShorts You are of course correct, we have given information concerning the Evolving Building as we always do and @Pauly7 knows not to go too in depth with his knowledge from having played it in BETA. He's a good (ambiguous) egg. :) however we do not allow publication of the Quest Lists on the Forum (unless in BETA of course) until the Event goes Live.

Kind Regards


Deleted User - 341074

we do not allow publication of the Quest Lists on the Forum until the Event goes Live.
Fair enough.
Is it just the quests though, or are new/returning buildings(daily and grand prize) off-limits too?

Events really consist of 2 main parts:
  1. The quests
  2. The rewards
If those are both off-limits except through vague hints I'm still not sure about having an open discussion thread in advance ;)

rock stream

I suppose it depends on how you view the "effort"
Dozen turds = 3 expansions without the paper
Scout province = 36 hours
Gain 800 Spell Fragments = My total gain on one level of the Spire per recent average.
Gain 15 Vision Vapor = See above. I'm just about out of buildings to vaporize.
Crafting ability for me is around 75% of the time. Even though the MA does nothing but CC's, I'm out of Spell frags or CC's a lot of the time.
So I'm viewing the "effort" in the range of not worth the expense/time/effort/space.
I'm thinking the Spire/tournaments/provinces for expansions may be a better focus.
It is always nice to pick up 'filler items' in events - provided it does not take a lot of extra time and effort.
I think that is what I'll aim for. Its nice to know I won't miss anything if I fall asleep when playing it.o_O


Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to discuss the update to Rise of the Phoenix Cult

We're looking forward to your feedback!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team

- Trash Evolution Building
- Trash Daily Prizes
- Trash and nerfed prizes from the chests
- Trash and BORING ( like many others) event

Lack of imagination of Inno... Even the building giving us drone riders ( THE MOST USELESS UNIT IN THE WHOLE BATTLEFIELD) is more interested and fun than this new phoenix.
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The only reason to play the event I can see is to get some old Phoenix artifacts. And I suppose it will be the last time I´ll even bother clicking through those self finishing events until they make a real change. Can´t see the point in rewards anymore. Zero effort for zero rewards means it´s not worth my time.


There is a new rule on this forum, regarding event threads: We are not allowed to post our event notes recorded in Beta until after the event starts. This is apparently because, among many other items, our notes also contain the quest lists that we update every day.

If you would like a sneak peek at what we have recorded in actual game play in Beta Server, as well as all the prizes and daily exclusives and event screenshots and comments, you will find a link to our event notes here, in the 'News From Beta' thread:

Note: The Beta version is not always exactly the same as the one that goes to the Live Worlds, so the information in our Note may not be entirely accurate, though we try to update it to reflect changes.



Any comments about this 1-2% increase in event currency? Is it worth it?

Do you finish the events? What do you usually get? 5000-10000 even currency per event? 1% of that would be 50-100 currency? Do you care about opening 1-5 extra of these amazing event chests, we keep getting lately?


Master of the Elements
Do you finish the events? What do you usually get? 5000-10000 even currency per event? 1% of that would be 50-100 currency? Do you care about opening 1-5 extra of these amazing event chests, we keep getting lately?
It only makes a difference if opening that one extra chest leads to one more 2019 artefact... for people who still need them.


It only makes a difference if opening that one extra chest leads to one more 2019 artefact... for people who still need them.
Mmm... so I guess that leads to the conclusion that is also not something to consider. :)
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Master of the Elements
Mmm... so I guess the leads to the conclusion that is also not something to consider. :)
Could be. Those three birds are all better than anything Inno gives out now, or is likely to again. So if they're not all finished and there's a possibility of one more artefact, then that's something to think about. Probably quite unlikely that those 50 extra essences makes that difference for all that many people though.