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Player Movement - New Changes


I was frustrated by the move. I had great neighbors and trading partners. Never had a problem making trades, and had 1 next door neighbor who helped me grow a lot with lopsided trades when I started.

my planner
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I was asked this question by one of my players:

Hi Jack,
is this city implementation still taking place in the Live World?
I now have 61 unoccupied provinces on my world map. As a result, of course, we miss the tools. Since December I ask the support. You have no influence on it.
Best regards,

To which I replied that t he last we heard from the Forum Moderators was that the Big Move was still continuing with weekly tranches of players being moved. Certainly I am still seeing lots of Gold Mines in all my cities - which is surprising; one would think that they have had enough time to move everyone.

Is there an update please to confirm that weekly movements are still ongoing - and an estimated completion date for the Big Move?


Sir Derf

I'm not a game developer, by I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express...

The better/longer they operate at detecting and removing inactive cities from the center and moving active players from the edges, the fewer inactive cities will remain in the center, and the process will slow down or stagnate.


I'm not a game developer, by I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express...

The better/longer they operate at detecting and removing inactive cities from the center and moving active players from the edges, the fewer inactive cities will remain in the center, and the process will slow down or stagnate.
Which basically means that players who got stuck on the outskirts of the map (like me, 42 coin pits and counting) will always be stuck in their semi-populated neighbourhoods.


Which basically means that players who got stuck on the outskirts of the map (like me, 42 coin pits and counting) will always be stuck in their semi-populated neighbourhoods.

Unless they re-start the Big Move and complete the migration. One of my players says that migrations stopped in November and have not restarted. Can one of the Moderators please confirm this - and explain what is happening?


It does happen but it might take a long time, this was the main reason to disable the do not move button.

every day players are put into storage and new players arrive at those spots.
Only a few spots are left or freed on the day of the move.

Your account needs to fit the exact description of that free spot and at the same time you need to be selected out of posibly many options.
This makes it very hard to get that desired move.

the main issue is that you get only 1 chance every 7 days.

Unless they re-start the Big Move and complete the migration. One of my players says that migrations stopped in November and have not restarted. Can one of the Moderators please confirm this - and explain what is happening?
The big move was a big move because due to a bug 99% of the players who schould have been put into storage was not put there.
When the bug was fixed a massive amount of players was removed from the world map.
this created big empty spaces that needed to be consolidated.

This was the big move. "you can't restart" a big move as there is no potential big move. there are no longer thousands of players at the map ready to be put into starage.

The moves is just doing what it was doing for all those years. trying to move players inwards if there is a free location. it still works, it's still there and players are still moved. but if you expect to get an easy move to a better location now then you're out of luck. you might possibly need to wait for months to find that opening for you. just like players needed to wait for months previously.

rock stream

Jack, the last accurate information was from Herodite in the thread " World Map Player Movement Changes "

Jan 24, 2022: Hi @Laurelin, Thank you for your patience whilst I got some more information for you!

Q1 & Q2: The BIG MOVE hasn't finished as such. What HAS finished is the moves over a series of days. The moves have now returned to every Monday however, there will be more Player Movement involved now that the option of remaining has been removed.

Q3: As far as we are aware, the majority of inactive Cities will be pushed immediately to the outskirts however, there may be some that move incrementally due to space constraints. If you do see Inactive neighbours, be assured they will not be there for long.

Q4: Ahhh yes... the criteria question :D Yes the same Criteria still applies. So the system will never put you in a position where anything is taken from you. If you had 900 Scouted provinces made up of 100 Provinces of each resource and you were boosted in Marble, Crystal, and Gems... you will be moved to a position with EXACTLY the same. The ONLY thing that may not be the same, is the placement of your scouted provinces. So again, as you can appreciate, it can take some time to get a space that meets all of this criteria. But it WILL happen. Hopefully a lot quicker than before now the remain button has been removed.

I hope this makes sense!! Let me know if you need anything else and I will take a wander to find out more! :D

Kind Regards Herodite.

Its obvious from observation that the shuffling of deck chairs is not going as anticipated by INNO. They had 100's of thousands of files to move around from the last 10 years or so. On my map new inactive players show up replace the coin mines for awhile before the coin mines pop back up.


Its obvious from observation that the shuffling of deck chairs is not going as anticipated by INNO. They had 100's of thousands of files to move around from the last 10 years or so. On my map new inactive players show up replace the coin mines for awhile before the coin mines pop back up.
This is totally expected behavior. that coin mine was filled by a new player. that new player decided that this game was not for them (which is the majority of new players as with every f2p game) and then after a few days they are removed again (the system removes new players much quicker than 30 days)

I do not see anything strange there that is not as intended


Believe it or not (waves to @Herodite!), I'm still undertaking an increasingly slow and laborious 2-3-daily in-depth review of my own Neighbourhood, so that when (in fact, it's rapidly becoming 'if'...) I gather the energy to collate all the raw data into a form concise enough to post on this Forum, I will at least have what I consider to be reliable data to present, rather than even educated or informed guesswork.

As I say, this is taking forever (an hour and half per 2-3 days), and involves manually visiting every City in my discovered range (to determine its alive/dead/progression status), and typing the results into what is becoming a monstrously large text document. But just for now, I can at least confidently state the following, based upon close observation since the 'Big Move' of last November... assuming that this has even finished, that is...!

1. There is no real difference between Mondays or any other days when it comes to the moving around (out or in) of Cities near me. Moves occur every day - sometimes one or two, sometimes two dozen or so, and everything in between. There is also no easily discernible pattern when it comes to which hex spaces are changed; some hexes have had the same live or dead City for months, some have been Gold Mines for months, some alternate between live/dead Cities and Gold Mines... and so on. There is, however, a slow but steady increase in what appear to be permanent Gold Mines to the North and East of my own City, and it only becomes clearer, as time passes, that I have been left on the edge of the inhabited Map (I'm a daily active player in mid-Halflings), while most of my useful Trading partners were moved away, wholesale, during last November's 'Big Move'.

2. Cities of all sizes, both newly founded, still-alive, and/or already-dead, are frequently moved in and out of spots previously occupied by other Cities, although the sizes, types, and discovered Map areas of these Cities (the latter presumed by myself, and based upon the City's level of advancement) are all liable to change from move to move - there is no pattern, for example, of either start-up or Guest Race-level Cities replacing others, or being replaced by others, of similar advancement levels (they probably DO have the same Boosts, though, since many already-dead Cities which move into any given hex have the same types of T1-T3 Manufactories built - and/or are Scrolls-Boosted).

3. Even isolated/scattered Gold Mines are more often left as Gold Mines than filled by moved Cities (alive or dead). This is not including the large and growing area of near-permanent contiguous Gold Mines now developing to the North and East of my territory - as already mentioned in point 1.

4. Small live Cities are frequently moved away after only a couple of days, whereas larger Cities (alive or dead) persist for much longer.

5. Small dead Cities can persist for many weeks or months, even those which have been abandoned at the start of the Tutorial (one House/Workshop). This applies both to abandoned Cities which started up near me in the past few months and moved-in already-dead small Cities.

I could go on, but then all my data-gathering would be in vain, and I'd also stray into making statements which I can less well support, at the moment.

Still, if this is 'working as intended', then I can only suggest that what is intended does not work very well, to put it politely... and speaking as a player who was left on what is now clearly becoming the edge of the inhabited Map, while almost all of my useful Trading partners were moved away.

I'll try to find the enthusiasm to collate and post my conclusions in full at some point, but to be honest, I don't think it will do any good. Hey ho.
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1. There is no real difference between Mondays or any other days when it comes to the moving around (out or in) of Cities near me. Moves occur every day - sometimes one or two, sometimes two dozen or so, and everything in between. There is also no easily discernible pattern when it comes to which hex spaces are changed; some hexes have had the same live or dead City for months, some have been Gold Mines for months, some alternate between live/dead Cities and Gold Mines... and so on. There is, however, a slow but steady increase in what appear to be permanent Gold Mines to the North and East of my own City, and it only becomes clearer, as time passes, that I have been left on the edge of the inhabited Map (I'm a daily active player in mid-Halflings), while most of my useful Trading partners were moved away, wholesale, during last November's 'Big Move'.

There are several different types of moves.
The traditional move, from place A to place B only occurs on monday.

Every day inactive players are put into storage, a player into storage stays on the ranking list, you can visit them but they have no physical location on the world map. when you visit the player and go to the world map you end up at your own city.

when a player is put into storage and a player logs in, that player gets moved back to it's original location if it's not already taken, and otherwise he gets assigned a new location.

If for example:
Player C gets put into storage, then player A either is new or is put from storage in players's C location and an hour later player C logs in again he/she gets assigned a new location.
This is not the same as a move, but visually might look and feel like a move. but it's not a move in the traditional sense.

These are 2 very different processes and should not be mistaken to be the same.
The makers of the game have been very clear that the mover can ONLY run when there is no tournaments, they have chosen monday's as this is a day they are "in office" and if something goes wrong they can fix it in a reasonable time.
during the big move they said they ran it more often technically there is time for moves between saturday 10pm and tuesday 7pm (European time)

For a similar reason events now end on a weekday during office hours so if there is a payment issue they can solve it before the event ends.
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Silly Bubbles

Believe it or not (waves to @Herodite!), I'm still undertaking an increasingly slow and laborious 2-3-daily in-depth review of my own Neighbourhood, so that when (in fact, it's rapidly becoming 'if'...) I gather the energy to collate all the raw data into a form concise enough to post on this Forum, I will at least have what I consider to be reliable data to present, rather than even educated or informed guesswork.

As I say, this is taking forever (an hour and half per 2-3 days), and involves manually visiting every City in my discovered range (to determine its alive/dead/progression status), and typing the results into what is becoming a monstrously large text document. But just for now, I can at least confidently state the following, based upon close observation since the 'Big Move' of last November... assuming that this has even finished, that is...!

1. There is no real difference between Mondays or any other days when it comes to the moving around (out or in) of Cities near me. Moves occur every day - sometimes one or two, sometimes two dozen or so, and everything in between. There is also no easily discernible pattern when it comes to which hex spaces are changed; some hexes have had the same live or dead City for months, some have been Gold Mines for months, some alternate between live/dead Cities and Gold Mines... and so on. There is, however, a slow but steady increase in what appear to be permanent Gold Mines to the North and East of my own City, and it only becomes clearer, as time passes, that I have been left on the edge of the inhabited Map (I'm a daily active player in mid-Halflings), while most of my useful Trading partners were moved away, wholesale, during last November's 'Big Move'.

2. Cities of all sizes, both newly founded, still-alive, and/or already-dead, are frequently moved in and out of spots previously occupied by other Cities, although the sizes, types, and discovered Map areas of these Cities (the latter presumed by myself, and based upon the City's level of advancement) are all liable to change from move to move - there is no pattern, for example, of either start-up or Guest Race-level Cities replacing others, or being replaced by others, of similar advancement levels (they probably DO have the same Boosts, though, since many already-dead Cities which move into any given have the same types of T1-T3 Manufactories built - and/or are Scrolls-Boosted).

3. Even isolated/scattered Gold Mines are more often left as Gold Mines than filled by moved Cities (alive or dead). This is not including the large and growing area of near-permanent contiguous Gold Mines now developing to the North and East of my territory - as already mentioned in point 1.

4. Small live Cities are frequently moved away after only a couple of days, whereas larger Cities (alive or dead) persist for much longer.

5. Small dead Cities can persist for many weeks or months, even those which have been abandoned at the start of the Tutorial (one House/Workshop). This applies both to abandoned Cities which started up near me in the past few months and moved-in already-dead small Cities.

I could go on, but then all my data-gathering would be in vain, and I'd also stray into making statements which I can less well support, at the moment.

Still, if this is 'working as intended', then I can only suggest that what is intended does not work very well, to put it politely... and speaking as a player who was left on what is now clearly becoming the edge of the inhabited Map, while almost all of my useful Trading partners were moved away.

I'll try to find the enthusiasm to collate and post my conclusions in full at some point, but to be honest, I don't think it will do any good. Hey ho.

If you want to analyse data that are relevant to your situation, I'd have a look at the players with your boosts and see what is happening there. If the system works well, no new players should be getting your boosts that are closer to the centre of the map. Of course, it might be a lot of work but based on your current analysis, you might not mind.


If you want to analyse data that are relevant to your situation, I'd have a look at the players with your boosts and see what is happening there. If the system works well, no new players should be getting your boosts that are closer to the centre of the map. Of course, it might be a lot of work but based on your current analysis, you might not mind.
As you have so little to do with your current system. lol


Centre of the map has always been a relative term to me. Seeing as we do not know where it is, how do we even know we were moved closer to the centre. Yes, many say so, but my observation is that we are just moved elsewhere, which may have neighbours for miles around, or not.


Centre of the map has always been a relative term to me. Seeing as we do not know where it is, how do we even know we were moved closer to the centre. Yes, many say so, but my observation is that we are just moved elsewhere, which may have neighbours for miles around, or not.
We're all the centre of our own part of the world :)
I would love to see a zoomed out pic of the entire server's world with a pin to show where I am.

rock stream

so that when (in fact, it's rapidly becoming 'if'...) I gather the energy to collate all the raw data into a form concise enough to post on this Forum
While it is always nice to look at concise data when offering observations, I don't believe it is warranted in this matter. You stated the obvious reason "it won't do any good" nor will "proof" matter. I'm more comfortable speculating on what the objectives are or aren't and seeing if the game is meeting its unstated objectives. To that end I guess the objective of the forced move is that each active player will have the potential to have 50% of their neighbours active. More than that would really change the nature of the game (again) and less than that would be the same as no change.
The other objective I guess was to reintroduce the "click" (engagement) to the game. This change has seen a steep increase in engagement <lol>.
Always enjoy your informative posts Laurelin.


I had to dig up this thread again becasue apparently there was another big movement of cities and I was left out of it again! Last time I was left close to the edge (south-eastern edge) but I still had a bout 3 rounds of players before the waste lands, Now all those players are gone (including my closest neighbour and best trading partner) and there is nothing but money pits and a couple of cities that have been abandoned for years all the way from my south-western border to the east! It very frustrating!
I know mods will reply that the system is automatic and that I'll be moved when a better position with my boots etc, but it's been 6 months now; surly there were some spots like that in all this time and that there are other factors that the system takes into account.

I've started a new city on Winyandor recently with a few of my friends form Arendyll and after just 1 week we were all moved to fantastic new positions. Which obviously means that new players have priority when when it comes to moving. And I understand this, player retention is important but surely old loyal players (been playing this game for 5 years now I think) who are also very active in all aspects of the game (I log in very very often) also deserve to be moved in a reasonable amount of time!