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Player Movement - New Changes


The Forum Mother's Mother
Elvenar Team
Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to discuss the new changes to Player Movement.

We're looking forward to your feedback!

Kind regards

Your Elvenar Team


Good idea t get rid of that button, causes far more problems than it solves.


The best thing ever that they removed the russion roulette option.
There was not a single scenario where that button could have a positive effect and plenty of scenario's where it could hurt players.


@Silmaril @Herodite : I'm still in the process of gathering data on what has actually happened (and is now happening) in my own Map area. However, and before I start working on a detailed future post presenting this data, can I please ask for some clarification on the following two issues:

[...] we have now decided to take the decision to remove the [...] Player Movement option. This will prevent the situations we have had regarding players left behind and being surrounded by gold mines when they have chosen to not move when all of their neighbours did. [...] This will mean that World Map movement we currently implement each Monday, will continue as usual, with every player taken into consideration for a move closer to the Map centre.
There are also players, such as myself, who had the 'Move City' option activated at the point when the option was removed (and before then), but who have still ended up surrounded by Gold Mines and mainly inactive Cities due to not having been moved along with most of their/my formerly active Neighbours during the 'Forced Move'. I am now seeing more Gold Mines appearing in my Neighbourhood, as well as small (Ch.I or II), already-dead Cities appearing and disappearing, although this is occurring not once a week, but rather approximately every 1-3 days ever since the 'Forced Move'.

Based upon my own experience, then, my first question is : can you please confirm whether the 'Forced Move' is still ongoing, or whether the 'once weekly on Monday' schedule has permanently or temporarily been replaced by a system of near-daily moves? Logically, it must be one or the other.

Incidentally, the phrase "taken into consideration" appears to have been carefully chosen to place no real obligation upon InnoGames, and I personally do not find it very reassuring in terms of being able to actually rely upon my City being moved to a useful location either soon or, indeed, ever.

It will also mean that any large forced movement, that we have recently come through will be unlikely to be needed in the future.
My second question (although partly the same as my first) : if this statement implies that the 'Forced Move' has now finished, is any similar mass move planned (in the foreseeable future) in order to account for Cities such as mine, which appear to have been missed during the first/?only 'Forced Move'?

Many thanks in advance for any answers you can provide to these two questions.


Mother of the Forum!
Elvenar Team
Hi @Laurelin To answer your question, the Mass Moves are still ongoing however, I have been informed that they will only be taking place on Mondays over the coming weeks into New Year. So those that find themselves still in the midst of Coin Mines, this should hopefully be rectified in the coming weeks.

I can't guarantee that this wont happen again, but i've not been made aware of any further scheduled forced moves. The only thing I would probably say is that once this one has been completed, and we return to "normal", the situation will be monitored. If of course they do decide a further mass move would be required, we will of course let you guys know :)

Kind Regards



My city have been moved and yet I've noticed any kind of improvement.
I wonder what it is intented with 'moving in a better position'? A view of the ocean? A view from the Empire State Building?
Trades have been worst since I've been moved, and my city has been moved without the option of me to say no, thanks.
I read just a couple of months ago that the mods said it wasn't possible to move cities as we pleased and now we are spinning around the map or my neighbours are, neighbours with I used to trade.
Now that it is finally possible (new programmers?), why it wasn't give the opportunity to the players to decide if they wanna be moved or not, before having specify the conditions that define a better position?
So I am asking to the mods: what are the conditions to define a better position and please do not say 'because you're at the center of the map' or please explain in simple English what does it mean being at the centre of the map.
Thank you.


Mother of the Forum!
Elvenar Team
Hi @SmillaJaspersen So the whole "Centre of the World Map" does get batted about a lot by the Team and the Players doesn't it :) So okay, laymans terms!

The desired effect of the recent and ongoing moves will (eventually) bring all Active Players towards each other, thus creating a far more active neighbourhood for Trade and Neighbourly Help. All inactive cities, will be moved to the outskirts. The moves however are dependant on finding an active space that meets your criteria. The space needs to be "Like for Like" containing the same Boosted Goods, and the same amount of Scouted Provinces. With that criteria in mind (and the amount of Players on each server), this is the reason why it is still taking some time.

The reason the option to remain was revoked, was to ensure that there would be no Players left in inactive coin mine cities. It was imbalances such as these, that prompted the forced move in it's first instance.

As active players are moved towards each other (and continue to be) the need to move will be lessened, however this will still happen from time to time if the system recognises a more viable, active position.

I hope this has answered you question :)

Kind Regards



Hi @SmillaJaspersen
As active players are moved towards each other (and continue to be) the need to move will be lessened, however this will still happen from time to time if the system recognises a more viable, active position.
I like to add to this, player movemen needs to happen to ensure a similar issue does not occur again.

So you might move for an amazing place to another amazing place for example just to keep the game healthy and viable


@Herodite The movement of my city didn't improve the trades, on the contrary it decrease. 5 traders with one or not at all stars. If this is an improvement...
I don't know how many times we should say this.

Do not look for what someone else posts!, Place you own trades!!!

Obviously in a good neigbourhood all trades are fairly quickly picked up. looking at what others post and taking that as a benchmark is no benchmark at all. you could even argue that if you see a lot of trades on your market it would be a bad sign as it means not enough players are willing to pick them up.
And neighbourly help had been improved massively since the massive move.
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Far Reach

@CrazyWizard Thank you so much for your kind suggestion,
What do you think I do? I post the trades and as my traders trades the very same goods i do, they stay here.

@SmillaJaspersen may understand this, but for the benefit of other new players:

We can see and take (fair 2 star) trades from other players only if at least one of the following is true:
(1) We have discovered them on the World Map
(2) We are in the same Fellowship
(3) The trade is for certain late game resources (sentient or ascended goods) and we've completed the necessary research and upgrades.

Typically a veteran player will have discovered hundreds of cities, including many newer players who yet haven't found them. Fair trades between such players can only happen if the smaller player posts a set of trades, and then the larger player takes them. (Since, fair trades are very beneficial to both players, most veteran players will hoover up any reasonable trade requesting their boosted goods.) Posting trades therefore greatly increases the number of potential trading partners for newer players.

Edited (following @Solanix's helpful clarification below) to specify that the above relates to 2 star trades.
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Silly Bubbles

@SmillaJaspersen, perhaps it needs to be mentioned that if the trading player is not discovered but in a specific range, you can see and accept the trade, but the fee for the Trader turns a 2-star-trade into a 1-star-trade. :)

I wonder whether the rules have changed. I used see a lot of trades with trader fee but now I don't remember last time I've seen one.


@SmillaJaspersen may understand this, but for the benefit of other new players:

We can see and take (fair 2 star) trades from other players only if at least one of the following is true:
(1) We have discovered them on the World Map
(2) We are in the same Fellowship
(3) The trade is for certain late game resources (sentient or ascended goods) and we've completed the necessary research and upgrades.

Typically a veteran player will have discovered hundreds of cities, including many newer players who yet haven't found them. Fair trades between such players can only happen if the smaller player posts a set of trades, and then the larger player takes them. (Since, fair trades are very beneficial to both players, most veteran players will hoover up any reasonable trade requesting their boosted goods.) Posting trades therefore greatly increases the number of potential trading partners for newer players.

Edited (following @Solanix's helpful clarification below) to specify that the above relates to 2 star trades.
I thank you for your clarification for the benefit of the other newbe players.
I have never collected trades with one or no star at all, I trade only with the discovered players, although even them sometimes do trades with no stars.
If I have to pick trades with no stars, i rather prefer buying them from the trader.
I deeply hope you will understand my point of view.

Silly Bubbles

@Solanix all my trades are 3-star

If you're in a reasonably active neighbourhood, there shouldn't be a problem with having small trades done. In my neighbourhood, small 2* trades don't last more than few hours as for big players they're not a problem and it's always good to support neighbours for increased activity, visits etc. I personally do all small trades every time I collect my production. Also, a thank you to the players that help you is nice and it does help your trades too.
If you're not in an active neighbourhood then you'll get moved to a better location and that will improve your trades. In the meantime, you can trade with your FS. It's not really good to rely only on your neighbours for trades. As you grow, you'll need more and more of them and a good FS is a necessity.