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New Forum Competition!!!!


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Dear Humans and Elves,

Do you want to have some fun and have the chance to win some Diamonds?

Head over to our November competition on our Commuity Contests section of the Forum.

Here you will find our Elvenar Wordsearch, with a little twist for the entries.

We look forwards to receiving your entries and of course with you the very best of luck.

Kind regards
Your Elvenar Team


You sure it's correct yet, @Silmaril? I've done the word search, and the result is a recognisable phrase, plus some extra letters that can't possible form a word. I definitely found all the words in the word list.


You sure it's correct yet, @Silmaril? I've done the word search, and the result is a recognisable phrase, plus some extra letters that can't possible form a word. I definitely found all the words in the word list.
I'm in the same boat as you @UlyssesBlue .....just did the search and like you, know the phrase but there a few letters left over
I have the screenshot of what I have done @Silmaril if you want to see what is left over


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
We erm managed to have rude word there :rolleyes: so this meant a very quick juggle around as we did not spot it at all o_O
So apologies for that, you will now see the left over words slightly morphed around and will give you the sentance we are looking for!


You ended up posting 4 versions of the wordsearch in the end. In the future I think you need to test this a bit more before putting it on the forums. I've done each version of the word search now. Got a few different solutions as various errors in the puzzle got corrected. Finally getting a sensible answer now.

On behalf of everyone who submitted an answer prior to you posting version 4, could you please discard those entries and allow them to submit a new one. Anyone who solved versions 1, 2 or 3 of the puzzle will not get the correct answer due to your typos.


Master of the Elements
You ended up posting 4 versions of the wordsearch in the end. In the future I think you need to test this a bit more before putting it on the forums. I've done each version of the word search now. Got a few different solutions as various errors in the puzzle got corrected. Finally getting a sensible answer now.
Luckily I started with a more technical approach - I pasted the grid into Excel. When it got changed all I needed to do was paste the new version with a formula that picked up the differences.


Luckily I started with a more technical approach - I pasted the grid into Excel. When it got changed all I needed to do was paste the new version with a formula that picked up the differences.
I did the same. However, I'm now still stuck with a couple letters that make absolutely no sense at all, no matter how creative I try to be... So should we wait for another edit/update...?
Also, is it just me (due to lack of sleep and thus temporarily decreased brain functionality :oops:) or does the word "unar" (which is listed as a word to find) not exist in the world of Elvenar? *scratches head*

Edit: Oh and btw; I am able to find one word twice, should I scratch it from the board twice? As it makes a difference in available letters... @Silmaril
Last edited:


I did the same. However, I'm now still stuck with a couple letters that make absolutely no sense at all, no matter how creative I try to be... So should we wait for another edit/update...?
Also, is it just me (due to lack of sleep and thus temporarily decreased brain functionality :oops:) or does the word "unar" (which is listed as a word to find) not exist in the world of Elvenar? *scratches head*
Refresh the contest page again. You might be looking at an old version. There were a few different changes in quick succession. The latest version is correct now.
Also Unar are the species of people located on the other continent in Elvenar. It gets mentioned a few times in the highest chapter stories.


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Yeah sorry guys, I was hit with the curse of the rude words and being so sweet and innocent I never saw them :rolleyes:
So I apologise profusely, but we have tested this yet again on the team and rumour has it, that is is now all good with nothing shady hiding in there.
Players who had submitted entries, have been contacted and can add another :)


So one word is still repeated twice or am I unable to get the refreshed version? Is figuring out which is the correct version of the word part of the puzzle?
I did the same. However, I'm now still stuck with a couple letters that make absolutely no sense at all, no matter how creative I try to be... So should we wait for another edit/update...?
Also, is it just me (due to lack of sleep and thus temporarily decreased brain functionality :oops:) or does the word "unar" (which is listed as a word to find) not exist in the world of Elvenar? *scratches head*

Edit: Oh and btw; I am able to find one word twice, should I scratch it from the board twice? As it makes a difference in available letters... @Silmaril
That's probably the bug. If the words can be found more than once, then we'll end up with the wrong leftover letters :S