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Neighbours keep moving and quest clicking


Your best bet would be to scout evenly around your city so in a circle and hope that in time either you will be moved or you will get new neighbours to the left of your city. Uneven scouting gives all kinds of problems. Joining an FS will at least help you with trading.
I will, but I feel a little dumb to scout the wilderness in order to discover citys to trade with...........where no citys are....:(:(:(


Elia, I have been playing for a year, and I have completed 447 provinces. In that huge area I still only have maybe 10 neighbours that trade and I do 80% of my trading with my fellowship. Even on the best area of the map, with lots of completed provinces, your trading will be rubbish unless you are in an active FS. Its always worth doing more provinces, no matter if they are empty, because thats how you get city expansions.


Even on the best area of the map, with lots of completed provinces, your trading will be rubbish unless you are in an active FS.

This problem is magnified, I am sure, once you start making sentient goods (Elementals chapter)


Sentient good trading is fine. You can trade with the whole server with no trading fee. Discovered provinces, FS, no FS are all irrelevant - you see every sentient trade on the server anyway.