You're finding it hard, I understand. You are stuck, I understand. You say you have nothing in your inventory. But, your empty inventory is not because the game hadn't provided you with means to have things in the inventory.
You can make spells, so you could have had them, or you could make more. If you're out of relics, well then scout. If you're out of coins, well get more. If you're out of provinces, well scout more. If you're out of all of the various resources necessary, well apologies, but running out of resources at points in the game happens all the time. You'll eventually get more, you'll eventually do more, and you'll not be in the same situation next time
You're 26 quests into the event, so you could have won items (windfalls, AWKP) and buildings. Extremely lucky to get 1 or 2 buildings in an event? How are you playing these events? I admit I finish events, so get the max free currency, but I regularly get many more than 1 or 2 buildings, frequently 15-20. Yes, if you're only up to the 26th quest, well, you wont have all the currency yet, and so will have so far had lesser results, but again, not impossible.
Whole Fellowship of beginner players... As I asked earlier, who said that all possible fellowships, with any number of players at any level, should be able to complete a Fellowship Adventure? Keep going, you'll be collectively further along next FA, and should be able to go further next time. And further the time after that.
Frustrated by not being able to get anywhere? I thought you were stuck at Quest 27, not Quest 1?
I'm sorry that your reach is exceeding your grasp. Currently.
Grow. Improve.
Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together